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Everything posted by Mojoman

  1. haha, A friend of mine went over to the UK for a few years and to keep him homesick we used to send him stories like this out of the local papers! Its unbelieveble what goes on sometimes! But ja, if the goat is good enough for a quckie, it is good enough to marry hey!
  2. Ja, another stupid move by the powers that be,... Mojoman2010-02-26 04:58:25
  3. Wow, sounds like its getting a bit rough out there, prehaps you should run with someone or keep some teargas on you.
  4. The rice one sounds interesting,.....!
  5. Makes little difference to me as long as it is not too crude or overly abusive...on second thought how are you going to moderate that!!
  6. Don't you know roids makes certain body parts shrink. Ja, like the brain to begin with,.......!!
  7. Some people are pretty stupid when it comes to animals, where I ride you need to keep your eyes open for dogs, people riding horses, cattle wandering around.
  8. Great suggestion. I like it. I like it a lot! http://fengshuihouse.co.uk/images/bells-whisky.jpg Brilliant!
  9. Maybe we should ride with bells!!
  10. Wow, after reading this thread I am truly looking forward to my first MTB race in May!
  11. what did I do? are you now the fat thread police ? http://office-humour.co.uk/content/images/2008/12/10450.jpg Looks like one of our Metro cops!!
  12. I don't look like Tom Cruise or that funny looking oke from Greys Anatomy, I don't get upset when my girlfriend says how sexy these guys are and watches cr#p on the TV because of this!!
  13. Sorry, was wondering how the guy managed to steal the bike.
  14. Thats where I came across this, in an online Shimano manual. I thought the brakes were like a car's,..i.e a closed system, the only way to introduce air would be to have leaks in the tubing/piping/unions or in the reservoirs or at the caliper end?
  15. Am just checking its safe to lay the bike down in the back of my car or for when I fix a puncture. Thanks.
  16. I am busy looking at hydraulic brakes on my possible future bike, but I have read somewhere that you need to be careful when laying the bike down on its side, and turning upside down as the brakes can then get air in them,...any truth to this?
  17. They drive you mad, even worse when you have a more than one phone line,....they just don't get the message that you don't want their product/service etc and then they get all miff about it!! The best way for me is to say 'Thanks but no thanks' if they get shirty after that just hang up!
  18. Wow, thats enough to put anyone off marshalling!
  19. Where did you get pricing as I am also in the market for a new bike around R5000. Personally I would look at the Merida.
  20. If you are not feeling 100%, give it a miss rather than put strain on your heart,....Take the time to recover now.
  21. While I agree that you can't judge someone by looks alone (I would be screwed otherwise!!), it does help if whoever is assisting you does cycle or has some physical riding knowledge. It helps when trying to explain something to someone and hopefully saves time and frustration.
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