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Get into a gym and build more strength in your legs and upper body.Increase your protein intake. that will increase your power to weight ratio.

Stay away from any products.
windblown2008-10-29 07:45:24
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Ja en sommer jou pap ook.


There is a good reason chemicals are banned in cycling and other sports. Creatine today EPO tomorrow and the morgue the day after.


You may not feel or see the damage, but it's there. Don't listen to the product pedlars, they have a hidden agenda to move more product and they basically don't give a rats bum about you.




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You may be slightly underweight but you are still growing so it is by no means an indication of any problem. Stay the way you are and develop naturally.

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I have some extra weight I can spare. PM me your address and I'll post you some.


Other than that you are actually fortunate. Work on your strength and the muscle mass will come. You have natural potential to kick ass.


Did you know that LA was an OK pro cyclist until he lost weight.


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I can relate to wher bush1 is coming from ... as a weightweenie (I thought that was clever so I put it in) it's often difficult to stick with a group on some of the fast flats.  If you're on the tail you have to work incredibly hard to close the gap if the bunch surges (or if a split occurs and you want to get across.) 


For me, it's just those extra 2kgs that I desire in order to have a better "rolling momentum" (coupled with the leg strength of course)
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Did you know that LA was an OK pro cyclist until he lost weight.



And then became super dooper after losing a nut and taking EPO... No, wait, wrong message to the youthConfused


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You may be slightly underweight but you are still growing so it is by no means an indication of any problem. Stay the way you are and develop naturally.


Thanks for all the advice and i wont be taking creatine seeing that no one has posted that i should try creatine.


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If want to put on weight,mayo and melted cheese but no garuntees you will get rid of it.Big%20smile

i am still trying to get rid of mineBig%20smile
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You may be slightly underweight but you are still growing so it is by no means an indication of any problem. Stay the way you are and develop naturally.


Thanks for all the advice and i wont be taking creatine seeing that no one has posted that i should try creatine.


Why do you want to take it?  What is it you feel needs improving?  Something specific or do you just want to go faster?
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I can relate to wher bush1 is coming from ... as a weightweenie (I thought that was clever so I put it in) it's often difficult to stick with a group on some of the fast flats.  If you're on the tail you have to work incredibly hard to close the gap if the bunch surges (or if a split occurs and you want to get across.) 


For me' date=' it's just those extra 2kgs that I desire in order to have a better "rolling momentum" (coupled with the leg strength of course)


Extra weight is not going to get you across the gap. Extra power from your legs is the only thing that's going to do that. If anything, less weight makes it easier to respond to jumps, since there's less mass to accelerate.


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I can relate to wher bush1 is coming from ... as a weightweenie (I thought that was clever so I put it in) it's often difficult to stick with a group on some of the fast flats.  If you're on the tail you have to work incredibly hard to close the gap if the bunch surges (or if a split occurs and you want to get across.) 


For me' date=' it's just those extra 2kgs that I desire in order to have a better "rolling momentum" (coupled with the leg strength of course)

Extra weight is not going to get you across the gap. Extra power from your legs is the only thing that's going to do that. If anything, less weight makes it easier to respond to jumps, since there's less mass to accelerate.
Indeed, just strap a 10kg bag to your back and see if you can hang on to a wheel!  It will only be more difficult.
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Son, go to a gym twice a week and do the leg press, leg curl and calf raise. 2 warm up sets of 10 reps, then 3 sets of 20 reps, balls to the wall (LA if you read this, just ball to the wall). And some sit-ups and leg raises. Nothing more needed,


Try and add a few eggs to your diet. No more than 2-3 per meal needed. Cheap and effective. And remember the veggies, mom was right. If you like peanut butter, make some sandwiches for in-between meal snacks.


Save your money, you do not need supplements. If you feel you are not getting enough veggies, use a good quality multi-vitamin.


--oOo-- end of preach
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You may be slightly underweight but you are still growing so it is by no means an indication of any problem. Stay the way you are and develop naturally.


Thanks for all the advice and i wont be taking creatine seeing that no one has posted that i should try creatine.


Why do you want to take it?  What is it you feel needs improving?  Something specific or do you just want to go faster?


Its not so much about getting faster. but this time last year i over trained and was out for 4 weeks. then my weight was 58kg. i am now alot taller (out grown to bikes) and  have only put on 2kg now weighing 60kg.

i dont know if low weight has anything to do with over training???

I am now training smart making sure i dont over train but still thought that maybe i needed to put on some weight.


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Overtraining is a very overused term, but even if you did, I doubt it would have affected your weight.  As you are growing, your body is adapting upwards and not sideways!  Give it time to adapt normally and don't disturb the natural growth (hormones, muscles etc.) and try to do the strengthening excercises as described.  Creatine is not the answer here and like the guys said, you don't need bulk, you need strength, so work on training and power excercises.   talk to a coach and find out how you can best improve and take all advice on the Hub with a pinch of salt (especially mine!)

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ok guys i agree with all of you and to be honest light is not always right for everyone




the question i am asking is why do you want to put on weight do you feel unhealthy sluggish and need to eat at all times to keep awake or is it just so you can look buff???




i personally weighed 58kg last year at the bakwena and 57 by the next week at 94.7 but i felt tired all the time and hungry whenever my eyes were open




i put on 7kg's in time for the argus and didnt perform as well as i would have liked to but i felt better




i now am weighing at an average of 63 and even though i am not as fit as i was last year i am stronger and better on the bike and off




so in my experience i didnt take anything like creatine or other weight suplements i just ate a little bit more than i burnt durin the day keeping it controlled enough so i didnt put on too much weight




another thing you should be wary of is what kinds supplements you are using and how much are you using during your training to prevent a loss of electrolytes and phantom overtraining symptoms not saying that you didnt overtrain but maybe go to a dietician it will help you alot

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