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Everything posted by waveduke

  1. I recurrently ask myself the same question - why don't I get a hardtail instead of full suss? Save some on maintenance and weight. But every time I hit the three hour mark on a ride / race I'm glad to have suspension 🙂 My solution is now to have a cheap aluminium road bike for early morning road rides and CTCT and a full suss for weekends and marathons.
  2. Over the years I had HRMs from Bryton, Sunto, Sigmasports and all of them failed for no reason after different periods of time. Besides factory reset and new batteries I don't think there is any other way to resolve.
  3. @Eddie Stafford That's a beauty! What is the overall weight now?
  4. And link for the 59km Strava profile: https://www.strava.com/activities/8728882416?share_sig=[C%404256b961679590255&utm_medium=social&utm_source=android_share Taken from here: https://www.entryninja.com/events/78559-lourensford-classic
  5. @cadenceblur Route profile from Strava from the 40km last year:
  6. Normally I would "Like" your post but if my wife sees that...
  7. A lot of people are complaining about FinishTime but seeing the splits for each segment is highly interesting I think. Never noticed that on Racetec.
  8. Is that flimsy front number board important now? I broke it on the first try...
  9. Don't buy - it's a hairdryer 😲 https://www.ehanddryers.com/solis-magma-black
  10. waveduke


    I really like r2-bike because they are making the effort to weigh the components in-house and present their findings next to the manufacturer's number. It's essential for you weight-weenies out there 🙂 They also stock a lot of small parts for tuning like coloured titan screws etc.. More bling for your bike...
  11. Vittoria combo for years now - Barzo 2.2 front and Mezcal back. Cape Cobra blend if available but I don't notice a difference if the sticker is not on...
  12. "Over trained" - I'm going to use that from now on...
  13. Morning ride alarm went off at 5am today here. My dogs refused to get out. So did I....
  14. The CTCT is the one race where I'm actually uncomfortable with a higher seeding than my capabilities on the day. 🙂 You basically go all out (uphill and downhill) trying not get a heart attack and ignoring all the beeping from your HRM to stay in the bunch until you drop into Constantia...
  15. I did the 99er and my start group is now published on racetec.
  16. Entrants who will not be receiving their seeding just yet include: Riders who participated in the Gryphon 99er (expect your seeding next week I don't have the patience for that...
  17. Is the 99er result now automatically evaluated for your CTCT seeding or do we still have to send an individual request? Does anyone know?
  18. Has anyone received start group / start time info already? And who does the timing? Do I need to dig out the old racetec chip? –> Finish Time Disposable Chip: R20
  19. I would say yes. Especially in the early mornings there are hundreds of cyclists taking this route.
  20. The only gripe I have was pre-race with the people turning the R44 into their personal race track. Speeding and risky overtaking in the dark and on blind corners. And for what exactly? Better parking spot? Maybe it was isolated to my start time - maybe I'm getting too old and I'm loosing my tolerance levels... Just get up earlier. If you miss your start group it's not the end of the world - just start later.
  21. Am I the only one who notices the pattern here??? BikeShops without a beer fridge seem to struggle with customer satisfaction... Disclaimer: I only received excellent services from Janos and Droo. 🙂
  22. I think to remember that there's a thing called "moth effect" which describes that drunk drivers are drawn towards bright flashing lights. I wonder if that played a part in that incident.
  23. Schwalbe Nobby Nics for 499 on Onedayonly: https://www.onedayonly.co.za/products/26-29-tubeless-mtb-twinskin-performance-tyre-20231213
  24. Something that irritates me time and time again is the hostility and aggressiveness that is brought towards me when I get checked for my TMNP activity card while cycling in Tokai / Silvermine area. I'm always asking myself why can't they put that energy into making the mountain a safer place or something...
  25. There was a race schedule in one of their last emails - race pack collection seems to be on-prem: FRIDAY 17 NOVEMBER: 14h00-19h00: Race Pack Collection at the race village 14h00-19h00: Free Durbanville Hills wine tasting at the race village 16h30-18h30: Live Music in race village 14h00-19h00: Bar and food truck open 18h30-20h00: Dinner for tented village riders SATURDAY 18 NOVEMBER: 06h00-08h00: Race Pack Collection 06h00-08h00: Breakfast and coffee for all riders 08h00: Long route start 08h30: Short route start 11h00-14h00: Lunch (spit braai) for all riders 11h00-13h00: live music 16h00: Meet for pub ride (race village) 16h30: Leave for pub ride 19h00/19h30: Rider Party at Casa Cerveza
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