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River Rat

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Everything posted by River Rat

  1. It looks like nobody has a problem with the current opening hours!
  2. The safety and security system at Klapperkop although very haphazrd has had some postive effects in that the spate of muggings has stopped since the gates have been closed at night and access controlled during the day. The unintended consequences are that house break ins have spiked as criminals shift their focus, we are addressing this with Nature Conservation and the adjacent estates to improve day and night time security. Another aspect is that we are denied access to the reserve for early morning and evening training. Officially the open times are from 7am to 5pm but I am exploring a technical solution that would allow access to paid members from 5am to 7pm. To gauge the viability of this I need to get an indication on whether you would be prepared to pay an annual fee and how much. So if you would like to use Fort Klapperkop please indicate your preference in the poll in terms of an annual fee. I am doing this on various groups so please only particpate once.
  3. He has been working this angle for some time now I hope the Councillor gets this right. However, TMPD have shown themselves to be unreliable partners in the past so let's hope their is a positive change.
  4. A bit more detail from Hi Risk's facebook page. Hi-Risk Unit (SRU) Fort Klapperkop Operational success and shoot out. Tuesday night 17/07/2018 HRU Strategic Response Unit (SRU) were following up information from an informant that between 5 and 10 armed suspects had entered the reserve. The information obtained from the informant was that Hi Risk Unit had in recent weeks been hampering the robbers operation and thus forced them to change their operating time to after dark. They told the informant that they would strike after the marked security vehicles had left and under the cover of darkness. Allegedly, the gang had gained new members that were even more violent and had allegedly just been released from prison. The members moved the marked vehicles out of sight and for backup purposes and placed SRU members in the unmarked vehicles to patrol and stop off at the view points. The SRU teams had noticed a few people, mainly couples at the various view points. These they monitored and ensured that they were safe. Just before 20:00 they received a call to respond to viewpoint 2 as suspects were attacking a car and the occupants. The vehicles responded and found nobody at that viewpoint. However, just after they stopped a large number of suspects attacked the unmarked security vehicle with 2 SRU personnel inside. The assailants hit the drivers window with a steel pipe or bat, hitting the driver on his bulletproof vest and arm. The shattered window also covered his face and eyes with glass. As the members exited the vehicle to engage the suspects, the perpetrators realized they were Hi Risk Unit Operators and opened fire on them. The driver returned fire, hitting two of the suspects. One suspect was fatally wounded and found in possession of a firearm. A second suspect was detained a few meters away with multiple wounds. Within seconds back up arrived and pursued the remaining suspects into the reserve. After a few minutes members from Sunnyside SAP, Metro K9 Unit and the SAPS chopper assisted in the search. A Hi Risk Rescue ambulance was dispatched and treated both the suspect as well as the security officer. One SRU member sustained an injury to his right arm and shoulder, and multiple cuts to his face from the shattered glass and was transported to hospital for further treatment. These criminals have been proven over the last few months to be highly aggressive and prone to violence. Although they have been dealt a bloody nose for now, HRU once again suggests that the general public do not visit these view points after dark. Should you have any information of attacks in the area please do not hesitate to call us. 0861 707 777
  5. Don't be too sure this was the second attempt on the Hi Risk operation. Last week Friday two guys tried to rob one of the our security guys with knives but they bolted when they saw he was armed. this time they came back armed.
  6. Update Some good news last night two suspects were apprehended after being caught in a sting operation set up by Hi Risk Security Unit at. At around 20.00 last night an unknown number of assailants tried to rob a vehicle manned by Hi Risk personnel, in the process they smashed the window of the vehicle with a baseball bat. In the attack one of the Hi Risk officers was hit with the baseball bat and the assailants also fired shots at them. A shootout ensued and one suspect was killed and the other wounded, the rest fled on foot. The sting operation has been ongoing for a couple of weeks now and thanks to the dedication of Hi Risk personnel with the assistance of Graham de Lange we hit paydirt last night. Thankfully the Hi Risk guys are fine albeit a bit bruised. Please note that Klapperkop is not safe after dark and we're trying to get council close the reserve to the public from 19:00 to 5:00am this could happen any day now so please plan your cycling routes and times accordingly.
  7. He's still intact but I am not a breeder. He is going to be a very large Ridgeback which might not make him that desirable if you want show quality offspring unless you want larger Ridgebacks with a pedigree.
  8. At 9.5 months this 50kg boy just graduated from his Foundation Agility course. I have my doubts whether his size will allow him to continue with Agility but we had huge fun! His pace through the tunnel was quicker than a Gupta through immigration but it did look like you were squeezing a pimple
  9. Ranger at the beach for the first time, he is 40kg and thinks he's a big dog. But when you see the sea for the first time and you're only 5 months old it's a scary place. It took two trips but he eventually braved the waves simply to be with us and now the sea is his favourite place. This going to be one huge Ridgeback!
  10. Yoh those are big dogs, so your boy's size seems in line with the breed and his parentage, as a matter of interest what is the breed standard weight? In my case Ranger is already more than halfway to the breed standard for a Ridgeback which is 40-45kg. He was way bigger than his siblings and considered too large by the breeder for a showdog. Like you I'm hoping he grows into his skin and paws, but in the meantime I'm rather enjoying this gangly teenager! As an aside there is a debate in the Rhodesian Ridgeback circles of how the demand for larger Ridgebacks is growing as a result of the safety situation in SA. In the US and UK owners seem to be satisfied with the breed standard as it is. Who knows we might be witnessing the evolution of the breed in SA
  11. Seems like we're on a similar time-line. Ranger weighed in at 28.6 kg at 16 week.
  12. At least you had fresh breath whichever way you "breathed"
  13. My mate Pieter Strobos eventually had three pairs of cycling shorts on at the same time. This issue nearly ended his race and it took a huge amount of vasbyt to finish when two days in he was looking at a top 20 finish. Anyway I'm teasing him about his Munga Bum. Like you he's a tough bugger!
  14. This not my recollection of the origin of the name, I believe it was a play on the word Ironmonger to Ironmunga to just Munga.
  15. So here's the emerging plan (Slowbee read this). 1. Have a chat with my man Pieter Strobos about the Munga, (after he has soaked his Munga bum in the sea over christmas) to get an understanding of the event. Bearing in mind that Pieter is a very different rider to me as he has a very good cycling pace where as I'll be slow, but his insights will help me understand the requirements of this race. 2. Get my back sorted out by Christmas. 3. If 2. above is sorted do Joberg2c. 4. If 3 above is a success target a 180km ride under 10hours. 5. If 4. above is a success enter Munga. 6. Then train like hell,
  16. Anyone seen the official results yet? I am interested to see how they have dealt with the riders that went off course.
  17. When you just want to be one of this gang of heroes! https://www.facebook.com/231971583921574/videos/303884553396943/
  18. He has definitely finished, I spoke to him just after he crossed the line just before 8 am this morning.
  19. I think it reflects where the tracker was deactivated. So they could have crossed the line and then moved to their backup vehicles which is where the tracker was deactivated and that's the position you see.
  20. RDK also over the top 17k to go I think he'll be our last man over the line with about 30min to spare.
  21. LF over the top of Bains RDK not updating
  22. RDK & LF just have to get over the top of the climb before 11:00 and they'll make it. It might be bitter sweet for RDK thanks to his nav error.
  23. If last year is anything to go by unless she turns back and rejoins the race where she left it it's DQ.
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