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Pure Savage

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Everything posted by Pure Savage

  1. Merc should have pitted Lewis for Softs, if Max stayed out, Lewis could have passed on the last lap. Just the way the cooke crumbles. I think there are a lot of youtubers with pre recorded shows that need to go do some edits quick.
  2. They going to give Lewis that 5 second penalty for corner 1 and then max 5 seconds for passing under safety car.
  3. Amazing race! Perfect end to the season by Max. For all the bad luck he has had all season being punted off in UK and Hungary, a dodgy tyre in Baku, glad to see the driver who lead 72% of the laps this year world champion. Good luck to the team of Drive to survive to add more drama than that.
  4. Another person was knocked down in Lakeside this morning when 2 taxis stopped and let a car cross into a side road and the poor dude hit the car. He will be ok but his Niner gravel bike not so much.
  5. My seeding dropped from 0.45 to 39 due to punctures in both the Argus events, which is the best place to improve seeding. The 100 miler did not help the cause as although we caught VC, VB, VA and almost all of $, I personally may have burnt some matches before the last climb and gave up a lot on the final climb. Durbie Dash managed to do a decent time and that has increased seeding to 8.77 now. Top Tip - Stick on the Savages wheels this weekend, they want to try get an A seeding from the event.
  6. 😉 You need to get at least further than me next time round.
  7. There may be some Savages this weekend in C at the Sportif. 🤠
  8. The reason we put Savages in $ and @ is so I don't have to sit on their wheels in the red all day in 1A.
  9. ha ha, you did make a tough day a lot better with that comment. appreciate it.
  10. Win races before the Cycle Tour or ride in a pro team or Savage.
  11. 100% Max is going to take any gap this weekend. Ready!
  12. Interesting we allow Tobacco advertising again...
  13. I dont know our buyers name or number. I still have a set of keys I need to give them. I am not being much help, but I would just say that is in the state they bought it and was not deemed an issue. You can just lawyer up and send them a letter, is it worth it over a shower door? I am not sure.
  14. The flat roof in our place has started to leak like a sieve and transfer has not gone through yet, she says she will have it done in Jan after transfer has gone through, I hope she keeps to her word. On the other hand, our house the massive pergola collapsed off the wall in the large storm we had 3 weeks after transfer. The new owner claimed for insurance and had it replaced as it happened during a storm. Pity they did not save the massive bourgonvilla.
  15. My wife just ran the Tour de Bootlegger. We are not in the positive pink slip territory
  16. This is crazy. Need to ride in groups, only safe way. We had someone try and jump one of us in Woodstock main road on Saturday at 7:30
  17. He came 4th last year after missing the turn in last km and losing podium like that. The chap can ride!
  18. Have been getting updates from DH. He had a good rest last night and is looking to drop some hammer today. Hopefully his Chappies sprint comes in Handy
  19. Fine, here are some more pics... We moved the neutral zone to this porta loo as Ashton smelt REAL funky and did not feel like sitting in that smell. First sister Woot woot. Might even do a race report for @Patchelicious
  20. Nobody stopped people riding the route, you were just asked to take off your number and be safe while doing it at your own risk. Just for those that are not up to speed with events, if you cancel or not, you still pay all your suppliers and event staff etc. That R3m in entry fees does not go far when organizing such a large event, main reason there is a sponsor. Sounds like this thread needs more pictures from en route.
  21. This thread needs some piktchas: Crosswinds in the Valley of death were fun Almost complete, almost. Cannot leave this pic out. That Robertson headwind was the best part of the day.
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