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Rudi Pollard

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  1. I've tested multiple options from jbl, volcano, Huawei etc in the R500-R750 range. They lasted less than 10 sessions before I had charging or connection issues. Returned them all and luckily got full refunds. Currently using Adidas ZNE wireless which seems to be holding up a lot better but they are more expensive. Hoe sĂȘ die ou mense? Goedkoop koop is duur koop...
  2. Looks like Beers has to wait for Grotts on the climbs...
  3. You'll be very surprised how difficult it is to hold a consistent number even on a 3sec averaging number. Power numbers fluctuate a lot with very small increases or decreases in the gradient you are riding. It get's easier to hold a number the more used to training with it you get. Happy power intervals!!!
  4. The standard immediate power reading fluctuates a lot. As mentioned rather use the 3s ave reading. That should sort you out. Lots of technical details which explains it but because it's a left side only meter the immediate power reading will fluctuate a lot through your pedal stroke depending if you're pushing down, pulling up, or in the dead zone... 3s average normalises that effect for you.
  5. Up in the mountains it was absolutely brutal. The heat was coming from everywhere. It felt like I was being cooked in an oven from the bottom and the top!
  6. I don't agree. The weather is one of the many reasons it is Extreme
  7. What a brutal day! If I had cellphone signal on the drag after bonnivale I would've DNF'ed. Eventually dragged it home in 9h09
  8. I am looking for a venter trailer to hire over Christmas with at least 3 bike racks mounted on top in the Cape Town area. Does anyone perhaps have a contact for me?
  9. I would be interested to test this.
  10. I'm 186cm with a saddle height of 79,5cm. I bought a Large Trek Top-Fuel frame second hand and I've always been fitted right on the cut line between a Large and X Large on various brands. I've had to fit quite a long seatpost and had to make some adjustments with the cockpit but got a good comfy fit on the bike. I think I would have been able to get a similar position on the XL. I think you'll be able to make either work for you is what I am trying to say, but try to get the shop to fit you and advise.
  11. So what I hear you say is just buy a whole new bike already fitted with the new AXS?
  12. This is set up for some furious racing in the coming few days.
  13. I just watched the finish. Nothing wrong there. They were better tactically and beat SCR fair and square. Sour grapes from SCR in that interview
  14. I am looking for pivot bearings for my 2017 Trek Top Fuel 9.8. From my google search it looks like I need the following bearings: 2x 17286 MAX 4x 6800 MAX 4x 3801 MAX/ H8 double width Where will I be able to source them at a decent price?
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