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Durbanville Area Roadies


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Guest Frail4Life


Sorry gonna have to give this 1 a skip :( gotta take the mrs to the 'Bosch. But keen to do it next weekend if you are free :)

Not worry, will check back next week.

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Howzit guys, finally I seem t have found people that know the Durbanville area for some stunning road rides... :clap:


Just a question....the Philadelphia road running down from Klipheuwel...is that ok to ride or not?


I am getting back on the road and training after a very long time off the bike and will check in soon wiht you guys for a ride....if thats ok :eek:

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That road is a regular feature for most local training rides.

There is no shoulder. So, hold your line.


I've never heard of any Incidents there other than punctures. ;-)

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Guest Frail4Life

Howzit guys, finally I seem t have found people that know the Durbanville area for some stunning road rides... :clap:


Just a question....the Philadelphia road running down from Klipheuwel...is that ok to ride or not?


I am getting back on the road and training after a very long time off the bike and will check in soon wiht you guys for a ride....if thats ok :eek:

The Road is 'Ok', but be Alert. As Dale mentioned, there is No Shoulder, them cars ride a little Crazy sometimes. The 'wanting factor' may happen Anytime. Welcome

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Lady and gents... Thank you for the ride today and thanks for bearing with me! It was not really long or steady but sure as hell was slow


Was awesome to be out there again!

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Lovely ride this morning :)


It is good to be back! Nice riding with you again 'Dale and TinyK(and pops)

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@Dale @ FRAIL


Thanks for the heads up....will take note of that


Seems to be way more training rides on this side....hope to join you all soon....


last day of long rides today, back to work tomorrow :( mind is fighting the work thing, body and legs is saying, I need to rest.. :eek:

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Pics from yesterday:

From L is Tankman, Many Lemons, Peter G, r0adrunnersa and Tiny K



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Pic above on the Vissershok ascent, Tankman in front, followed by udxcob, Ha Ha Kieran and D Lizzy.






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Looks like I missed out on a lekka ride. :thumbdown: :(

Any rides planned for this weekend? I'm available both Sat and Sun (although longterm weather predictions does not look too promising :cursing: )

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Yup, it was a lekker ride! Thanks guys!


@ Wannabe, ManyLemons and I were discussing doing the same route that we did the last time this Sunday if you're keen? We haven't worked out the logistics yet...

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