This is where it all breaks down! People on this forum perpetuate the belief that a bicycle has less rights on the road than a car because a car can do more damage to a bicycle than the inverse. When you are driving your car do you pull over to the side of the road when a truck is behind you' date=' endangering yourself because the truck is bigger than you? A bicycle has a legal right to be on the road. Cyclists do not have to have licenses, because they are not a threat to other road users. We do not have to pay road taxes because we don't use petrol, and we don't do any damage to the road. This does not give cyclists the right to cause problems for other road users, but it also does not give other road users the right to endanger our lives! Be visible, use signals, and take up your rightful place on the road. You'll find that other road users respect you more![/quote'] While you are 100% correct that a bicycle has the same rights on the road as a car. But no matter how many times you climb up on the soap box to shout it, it will not save you from certain severe injury or death when being hit by a car regardless of who was at fault. The arrogance perpetuated by the larger portion of road cyclists I see by simply placing their own lives in needless danger, simply to be right ? Heading home on the M3 the other day going down Wynberg hill was cyclist riding ON the yellow line, with at least a full car's width to his left ie. the entire emergency lane with car's passing him at speeds anywhere from 80km's/h to 130km's/h. Why on earth would someone willingly place themselves in potential danger like that, other than the pure arrogance of "I have as much right to you on this road" ? Yes we all have a right to the road, but if I feel that there is some danger to my life when on the road whether I am in the right or wrong I will attempt to take myself out of that situation, not stay there because you must realise that I have the right to be there and you should act accordingly. So yes..... if there is a large truck behind me going faster than I am, I will move over. Better to let the danger pass me than be stuck in front of it and a possible lunatic/deranged driver. At the end of the day it's not about wrong or right. It's about either being dead or alive. You choose. You really haven't bothered to read through the argument have you?