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Everything posted by Tachymeter

  1. It's because they getting paid millions of Rands for IPL cricket and their asses get bailed out everytime by another player. If they play ass a team nobody at the other end can stand their ground. Like the previous guy said you cant realy catch up the runs you lost in the first 5 overs. You need to stick to your required runs from the beginning. Smith is a 5 day captain, and yes Botha must take over for the T20's and 1 day's.
  2. And now you named your GTFAN-
  3. Carbon is a better conductor of elec than alu if Im not mistaken, see the lightning warning on carbon fishing rods, dont handle fishing rod when lightning in the area.
  4. Valid question.Does underpants help? Tachymeter2010-05-12 07:26:54
  5. SHoe whats next missle launcher? If the skelm stoppes you with a gun and strip you of your clothes and find this "toy" you will surely be dead! So you take this toy along and get jacked by a guy with a knife all good and well you got a chance. If the guy has a gun what the hell will you do?Through your toy away before he sees it.... To many if's to take a chance! Rather let the bike go and be able to greet your wife and kids when you get home!Tachymeter2010-05-12 07:27:18
  6. Rather get insurance on your bikes, cellphones, you guys are playing with your lives!
  7. EK pee myself nou pap nat!!!!!
  8. Ja must admit that as a recreational rider I wont accept anything except seeing them pour coca-cola for me out of the bottle. Realy irresponsable for taking any bottle to drink off. Also he should know (he knew) he had to report everything to his team doctor if he changed asma meds.
  9. I think that you should firstly have spoken to management as this might get everybody interested except SBR management. Hope you get the go ahead though. I dont have any cash to donate but will be able to help "erect" plant those sighns for you. So I donate time to your cause.
  10. WTH, I will stay with my road cycling ideas from now on. R35K for just an entry................. Is it that good?
  11. Shoe...... Read you doing better hope and praying that you have a full recovery!
  12. HI Gary Francois here, is it one of your riders that got injured?
  13. Are you and the Bank Manager good friends?
  14. Sell the bike and add the money to buy a better bike guy!
  15. Like I said just a thought that the fastest time would always be the winning time.
  16. I dont realy know a lot about the seeding and how it works but this is my 5 cents. If you are competing against lets say 5000 cyclist in a race and the winning time for a 100km race was 2h30min. Their will be a slight chance that the fastest would not have come out of the elite bunch but maybe out of bunch B thus the "winning time" wount nessaceraly be the fastest time.
  17. No this is not what they stand for they have guys getting on bikes from 9 and pedal for more power durring races thus pedal-power
  18. Well at least cyclelab updated theirs, they added about 6 races from jan 2010
  19. Yes I need to. Haven't been on the bike for two weeks now. Have to do the SBR sooner than later, company has entry into coronation double century.
  20. Shoe! Ek klim nou eers weer op thehubsa, en dit is wat ek moet lees. Hartseer en verlee is net n paar woorde wat ek aan kan dink. Hartseer is in ons harte en ons dink aan die familie en friende wat die beproewing moet deursien. God se liefde en krag met julle!
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