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Thor Buttox

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Everything posted by Thor Buttox

  1. Is that a 1950's Schwinn single-speed that woman is standing in front of???
  2. Not in my lifetime! I haven't waxed in ages... Was just thinking... Name: EyeCandy *Check* Picture: Posted online and rather Candy-like *Check* Faultless, smoothe, injury-free legs... Oh, dear... Name: Thor Buttox... It's a premonition!!
  3. I'm sure you had three/four/five pairs in reserve... Just like my speedo's
  4. I read somewhere that you had a big crash, so they are probably all torn up
  5. Men who look at oars... and clearly wear rubbers of some sort!
  6. Look how white the background is... can't take my eyes off it... it's hypnotic! I've decided that white cycling shorts be damned... I'm taking white lycra gym pants and riding to my nearest river crossing... who needs a chamois or lining!!
  7. Sorry I missed it could have used some light relief!
  8. Yeah, it's a cool ride without worrying about cars!! Unfortunately those of us with without road bikes can't keep up with the fast guys, especially when they suddenly take off like scalded cats when you're busy chatting at the back! I just rely on that old rule that I just made up "Riding alone into a gale is better for your fitness."
  9. You'll do fine... I'm just an average hacker and I hang on mostly. (and if you do lose them, you just wait for the one bit where you can take a short cut across the slip road and rejoin around the corner.)
  10. I'm normally one of the knobs on knobblies so i just try stick it out as best I can, or until I lose the bunch. Think the most we did in the hour last year was about 33km/h, cos the first 30 mins is mostly a warm-up pace and then the guys speed up and do interval training. And the front group never catches the slow one.
  11. Gotta get back into my "beat the traffic" Tuesday night Killarney mode again.
  12. I did this last year - it's a cool hour of riding... hopefully I'm not the only unfit one! And that there are enough riders for a slow group!
  13. Here's hoping... the 2ft of water we rode through near then end did some serious damage to my bike, And the inside of my car ... and I nearly impaled myself on a wooden bridge
  14. I would think the only way wearing a magnet would make you go faster is by sliding it down in front of your CatEye reader... but that's just me. And I once bought a Verimark Steam-Clean-Green-***-Ironing-Thingy that burnt out after two uses and stuffed up my shirts. Once burnt, twice shy.
  15. Does anyone know why there has been no advertising for this race at all? All I can see is the entry on entrytime. Last year this was a really fun race even in the pouring rain. Thanks.
  16. I was riding up Chappies from Noordhoek side on Saturday morning and was almost hit by some kids screaming down the mountain on bikes on the wrong side of the road under the overhang. Stupidity cuts both ways on the road... To the lovely lass who tried to overtake the cars and the bus on the way back down... chill...
  17. I'd have to split this between the UST and the Kenda's. For jinx-ulation purposes I won't say which seems to last longer. Or maybe one actively seeks the rocks and thorns...
  18. Totally agree with the training bit... Mark has corresponded with me last week about having a rather bad experience and I've been trying to do things right in the last week. Lost 2kg's in the process which hasn't harmed anything. But I'm gonna keep on with the 32GI until my sample group of 1 is satisfied or not! In the past, I've never battled cramp until about 3-to 3.5 hours into a hard ride, but this year, oh-vey... maybe, 2 hours in I'm all over the place. I think a lot of that may be down to strength deficiencies in the various muscle groups because I always start cramping in the same areas and it follows the same path through the muscle groups. Might not be nutrition related? Anyone agree/disagree?
  19. You guys are such spoil-sports... next you'll tell me my Placebo album doesn't make me rock hard! Oh, no, wait, that was another product... Although this Powerband thing might work if you twist it just so...
  20. White pants? Nothing... wait until someone rocks up wearing any colour pants, but he doesn't realise that they are totally and utterly transparent through years of use... ... and he jumps to the head of the bunch... ... and the sun rises slowly over... Yes... it happened. Should get 10-to-life with Bubba in a cell!!
  21. Some people CAN be aggressive... I am a CAN'T! Life's too short... Hmmm... I wonder if the aggro people are from up-country??
  22. And with the extra fa... er... musc... er, body weight it's gonna take a whole lot more to get me in that condition. And to keep me there... I just normally have a GU or two, and pray! Now I've not only got supplements, but "medication" to worry about! F*** me!
  23. I thought your speed was because of how light I saw you were the other day on another thread... now i know it's 'cos you're pissed and stoned!! Yeehah! I know what to do for Sunday now!
  24. The latest PPA email of this AM said it may start on 21 Sept, depending on track availabity...
  25. No worries, mate... although the stupid walkers who wandered through "Faerie Garden" and almost caused a nasty spill might read this too what is this "90km" you are talking about? Clearly I'm not in with the regulars!
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