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  1. Maybe I'm just lucky ... I ride because I want to not because I have to for some reason (race, goal etc.) My family also are at a point where they arrange things around the fact that I will more than likely ride in the morning (besides Mondays), and if I don't go they'll ask why and send me out if its a trivial reason
  2. Yip I have stopped, sad as I watched religiously 😡 In general also means my interest in those disciplines has waned, I check the results when I remember and that's about it
  3. Finally something I can contribute to meaningfully, I think 😎 After riding an old clunker my father in law had in his garage I bought myself a Western Flyer from Hypermarket ... Got me started as an adult riding bikes, many jokes and laughs from the 'cyclists' at the time about the junior cassette I tell you! Then I bought this beauty from AvH cycles .... Panasonic DX3000 with a white Sunrace groupset, finally felt like I may be one of them, cyclists that is! I recall the first ride on it to this day ... Lido circuit on a Sunday morning, improving my time by some 10mins according to my old Cateye 😁 No other bike has given me that feeling again 😎
  4. There are very few people that can honestly 'feel' the difference frame material (carbon,steel,Alu etc.) makes... Unless they are justifying their spend on whatever 'cool' thing they've built Weight .... Unless the weight difference in bikes is significant anyone that's not at their optimal racing weight probably benefits by reducing weight elsewhere i.e not on the equipment Maar nou ja hier sit ons
  5. Sorry snowflakes, I'll take my coat and hat ...
  6. Ja mate, having known you since those MX team days at least I know what you say has merit and should not be scoffed at!
  7. What do you know .... I've also seen those numbers you've been posting for the Mullet,I reckon I could take him if I felt like 😎
  8. Tyres still have plenty of life left but the 'sidewall mesh' is coming off.... haven't had any issues but it looks really crappy Considering to just snip it all off and carry on riding them? Thoughts ....
  9. I ain't got no beef with them .... tac-a-tac-a-tac-a-tac landing in the background did spook them a bit though!
  10. That's what I read into what you wrote ...
  11. Unfortunately not someone who rides a lot so I doubt wear will be an issue ... sorry Chris, must be honest I'd also be interested.
  12. Loads of women folk there ... wife, 2 daughters and 3 granddaughters
  13. My boet in New Zealand just bought this!
  14. Interesting that I was asked a few years ago by a lady friend that was doing her first Epic what I would have done differently ... I said instead of those rushed up, over and back at Breedsnek a month before I would have walked, over and back a few times!
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