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Everything posted by Andymann

  1. And haven't we fount that out! - you just need to compare the bike times from the Bianchi with all the bells and whistles to the Cannondale with good mid-range components to see just how much faster a correct-fitting frame lets you go!
  2. I recently compiled a database of TT bikes and assuming the 2014 P2 has not had a radical change of geometry, those two frames are completely different re Stack vs. Reach - the Cervelo is long and low while the Slice is short and high. Far too much emphasis is put on components etc, and not enough on the correct fit for your body type. This is especially relevant on TT bikes. Yes you can play around with different seat heights and stems etc, but for 180kms if you have long legs and a short torso, the Cannondale will be better, and if you have a long torso, the Cervelo would be better. Pick a frame, and then spec the components afterwards.
  3. I agree. The CT Event for me was on of the highlights of my season - I've been going down for the last 4 years and it was always a great weekend away
  4. Very interesting.....So I'm guessing Momentum and PeptoPro have withdrawn sponsorship to the National Duathlon series, to fund their own series? Hope Franco Sport has managed to get another sponsor on board - these things are tough enough to arrange as it is!
  5. Last year first race was 7th April so if they are going ahead like last year, it's less than a month before the series starts. Doesn't sound too promising.
  6. Anyone know if this series will be happening this year? The website says dates and venues tba in Feb, but nothing yet. Best I can find is a twitter link @DualXsa which sort of looks like the old Momentum/PeptoPro logos from 2013, but that refers to only 4 off-road events in and around Gauteng.... Hope they haven't dropped the Series......
  7. There's a herbal solution called Friars Balsam. Also burns like the pits of hell, but one or two applications and you wont believe the results.....
  8. Needless to say, when we called the police they didn't come
  9. The guy living behind our factory in Krugersdorp has a really nice garden going......
  10. RULE 5.1 Unless the R/$ is above 11 and clusters and chains cost R2000. Then HTFUOID. (Have The Fun Upstairs On Indoor Trainer)
  11. Interesting problem we encountered this weekend when doing some tests on the Vortex - we moved it out of it's usual position in the training room and for some reason after that nothing wanted to pick up - the cadence was sluggish, none of the HR monitors wanted to pick up the power values were all haywire. Only after we unplugged our wireless router to plug in a cooling fan, did everything start working again. I'm not an expert on ANT+, but for sure, there was some sort of interference between the router and the Vortex....
  12. Can you imagine having him shouting in your ear during an individual TT
  13. Or you could go to Neil from Dinamic Coaching in Cape Town who will rather do a lactate test, and from those values, work out your HR zones corresponding to your increasing lactate levels, and depending on what outcomes you are expecting from your training will tailor an individual training program for you.
  14. Lekker man! I work that side. Very interesting people to be found in Krugersdorp
  15. It's on the wife's bike, so I better check with her first! Where are you based?
  16. I've got R - need to swap to J. I think they come out standard with R?
  17. http://www.visiontechusa.com/ Anyone know who the RSA distributors are? Need to change the bend on my current tri-bars and I want to know if you can purchase the extensions separately from the whole bar Thanks
  18. Yuuuup. That's how it is. Or you need to send them a nice email with all your 2013 Duathlon results and ask them nicely to be part of their team. I tried and they said nope, so I'm off to Klerksdorp..... I'll tell her!
  19. Nope - no CGT provincials this year..... you have SA's and then the NW provincials if you want to try and qualify for the SA's. There are a few off-road du's in February - the Sasol X series and the X-Dirt Tri/Du both start in Feb
  20. I agree with the above - a good alu-welder will be able to repair that - drill the ends of the crack so that they don't spread, and weld. As long as your seatpost is in far enough it will be fine. If you were in Pta, I know an ex-SAA welder who has done some pretty awesome stuff for me.
  21. Velo is probably your best bet - they do have a Tuesday and Thursday early morning route they do. It's worth joining the club - you don't have to I guess, but they do supply a back-up vehicle on the rides, so that alone is worth it. None of the roads are really super-safe cycling friendly in Pta east. Early mornings, the R50 Delmas is pretty quiet, and depending on how long you want to go, there is a nice loop out the R50, left onto the R25 and then either back along Lynwood, or around the Rayton/Cullinan road and back along Boshkop into Lynwood. Unfortunately, Lynwood and Boshkop are getting quite busy now though, so if you get them later in the morning it isn't pleasant. Don't be tempted to come back via Garstfontein - or at least if you do, turn early and get back onto the R50 again. Going straight back along Garstfontein past Rafters and Woodlands is a bit risky with some recent hijackings.....
  22. http://www.pro-bikegear.com/publish/content/pro_2010/nl/en/index/products/seatpost/mtb.-productCode-PRSP0065.html
  23. I bought a PRO seatpost for my training bike. It was about 20g heavier than the carbon one which is on my race bike, but importantly was only about R300 Works like a dream!
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