I did my second one this year and what a great race it is! I decided to ride with my wife since i can't make my Sani race in a few weeks due to work commitments. We started well, rode strong, before checkpoint 2 she started feeling bit weak At checkpoint 2 we had some nice lasagna, had a lekker shower and then we both got extremely tired, so tired that I was actually falling asleep on my bike. So we stopped and napped next to the road for about 2x20min until my wife was shivering from the cold , we carried on till sunrise. I was still extremely tired and she not as much, I stopped right there and then and slept like a dassie in the sun for another 15min or so. We started feeling better with the sun coming out. I was trying for us to ride a sub 20 but with all this stops I knew it wasn't going to be. Then suddenly Rooiberg pass was next. Last year I battled a bit here and as soon as I started I switched on the GOOD **** switch in my brain and said that you (I) will kill this hill today. I went onto bigger gears similar to my SS bike and just rode as hard to the top in 36min. Its amazing what a positive mind can do. I waited at the top for Thea and then we cruised onto Calitzdorp where we had some nice Ostrich meat and potbrood. This was a bad time for Thea and her legs simply was not there. She rode Epic a few weeks back and that's probably why. It was also getting SUPER hot at this stage, 40'C plus on my Garmin. Luckily we had a small river for the next 20km's or so and we were topping up on cold mountain water and stopping in the shade to cool down. Then the never ending hills came x4 of them. I felt strong but Thea was in a bad place, not nice to see her like this. From here on wards we rode water table to water table stopping in the shade all the time when we were getting too hot. With the last water point at about 21km to go we stopped, topped up the water, gave a Valoid to a fellow sick rider and then i was suddenly nearly THERE time, Anyway we finish, saying never as everybody does, but i will be back next year for my 3rd and last, riding my SS The good points, Starting a hour earlier and riding at great temperatures at night time Good water points and friendly people Getting the back of Rooiberg pass in a bad state,, adding some fun to the open roads with a bit of technical riding. The food at Calitzdorp The burger and the cold beer at the end Nice looking medals And riding it with my wife The not so good Big prize money going to relay teams, the race is actually about 360ne distance The should rather call it 2x180 relay or 4x90 relay Riding the full distance is whats it's all ABOUT I can understand the sponsors point of view about getting pro riders out here and getting the publicity but this is 36One afterall! Man up and ride the whole thing. thanks again to Dryland and 36one for a great race , see you next year who else rode it?