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Everything posted by Marius

  1. 8kg for me is fine, I'm not going to waist any money trying to make it lighter, it'll be silly imo.
  2. besides, that Scott looks Ug!!! and it's only going to make you 19seconds faster over a flat 40km TT
  3. mmm, except if you are shaped like a tear drop...hiehiehie so were are back to "weight" again haha
  4. you lot are crazy!! well done never the less, respect!
  5. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Sounds like almost nothing since most of the hills we climb in local PPA events are hardly 5km long..all the hype and saving a few grams here and there is all BS me thinks...still, I did not buy my bike because it was lighter than the AV Bike, I bought it because it was prettier than the other bikes, pretty things normally are..
  6. Sooo, I'm thinking of crossing over to darkSide=PowerTraining. Any1 out there also training with power? Is is worth the money, will I see the benifits? Can one get away with just getting a stationary PowerBike or would a PowerMeter on the bike be better. Polar vs Power tap, any1 anything? thx!
  7. Yeah, but I don't know what the diffs is on a hill, this just shows the results for a Flat TT. aNY1 know what the implications are on a hilly ride??
  8. what does that mean for ppl spending a extra R20k on a 2kg lighter frame
  9. <?:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /> did you know?? <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
  10. choices choices, what if you want both, you want the power meter and the deepsection carbon wheeletjie??? Can you get a 2in1 deal BikeMax? ps. what is the colour of the new kit???Marius2006-09-06 04:31:46
  11. Marius


    I did it the Friday and my goodness it was fun. It's only about 15k's and I did it on my Mtb, I have worked out so that I do about 70% off-road. Very nice, got a bit dirty going thru the muddy bits but come spring/summer it'll be dry, definitely considering it...I was bonny hopping over crap in the road, zig zagging thru the painted lines/cars/ppl and climbing / jumping on and off side walks, man it was awesome, took me just 30mintes to work which is just about the same time it takes me by car.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
  12. omg, that looks hectic, my GF had a few falls there aswell, she's full of blue marks and I can't come near her now She finished 4th in the ladies
  13. ps. my force and attacks side walls were looking rather sh*tty after my first ride but this could be attributed to my hubs been loose which caused some friction between the bake brake blocks and tyre, I hope that's what it was...I also don't ride over everything Michelle! if it's faster then me I'll miss is if not I'll go over it
  14. I was going to buy the 4000's but he force and attacks were just R20 more, so I got them instead. VERY FIRST RIDE I GOT A MASSIVE HOLE IN THEM, I AM NOT HAPPY....still got them on and did a 190km ride the weekend, no holes, so maybe just had some bad luck?
  15. hahahaha, you affraid I kick you butt again Linnega, now you go and do a panzy old ppl ride aiai, just kidding, glad you got in!!!
  16. panzies, you should have done it before 12 ai ai, did mine at 11, no problems, what's the hurry anyway, you got months to enter..
  17. ...she's in good hands Rock. Marius2006-08-31 09:35:22
  18. ...you are so right Rock, if not for the SantaCruz SL she bought from you this would not have been possible, the bike handles like a dream and if I hear her rave about it again before I get mine I like have to strangle her
  19. My Gf is doing this one Homer, do you or any1 else maybe have a profile for the race or know what the route is like. Sorry to hear you missing out on the race again Homer ai ai, maybe next year:-P She's hoping to well again, wiff my expert training technics she's won the last two Mtb events she's taken part in hehehe, just kidding, she's really getting good. Sara better watch out.... I'm missing out on this one, doing 2x 170km this weekend, need those base miles..
  20. Hi Guys, Massive sale at CycleLab Brackenfell, everthing must go, cost price minus 5%, so it's bassically selling at CWC prices now Got myself some goodies there last night, better move the stuff is moving fast!!!
  21. WOW, I feel a bit better now knowing Admin dude killed the Hub so I did'nt have to suffer alone for 3weeks with no Hubbing/internet
  22. thx Titus, will tjune them!smileys/smiley17.gif
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