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MTN Team to Fire Riders.


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Seems like the Mal and Nic Golden era is coming to an end.


Douglas will exercise his right to remove Malcolm, Nic and Neil from the team on the basis aof a breach of contract. The employment contract between MTN and its riders specificaly states no negotiations between the riders and other teams may take place before October each year.


Douglas has confronted all the riders mentioned above and they have admitted to trying to setup a new team.


It looks as though the three may leave without causing a stir. If not, Douglas may exercise his right to dismiss them on grounds of breach of contract. 


Word is that their new team may be ready to go sooner than next year.


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This topic again.

Question, why is it posted under photos ?  where is the pics of the myn bunch, specificly some ladies ?
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Here comes another 10 pages of ...........................................


.........a thread that will be deleted by the mods!


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Oooookay. More teams = better racing. A lot of MTN's results this year came from other riders - Thomson, Taylor, Van der Merwe, Evans, George, Nhlapo, Van Heerden (although, in case of the men's road team, the three mentioned above certainly must've played their part in getting the others in a winning postition). As long as this whole fiasco doesn't scare away MTN as a sponsor.


Imagine SA Championships next year... No squad with 11 strong riders dominating teams with 3 or 4 strong guys. Maybe the road race will be more interesting than the TT (unlike this year).
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i'm with all the folk who say


- good for sa cycling to have more teams

- good for guys to actually be looking after their futures and showing the others that it CAN be done




- get confirmed info before just posting stuff and stirring - Banji - best you say who you are cos at the rate you're going you're going to make some serious enemies and the reaction will be aggravated byt he fac thtat you hid your identity. so be a man and identify yourself.
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Banji is part of the MTN clan hence he knows the inside stuff and rides the EtE in the mornings as well.

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The question is what is Banji trying to achieve by starting rumours or leaking sensitive information. Sounds like a jilted lover to me

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i'm with all the folk who say


- good for sa cycling to have more teams

- good for guys to actually be looking after their futures and showing the others that it CAN be done




- get confirmed info before just posting stuff and stirring - Banji - best you say who you are cos at the rate you're going you're going to make some serious enemies and the reaction will be aggravated byt he fac thtat you hid your identity. so be a man and identify yourself.


and if its a girl ??


ok the door is on the left



Slowbee2008-06-12 04:16:33

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Banji is part of the MTN clan hence he knows the inside stuff and rides the EtE in the mornings as well.


Well, now only the MTN guys will be able to identify (and fire?) him....
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