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Racism on the Hub?


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What a TJOP... I have bought and sold from all races on the forum, some of my best friends here are coloured, have had them in my house and entertained them. Sad thing is that racism gets stuck in some poeples minds and then all and asunder are branded as racists. SHAME


Get off your high horse and think like most of us do. Racism is but a figment of a few retards past.


Most of us here look past colour and focus on the common denominator......CYCLING. Maybe you should too


......... But if the shoe fits fake and his tjommie let them wear it..... Maybe they are selling liberated part

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From my POV, I am sick to death of this savage, lawless behavior.

If you cannot abide by societies rules and norms, you should remove yourself or be removed.

But, cos I'm white, I'm a racist for calling it out.

If that's the case, I put my hand up high and say I'M A RACIST.


P.S. Yes, I don't see white people doing the things I listed.

Maybe I'm colour blind.


I'm with zaslinger on this one. Whites are always the first to be accused of being racist. A few years back a stupid white kid, Johan Nel I think it was, walked into a township and gunned down like 4 blacks. Man, that was headline news for weeks. Racism! The devil in white skin, Racist! Weeks on it was still headline news. When a white farmer is brutally killed and his wife stabbed to death after being burned with boiling water, then that's not racist apparently. It makes the headline news for about 6 minutes, then its just another shiny statistic for our lovely rainbow nation. Might have my facts wrong but that has happened at least 5 times in the last 2 years. The death toll of JUST farmers that have been killed is around 3500. That excludes residential home invasions, hijackings, robberies at businesses etc. But hey, coming back to the farmer, if he is killed it was usually some "Wage dispute", or the farmer treated his workers badly or some bullcrap. My boss "mistreats" me daily but I ain't going to take a panga to work. Forget the fact that without the farmer there would be no work to begin with, but logic clearly ends there. When there is a home invasion, father shot, mother and daughter raped and then killed, and NOTHING stolen, nope, that isn't racist , it was a "botched robbery". Next day Julius goes on about accusing white this and that. WTF? Even though you might not believe it, I am not a racist. My black neighbour and I talk **** all the time when we catch each other outside, talk about the rugby etc. Skin colour is not a problem. What I am however, is a "behaviour-ist", if there is something like that. So sick of the barbaric behaviour! A while back angry commuters, after their bus broke down on the way somewhere....... burned the bus down. Logic? In this year, angry students protesting that their classrooms were overcrowded.... burned two classrooms down. Ok, they clearly don't understand that those kids without classrooms now have to be slotted in elsewhere, making the classes MORE overcrowded. Ugh flip, don't get me started, but I rate its too late for that.

Edited by Azonic
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Ja nee it's a subject that runs deep here in SA given our shameful legacy. I for one would really like to see more South Africans cycling: and make a point of chatting to people of 'colour' at events. One thing is you see almost zilch Indians cycling. Why? Cycling is really a cultural thing as well, people and groups of people tend to do their own thing. It's a shame, there must be a lot of talent out there.


As for trading on the hub, really I think your friend has got it wrong: perhaps he is asking the wrong price, or going about it the wrong way, or trying to sell something that no one needs or wants. I have bought and sold, all has gone well, some things I haven't managed to sell either, it's market related. ps anyone need a carbon Ritchey 27.1 mm seatpost? Bought here as 'new' turned out to be a lemon.

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Ja nee it's a subject that runs deep here in SA given our shameful legacy. I for one would really like to see more South Africans cycling: and make a point of chatting to people of 'colour' at events. One thing is you see almost zilch Indians cycling. Why? Cycling is really a cultural thing as well, people and groups of people tend to do their own thing. It's a shame, there must be a lot of talent out there.


As for trading on the hub, really I think your friend has got it wrong: perhaps he is asking the wrong price, or going about it the wrong way, or trying to sell something that no one needs or wants. I have bought and sold, all has gone well, some things I haven't managed to sell either, it's market related. ps anyone need a carbon Ritchey 27.1 mm seatpost? Bought here as 'new' turned out to be a lemon.


........... what racej of person did you buy the seat post from????????bb

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Ja nee it's a subject that runs deep here in SA given our shameful legacy. I for one would really like to see more South Africans cycling: and make a point of chatting to people of 'colour' at events. One thing is you see almost zilch Indians cycling. Why? Cycling is really a cultural thing as well, people and groups of people tend to do their own thing. It's a shame, there must be a lot of talent out there.


As for trading on the hub, really I think your friend has got it wrong: perhaps he is asking the wrong price, or going about it the wrong way, or trying to sell something that no one needs or wants. I have bought and sold, all has gone well, some things I haven't managed to sell either, it's market related. ps anyone need a carbon Ritchey 27.1 mm seatpost? Bought here as 'new' turned out to be a lemon.


You should come to Durban man!!! :D (that was NOT a racist remark ;) )

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Yip they hate being THRASHED by the cool cats, at their own sport


dont u know it... ;)


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I should get the dictionary out because I thought "racist" is the female form of "racer"??... Perhaps stating your ethnic group should also be compulsory to place an add in classifieds along with price, pics, size, model and location. On a seeerias note, on the hub my race is cyclist. Someone on this forum has a very cool signature stating: "Anyone on a bicycle is a friend of mine." This statement reigns true for me too, except for guys who wear Powerbalance... ;-) . My computer won' t place emoticons, perhaps it is previously disadvantaged...

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You know the problem with starting a thread is that it can't be closed - well at least not by me.


Thanks for all the comments guys - some really good ones - I think my friends stuff were probably not selling because they either overpriced or in a bad condition - I never got to see the stuff.


So, I admit that there's no racism on the Hub and it was a stupid thread to begin with?


Once again, sorry if the thread offended anybody.






BTW, the West Coast Express had brilliant weather!!!!!!!!!!!

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......... But if the shoe fits fake and his tjommie let them wear it..... Maybe they are selling liberated part

WELL DONE! Big H there you go stereotyping people and lend credence to the misguided premise on which this thread was started.


I personally have had no issues with selling things to all and sundry. As have my friends.I have had lots of money transferred to me before sending the goods.


The worse people are those irrespective of race who cant see fair value and want to haggle ad nauseum or sellers who are unreallistic/dishonest.

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WELL DONE! Big H there you go stereotyping people and lend credence to the misguided premise on which this thread was started.


I personally have had no issues with selling things to all and sundry. As have my friends.I have had lots of money transferred to me before sending the goods.


The worse people are those irrespective of race who cant see fair value and want to haggle ad nauseum or sellers who are unreallistic/dishonest.


You protest too much..... Guilty conscience????????? ...... Or does the same shoe fit you...... Chill out..... Get a life!!!!!!!!!!

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You protest too much..... Guilty conscience????????? ...... Or does the same shoe fit you...... Chill out..... Get a life!!!!!!!!!!


BTW are you Fakie's tjommie?????????????

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Well one of my friends told me that he can't sell some stuff on the hub because he is a coloured and the whites don't want to buy from him. Can this be true?


Utter, utter balls!


Nobody knows what colour anybody else is until well into the sale process.


When it comes to buying stuff, there is only one colour: the green! Your mate prolly wants too much of the green for whatever he is selling.


From time to time, racism does raise its unlovely head on the Hub, and when it does it gets slapped down pretty quickly. But as an excuse for why your mate's stuff is not selling? ROFLMAO!

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You know the problem with starting a thread is that it can't be closed - well at least not by me.


Thanks for all the comments guys - some really good ones - I think my friends stuff were probably not selling because they either overpriced or in a bad condition - I never got to see the stuff.


So, I admit that there's no racism on the Hub and it was a stupid thread to begin with?


Once again, sorry if the thread offended anybody.






BTW, the West Coast Express had brilliant weather!!!!!!!!!!!

You were brave to ask this question, Fakes.

It is a very loaded topic. Lots of emotions run beneath the surface. For blacks and whites. It is tough to discuss here.

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