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Everything posted by AndrewF

  1. CycleFit all the way! Great guys, great studio - and the price! Never been happier on the bike!
  2. Not "thankles"? Thigh into foot.....
  3. I'm in J with a mate of mine, both after sub 3
  4. Also in a "space" situation... Currently bikes stacked next to the staircase. Not ideal as our domestic worker keeps "rearranging" them when she cleans (worry all day my babies will be "hurt" ) Been thinking/looking into options and I'm quite keen on making them part of the home decor. Some options I've been looking at: 1) Putting something like this together, on rollers (have 4 bikes) - stack them together and slide each "out" when needed. I may be keen to start a small business making these for hubbers in need (Would also bring costs down) http://p-ec2.pixstatic.com/51bc54b8d9127e25ab000aeb._w.540_s.fit_.jpg 2) Displaying them as "art" (various options) http://0.lushome.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/cycle-parking-bike-storage-rack-room-decorating.jpg http://2-ps.googleusercontent.com/x/www.trendhunter.com/cdn.trendhunterstatic.com/thumbs/xvery-nice-bike-rack.jpeg.pagespeed.ic.0nBXNLildd.jpg
  5. I'm so chuffed this worked out the way it has Albeit a bit disappointing from ASG's side. I understand companies run budget for these things, but then to go on and say that they will give BACK 10% of what is spent by the people trying to make this happen (exploitation much?) over the next given period is just daft. When a company makes as much as ASG does, it shouldn't be that hard to "find" 5-10k... Just my opinion here... don't any of you go raging at me
  6. I'm so chuffed this worked out the way it has Albeit a bit disappointing from ASG's side. I understand companies run budget for these things, but then to go on and say that they will give BACK 10% of what is spent by the people trying to make this happen (exploitation much?) over the next given period is just daft. When a company makes as much as ASG does, it shouldn't be that hard to "find" 5-10k... Just my opinion here... don't any of you go raging at me
  7. Hey hubbers. Looking to get my wife a new pair of mtb shoes and can grab a good deal on the new 2013 Specialized Motodiva Womens shoe. Anyone used them and can assist with review? Thanks! Scrumpy
  8. @FacePlant - You are correct, but what I meant, in light of what was being said/asked, was that even if it's colder than 22 you may not be allowed to wear your wetsuit. Ie, the temp is NOT the deciding factor - can't bank on a yes or no for wetsuits, but thanks for clearing it up
  9. Totally agree with Jonnow *Thumbs up*
  10. Chip systems are used and can differ between races depending on the organisers and sponsored timing... Spectrum Sport - BSG I think Champion Chips are used as well for some events
  11. Must say, 3 sessions in, I am IN LOVE with this kind of training. Very specific to the individual. Feeling gains already!!! Agree with Rabbit and Bastardo with adding another session, preferably a tempo (can do as many extra sessions at no cost, just check with the studio, but rest and recovery is vital...) @Batsardo - how's the Triathlon prep coming along?
  12. Also BSG at Vanderbjyl on the 2nd
  13. Mon / Wed 5am Mon / Wed 6am Mon / Wed 5pm Mon / Wed 6pm Tue / Thu 5am Tue / Thu 6am Tue / Thu 7am Tue / Thu 8am Tue / Thu 5pm Tue / Thu 6pm
  14. Yeah, totally up to race officials. Obviously they take temp and conditions into consideration
  15. This isn't the only factor. Officials call whether a race is "suit legal" on the morning of race day. At 11 Global the other week, the water temp was 22 and they announced that suits may not be used... So don't bank on it. Always be prepared to swim without and have the suit in case you can use it There is the BSG sprint tri in Vanderbjyl (spelling? sorry) on the 2nd Dec, but not sure if entries have closed or not. If it is, you may be able to get an entry from someone. The BSG's are really fun and there are loads of non-sporty people who do them. So you won't finish near the back
  16. Hey Bastardo. Welcome to multisport - you won't regret it other than it becomes REALLY addictive! Some key learning points from my experience (Not that it's much): 1) Nutrition is VITAL - your body does a lot of work and different work. It's totally different from just cycling, running or swimming. Remember that you don't take on anything during the swim, so I suggest getting some energy in in juice form prior to start. Especially when getting into anything close to olympic distance (1500m). This is not for the swim, but more for the first part of the bike. 2) Remember that the bike is the longest part of any tri. So don't neglect that. Most of your time will be lost or gained here. 3) Most people struggle with the swim to start with and put most if not all their focus into it. This is a mistake. Swim regularly and start stringing together the laps. Over time your swimming confidence and ability will improve. This doesn't happen over night. Get out and do some open water swims as these are vastly different to pool swimming. Try get out even in some not so nice weather as race day isn't always perfect. Especially get out when a bit windy to help you get used to swimming with some choppy water. There is a place out near the cradle where you can do this http://www.lake-heritage.co.za/ Take the bike and running togs with and do your own tri 4) Practice transition. Work out what you need and in what order. Prepare before the race so you know what to expect on race day. There are a ton of youtube videos that will help you fill in the stuff you probably haven't thought about yet. 5) Don't stress about transitions. You will get better and quicker at them the more events you do. I try to focus on getting my heart rate down between the swim and the bike. All the "chaos" of transition can push the HR up quite a bit. 6) Run off the bike, a lot... and then do it some more. Your legs are not used to this change so prepare them. Remember that on race day you work at least 10% harder than training so do some HARD runs off the bike too. 7) Wetsuits are needed for cold swims, anything below 18 degrees is wetsuit legal and it's generally necessary (Can't participate without one) under 14 degrees. I can handle anything to around 16 degrees, but the suit is definitely worth it. Wait till you need it though if cash is tight. 8) Do NOT feel like you need to get a TT bike, yet. A decent road bike is sufficient until you want to start really pushing your limits and maybe competing. I hope this helps a bit. Shout if you have any specific questions or want to get together for some training sessions. I live in Hyde park. Scrumpy out
  17. I've done Midmar 6 times, but last was when I was a 19 - I few years ago From what I remember, Bufflespoort is better... Could be wrong. Looking to do Midmar next year. So will know for sure then
  18. The swim is amazing at Buffelspoort - cleanest open water swim I have ever done. The terrain is tough, but the bike course is just awesome. Beware of the run though... save something extra in your legs on the bike
  19. 12 week course with 2 sessions equals 24 sessions @R2100 - this means each sessions is R87 and you can use the studio for more sessions if you want. It's actually encouraged
  20. Had out first proper training session last night and I must say I'm excited for the next 11 weeks of training. Class was 50 minutes long - 5min warm up and then some intervals (low watts with high, steady cadence then high watts with low, steady cadence) then some one legged even watts and cadence spins ending with a nice cool down. Training in different power zones at different cadences seems so logical for gaining power and efficiency. I recommend this class for any cyclist!
  21. I'm in Milkworx! Will be my first full Xterra, just did my first olympic triathlon at Suncity - multisport has bitten me HARD!!!
  22. Done X 3 Vote once, new private/incognito window, vote again, then again from phone and or tablet Good luck mate!
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