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Everything posted by hayleyearth

  1. Have one more that might be able to help you. ...don't know if you saw me post this on another thread by now. .. https://www.noxgear.com/tracer360
  2. And I just wanted to ask if you guys on here actually still ride between all your running! I legs are finding it hard to condition to the two of them, I try and do 250km (riding) and 30+km (running) a week (all outside) and it is still tough. Wonder if it will ever get better... (not even doing intervals or anything yet, don't think my muscles can handle that)
  3. Short sleeve shirt days in the middle of winter is great doesn't matter where you live ... yip only a few of those the last couple of weeks...
  4. Just for incase you guys aren't aware....this weeks weather is going to give me depression!
  5. Cars really respects me more with it on, only when it's dark though. I commute with it almost every day
  6. SUCH a beautiful day out today! Pitty I am stuck inside. Was freaaaaaking cold this morning though, frozen fingers on commute, but the sun made the sky nice orange colors over the water as I was leaving home already (should have taken a photo)...getting light earlier and earlier now
  7. My mom's visa was just approved, online paper type, super fast turn around time. One day basically since they got her passport. "The number of times you may enter New Zealand using this visa is: Multiple The last date you may travel to New Zealand is: 25 July 2020 Your visa expires and you must leave New Zealand on or before: See Conditions The conditions of your visa: This visa expires 3 month(s) after each arrival. Stay subject to grant of entry permission. You must leave before visa expiry or face deportation. The holder shall not undertake employment in NZ. The holder shall not study for more than 3 months in every 12 month period in NZ." Anyone want something 'small' from SA coming on the 22nd Aug my mom would love to help Hub people out (again)
  8. The shortest route is 10km direct. (Boring down straight roads, but it has lights along the way so I will use it in the mornings when it is still dark outside). Back I took the pedestrian walk strip which is along a little river/stream and that is (if I take it all the way with the trail run section) about 14km. When I ride in (in winter) I do 20 /25 /30km one way depending on weather and what km's I have to do to get to my weekly target. I am not run fit yet, so I think one 'run day' to work a week should be sufficient for now with my other runs over the week. In my mind I can imagine doing it more times a week because combining commuting with exercise give me so much more time in the day for other things.
  9. I wish my chart will look like that too!!! That is really awesome.
  10. I just ran to work...flippen happy, been wanting to do it for a while now If the rain that is predicted for this afternoon hits, I might just take the bus home.
  11. I just ran to work sooo happy, been wanting to do it for a while now. Used a 'small' cycling shirt under my warm top to carry my phone and clock-in card and locker key. Worked well. Wonder if my legs will carry me home this afternoon, or if the storm will hit (as in really, bad rain predicted) and I will take the bus home.
  12. I don't know if it is one of the bads.... Although I love reading the word "Ikea"...it reminds me of these...
  13. Ohhhhhh ja...... TOTALLY forgot about that !!! Thanks for the reminder that I need to go run TODAY!! Different topic.... was the 1st day in a looooong time I got to ride in on a dry road to work today!!
  14. Friend and I are looking into doing the northern island part of that beginning of next year (on our own time). He did the south island by himself before. If anyone on here would be keen to join I'd keep ya up to date with planning closer to the time.
  15. I don't know if I must be friends with a rider that loves hills....not such a good match up I think after this ride!
  16. Through the Waitakere ranges...hilly (hectic!) but so beautiful!!
  17. I have a 4h45m road ride planned for Saturday I'd be keen to MTB next weekend again!
  18. This weekends weather looks good.... #justsaying
  19. yeah, totally totally worth it! I would have done that one instead for sure....eish
  20. How long did it take and did you do it online? I thought the "proof of onwards travel" meant pre-purchased airplane ticket, so I purchased one last night and now they said I should not have done it etc etc... Also if you did it online, did she post her passport to Pretoria (and how soon after she/you send in the application)?
  21. Ah... the parent one if where it is granted for like 3 years and they can stay for 6 months at a time. 18months in total over those 3 years or something...
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