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Everything posted by CycleJunkie

  1. Delgado, what has happened to this bike? I have one that looks almost identical.
  2. I am mainly a roadie, but also a biker. Common sense and courtesy suggest that if you are being passed and you are safely able to, move over. If not and it is Single track those behind should wait until there is a suitable passing place. Do not rip up the rest of the terrein just to get past. What is the mountain biking ethos? Leave no sign of your passing? or something similar. If it is not a race, what is your hurry? Same as on the roads. We ALL share the trails and have equal rights. Just because you can ride faster than someone else does NOT give you any special privileges
  3. I have both 26" and 29". Found the 29" more responsive on singletrack. May just be me, but go much faster in all conditions on the 'niner. My suggestion: test ride them all and make your own mind up.
  4. Over-rated? This is mine after a tumble. Check out the dent in the centre. No helmet would have put that in my skull!
  5. Hi Morwa, Knee pain is be caused by a multitude of factors. In my experience, the 2 most common causes for the type of pain you have are cleat position on your shoes and a musle imbalance between the Vastus Medialis Oblique (The muscle to the inside of your leg that bulges when you straighten your leg and pull your kneecap towards your body) and the Vastus Lateralis (to the outside of the leg, above the knee). As many of these conditions are caused by a combination of many factors, tke an holistic approach. First check cleats; then check muscle balance at a Bio-kineticist, Check saddle height and position relative to your new stem. Pain free cycling to you
  6. Never mind for recovery, while doing the Satellite Challenge a guy on a battered hardtail passes me and he has what looks like chocolate milk in his bottle.... We get chatting and he tells me he is training for the Freedom Challenge and that is what he uses exclusively in his bottle/s. Then he ups and rides away from me. Have not had the courage to use it myself yet
  7. I have been battling with this for a month now, and my biggest aggravator seems to me to be weak core along with poor flexibility (been recuperating from injury and have gone to pot a bit...) Too many pots too perhaps? Gym work is fine but I suggest a bio-kineticist to give you the specific execises and stretching which will address your particular issues. Either way, work on these and GET A BIKE SETUP done by a qualified/trained person.
  8. Raisins are great to munch while riding and racing as they have quick energy and (according Joe Friel and his sources) reduce the acidity of your blood. Seems like a good thing to me. Add flour, sugar and brandy and you have a winner As for Low GI drinks, I have started using the 32GI that has just been launched and it woeks great for Base and faster rides, but I have not tried it for something as intense as a race. I found that the normal carb drinks give me a spike and then drop, never mind if I am drinking them early or late in the ride and prefer rather to eat something like raisins or an energy bar or take a slurp of gel if I need more. Will let you know how the 32GI works on harder faster rides. (Harder and faster by my standards )
  9. AArrggh, If only the course dates were reversed. Johan, please post when next doing a course in Jhb.
  10. Had the same issue on Ride for Sight. Spoke to the same dude 3 times. Won't Name and shame as I am not 100% sure of the number, but it was D group and he had a well known top. The one with red, black, yellow and white in a zigzag pattern. Lots of blue as well. Unfortunately I did not see the club name as his number covered it. Another guy dropped one, and when I spoke to him, he said sorry, he was not thinking. Then later I saw him put his gel wrapper in his pocket. So talking does work! Start off politely and voila! I have been using the little bottles you get with the whasp gel. Works perfectly and unless your gel is very thick, there is no reason why any gel cannot be decanted into these bottles. A suggestion for race pack goodie bags. Put one or two of these into them and give a message to put the gel into them?
  11. Another way to stop it is to clamp your top tube between your knees. Has the same effect as what Bruce said.
  12. Wow! Great start to the New Year. Your efforts have been much appreciated. Let's hope Nothing serious comes of this. As long as we (cyclists) keep cool heads, and stick to the laws, there is not much else we can do.
  13. There is only one thing wrong with it! It is missing a couch!
  14. Same problem with the intensity. Aspirations versus training.... When I cramped hammies and quads on the Shova, a very kind lady gave them a good rub. But not like our usual physio students who go in too hard. Finished strongly on that leg, while the other was a bit shaky. Bottom line, race like you train, and train like you race and cramps should not feature. Regular sports massge is a great way to get the extra stretching in.
  15. Agree with the rest of the rant' date=' but just a note worth mentioning is that it is against the law to ride in the yellow line, and it is within the law for cyclists to cycle two abreast (although motor vehicles are required to change lanes to overtake), and within the law to cycle anywhere in the left lane. I'm not saying it would be wise, just that it would be lawful. [/quote'] I dont know what law you know, but that is not SA law. I downloaded the law awile ago and i can gaurentee you the law says you have to ride single file. It also says if there is a cycle lane you are not allowed to ride in the road. Google it.I would suggest you not be facetious, particularly when you are in the wrong. The law is pretty simple - a bike, as long as it has a driver/rider, is a vehicle by definition as it is "propelled primarily on wheels". S296 of the Road Regs requires vehicles to keep in the left half of the road and "not encroach on the half of the roadway to his or her right...". A number of other sections provide for how to overtake, always putting the onus on the passing car to ensure it is safe and prudent, and to move to the right half of the road to perform this maneuvre (with a few caveats about multi-lane roads and "undertaking" that aren't relevant). The basic rule is "shall pass to the right thereof at a safe distance and shall not again drive on the left side of the roadway until safely clear of the vehicle so passed". There is no further mention of where a bike is required to ride (other than the left half), although S298A prohibits the driving of a vehicle (including a pedal cycle) on the shoulder with an allowance, not a requirement, to move over to allow passing. S311 provides specifically for bicycles, including the much mentioned (and, in your case and others, misread) subsection (2) which requires cyclist to ride single file except when passing another cyclist. Effectively this gives license to ride two abreast as there is no distinction between passing and riding alongside. I didn't plan to get involved in your little territorial war, but I would suggest that at least 90% of the reaction you get from cyclists is that you seem to believe that your anger is righteous. Perhaps showing a little respect to the cyclists may engender a little respect in return. Most of the photos show nothing illegal, except in cases where the cyclists are more than 2 abreast. Even in these cases, the photo's you took show a solid white line, so passing is illegal there anyway. Cyclists have legal right to use the road, they have the historical right (given that bicycles and roads for them preceded the invention of motorised transport) and obviously the moral right in a world searching for greener methods of transport. Perhaps, but probably not, this article will help you get over yourself: http://www.capetown.gov.za/en/Pages/Bicyclesarelegaltraffictoo.aspx Finally, you did mention a bicycle lane - I don't see any in the pics. I never brought that into my initial point as I referred directly to "riding within the yellow line". There did used to be reference to cycle lanes in one of the guideline docs from the department of Transport a few years ago, but I don't recall it making legislation. In the UK bicycle lanes are compulsory in terms of their code of conduct, but recent case law has seen that section being removed from the highway code. The primary reason is that a cyclist should have a choice to ride wherever on the road he feels safest. That all said, I have no interest in how this issue is resolved, but am concerned that motorists still believe that they have a right to be indignant because their (often illegal) driving behaviour has been slowed for a few seconds, and that cyclists seem to have the ridiculous notion that somehow behaviour of cyclists has any impact on the general perception motorists have of their "absolute" right to the road. Wow! Well said. It is a simple matter to obey the law, when one takes the time to read and understand it. Unfortunately it is not a requirement for obtaining a drivers licence. . Once everyone understands everyone elses rights and duties, all that is required is a bit of patience and understanding. Utopia , I guess. On a practical note, if CL and Club 100 (particularly) but all the clubs would agree that if there is a bunch that is about to be passed, that they go single file and the passing bunch also go single file, then all remains in the law. Just a suggestion. Of course the bigger bunches may cause this not to work. Cradle Resident, life is not always as one would like it. My great uncle had a farm in the country where now is Rivonia Square. Change comes. With it comes new things. Not always good, but unstoppable. As long as it is within the law (see above). Should it not be, there are the correct channels to follow. Currently Chucky and AM are talking with you, and hopefully more clubs will be coming to the party. Should there still be a blatant disregard, the police etc could be called in to act. As for all the comments from many hubbers calling all these cyclists "idiots" and worse, take the plank..... And funnily, the worst transgressors for being all over the road seem to be riders not wearing ANY club's kit. Hmmmm?
  16. No 6 this year. Have not missed one yet. Been riding 5 years and 2 months, as of last week. Yay!!!!! Have a great ride everyone.
  17. So what is the difference between chrome and Firefox? In my FF folders there is one called chrome. From a technically challenged Civ Eng.
  18. You are as dumb as the rest that throughout this posting condone this BAD BEHAVIOR with their lame remarks....... including some of our so called highly praised and eminent "peacemakers"!!!!!! SOLID LINE mate SOLID LINE...... !!!!!!!! Eks seker jy sal agter `n trok sit tot die lyn ophou om dan verby te gaan as jy bestuur' date=' so dan verstaan ek dit, maar in meeste gevalle sal ons almal verby gaan so dan kan hy verby die ouens ook ry. Dit lyk net of die pad redelik stil is, so aankomende verkeer behoort nie `n probleem te wees nie - dit lyk anyway soos `n back road. Solid line - beteken nie regtig baie nie. Dis maak deel uit van die verkeers tekens wat elke dag deur almal geignoreer word. Parkering op sypaaikies/No parking zones-Stop strate - 4 rigtings - spoed beperkings ens ens. Sommige "solid-lines" is op baie stupid plekke en mens kan myle vooruit sien wat aankom ! Dink hierdie isssue is belaglik. Dis elkeen se eie ding as hy so wil ry. Jy sien nie mense jou afneem as jy op jou selfoon praat in die kar, of sonder seatbelt ry, of eet terwyl jy ry ens nie, so hoekom die mense afneem as hulle `n verkeers reel oortree ? [/quote'] The fact of the matter is that they are breaking the law. Klaar. I hope none of the people saying it is ok swear and hoot at taxis and other motorists who break the law too (speeding, driving in the yellow lane, goong through red robots, forcing their way into lanes of traffic in front of others who have been patiently waiting etc.) or do these tings themselves when driving. If it is not cool in a car, it is not cool on a bike Off the soap box now
  19. Pretty please.....
  20. So does this mean that I have missed out on the new jersey? As worn by Dirt Girl......
  21. Prowling after pics of DG? Welcome. I missed them too
  22. Sorry' date=' I was responding to your post about us all being in Luuurve. My connection seems to be a bit slow. [/quote'] oopsie..slow poke! Isn't that the best way? Seriously describes my riding at the moment, so feeling a bit sensitive at the mo' *deciding whether to sell all the bikes and take up backgammon*
  23. Sorry, I was responding to your post about us all being in Luuurve. My connection seems to be a bit slow.
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