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Just wanted to do a shout out to anyone, who know's if there is such a thing as rules on the Moutain. With regards to how we ride.


E.g. Coming down single track you are coming down do you A) Give way to the person coming up or B) You have right of way or C) You both move to the opposite end to allow both riders to enjoy their ride.


I don't know how anyone feels about this but, I get lanked annoyed with people up their sometime's.


Just get's one very frustrated on their ride.


I think that Tokai should start putting rules up saying when riding up the mountain you stick left and riders coming down stick right. And when passing someone you pass on their right etc.


And some sort of rules for the single track as well as it is nice to do single track going up or down.


I am just putting it out their let me know your thoughts:)

Edited by Trance23
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This has been discussed several times here on The Hub.

Lots of different points of view and no real conclusion.


So a search and see what people have to say.



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I totally understand that this is an endless topic but, I am wanting to do something about it. As it is flipping dangerous at times when riding and people don't know which side to stick on.


I think at the bottom of the gate where you sign in on that sign their should be another sign stipulating how one should ride and be curtious on the mountain as it is only so BIG.


I think that some of the guys need to learn to controll the words they use on the moutain, and telling a lady to ****off is not really nice at all plus she was coming down the single track and to me coming down you should give way as that person is much faster than you coming up.


But that is my opnion I am sure their are plenty of others.


I just want to enjoy my riding at tokai since it is on my door steps as well as many other riders and it's nice to let people starting out MTB how the rules work on the mountain.

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Certain sections at Majick has also been marked "one-way" I posted the IMBA link as a guideline, as AMA Rider are members of IMBA and do a lot of the trail building work and maintenance in Tokai.


Trails are bi-directional, unless otherwise marked. I agree that there are a few sections that should be marked one-directional to ensure rider safety and enjoyment, but until its done, we have to ride with caution around those blind turns.

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As far as I understand on any trail or singletrack (apart from downhill sections like DH1, 2 or 3), the rider going up has right of way. If the rider going up is pushing, the rider going down has right of way.

This is true unless the trail is marked otherwise.

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@ Morewood I agree with what you are saying and I think that it is great the AMA Rider are helping the trails all over as we would not be able to do the sport/hobbie we love Mountain biking.


I dont agree that someone coming up a single track has right of way. They should be looking and checking all the time for someone or a group coming down. As they will be coming down alot quicker than you coming up. That is just common sense. I would always move out the way of someone coming down the single track, and then persue my route onwards.


The main hill, Single track at tokai is for MTB who only ride DOWNHILL and they flipping fly over those jumps and that course. And I would not dream of riding up that single track incase of a collision that could happen and that would not be pretty.


I think their should be signs saying which tracks are one way and which are two way's and if two ways who give's way to who.


Only way we can all ride in a nice environment and enjoy ourselves at the same time.

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Right of way for people plodding up the single track makes no sense if there are guys flying down it at 30km/h +

Am I missing something here?


It also doesn't make sense to ride up popular singletracks at 9am on a Saturday morning .. even worse, to ride up at that time and expect to have the right of way.

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Not sure who wrote these IMBA rules or how much riding they have been doing this century:


"Obey all bicycle speed regulations ... Do your utmost to let your fellow trail users know you're coming — a friendly greeting or bell ring are good methods" :blink:

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A bit of common sense and mutual respect is all that is needed. Either way going up or down the singletrack you should be looking ahead of you, and if you don't have the decency to slow down a bit, pass the fellow rider with a "thanks" or "hi" then you need to find yourself another sport/recreational activity.


I ride both up and down singletrack at Tokai, and always slow down or come to a stop to allow fellow mtb'ers a bit of room to pass - no need for road rage.

Edited by quickdraw
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Not sure who wrote these IMBA rules or how much riding they have been doing this century:


"Obey all bicycle speed regulations ... Do your utmost to let your fellow trail users know you're coming — a friendly greeting or bell ring are good methods" :blink:


You dont have a bell on your mtb?

Lucky Luke sounds like tis you who needs to advance into the AD era or 21st Century. :rolleyes:


All though come to think of it when i lived in SA i never dreamed of having a bell on my mtb, however here in hiking, walking the dog, horse riding, smelling the flowers paradise its a seriously good idea.


I ring my bell and people, dogs, horses give way...

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So If the Riders going up stick left. and the one's coming down stick right..... does that not = crash? :blink:


We talking from one of the riders perspectives!

Simple terms = up on one side & down on the other!

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So If the Riders going up stick left. and the one's coming down stick right..... does that not = crash? :blink:


We talking from one of the riders perspectives!

Simple terms = up on one side & down on the other!

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