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Everything posted by bruce

  1. Do they supply free vomit bags?
  2. I'd love to know why the obsession with age. A strength-vs-strength category based system is the only way to go. The only other separation should be amateur/pro.
  3. I agree ... I agree' date=' but then what about Jaco Fereira for example? Where do we draw the line?[/quote'] Flemish ... my take is that if it is a PRO; then he has to race ELITE ... when the racer is not a PRO, he has the option to race ELITE at SA CHAMPS, otheriwse in his age cat .... and for that matter any ex-PRO (Andrew, Beneke's etc.) has the option of competing in the ELITES, otherwise in their respective age categories .... If we look at Graeme Cronje, competing in the ELITES group this year, yet he raced at SA's in his 40-44 age group ... otherwise the only way is to scrap age categories and let everyone race in one group. This is correct. My understanding though, is that Graeme rode for Konica-Minolta this year. If that is the case, then strictly speaking, he should also not have been eligible to ride.
  4. Just to make sure, the events before the race should not detract from Deon's win! He could only race against the field he had, and he won it fair and square. He is a really nice guy, well done to him!
  5. Yip, was using a powertap. No rain in the race though, so can't blame that
  6. Okay, let's just get some of the facts documented before the wild speculating can begin: - Andrew asked before entering S.A.'s if he could ride both age categories. His reason was that he was traveling a long way and would like to compete in both events. This would mean that he would race 45-49 on Sat afternoon, and 40-44 on Sunday morning (not much more than 12 hours apart). He was given permission, in writing, and had to pay twice the entry fees. His name was listed in both start lists. - When we arrived in Oudtshoorn, we were told that there had been complaints about this. - CSA held a meeting on Friday night to discuss the situation. They rules that Andrew could only compete in one race, and that it would be his choice as to which category he would race. That was the ruling of the officials. - Andrew tried to get a flight back to Joburg on Sat night. He couldn't, and decided he would rather race with the rest of the team in the 40-44 cat. - On Saturday night we were told that a 'petition' was being organised to petition against him riding the 40-44 cat. We were told who was organising the petition as well. - When we arrived at the start, Andrew was told by one of the officials that verbal threats had been overheard regarding him during the race. - At the start line, Jorge Faria made a public speech regarding the rules, and that Andrew should not be allowed to race. Jorge is not in the 40-44 age group. - The officials stated that Andrew WAS entitled to race the race. - Andrew asked for a show of hands as to who did not want him to race. - Quite a few guys put up their hands. - Andrew withdrew from the race. - After the race start, CSA nullifed the start and tried to locate Andrew to ask him to start the race. They couldn't find him because he went riding the route in the opposite direction. - The race was allowed to continue. Those are the facts. Edit: The 45-49 age group was won by Mark Beneke, riding down from the 50-55 age group.bruce2009-06-01 06:13:31
  7. ORCA: I'd love to see a picture about 10sec after the one you posted - the one with the raised hands.
  8. Along with a bit of a report: http://tinyurl.com/l8j9a9
  9. http://tinyurl.com/2zwhrf
  10. Hmmn, that's interesting, never seen that before. However, I don't normally enter IF and duration figures, I usually just override the TSS value. Wierd thing is that AP can't be calculated from NP/IF/TSS. You'd need a value for VI in order to get AP, so does it assume a VI of 1.0?
  11. There is no power data, so not sure why the manual entry is ending up in the 10 bests?
  12. Alternatively you could work on making the prime movers stronger, and let the synergists and fixators come along for the ride
  13. I reckon they are sweet!
  14. http://tinyurl.com/cdms4w
  15. The powertap uses a torque tube, i.e. strain gauges measure the deflection of the tube. The gauges are arranged in a wheatstone bridge formation and hence the powertap is reasonably stable under temperature variation. I agree that the power measurement will only be 'really' accurate when both torque and velocity are sampled at a high enough frequency to get a true picture of the variation. 4 times rpm would be a reasonable starting point for velocity (given that there are 2 peaks per revolution, nyquist and all that good stuff). One of the things that i'd like to see is the phase difference between velocity and torque, and how it get's impacted by inertial damping. This could give insight as to why an indoor trainer and outdoors feels different, yet the power meter reads the same output. Given that all power meters sample velocity info once per revolution, this information is not available. In essence I'd like to test if the torque peak and velocity peak change in relation to each other, does this effect muscle fibre recruitment and hence alter the fatigue felt when riding indoors as opposed to outdoors.
  16. That would be pVO2Max, ie the power they can produce for around 5min.
  17. Andrew started his powertap a bit late. BD Stage 4 - Panarama Tour: AM Stage 4 - Panarama Tour:Duration: 38:13:00Duration: 36:30:00Work: 772 kJWork: 696 kJTSS: 75.2 (intensity factor 1.087)TSS: 68.3 (intensity factor 1.06)Norm Power:370Norm Power:339VI: 1.1VI: 1.07Pw:HR: n/aPw:HR: 1.38%Pa:HR: n/aPa:HR: 14.18%Distance: 24.73 kmDistance: 23.486 kmMinMaxAvgMinMaxAvgPower: 01000337wattsPower: 0678318wattsCadence: 3517387rpmHeart Rate: 149170164bpmSpeed: 10.977.638.8kphCadence: 5712986rpmPace 00:4605:3001:33min/kmSpeed: 17.779.638.5kphCrank Torque:012938.4N-mPace 00:4503:2301:33min/kmCrank Torque:4.172.938.5N-m
  18. BD Stage 3: Panarama Tour: AM Stage 3 - Panarama Tour:Duration: 03:06:52Duration: 02:53:46Work: 2813 kJWork: 2389 kJTSS: 277.7 (intensity factor 0.944)TSS: 244.1 (intensity factor 0.918)Norm Power:321Norm Power:294VI: 1.28VI: 1.28Pw:HR: n/aPw:HR: 9.57%Pa:HR: n/aPa:HR: -10.77%Distance: 114.035 kmDistance: 106.017 kmMinMaxAvgMinMaxAvgPower: 0933251wattsPower: 0943229wattsCadence: 4216285rpmHeart Rate: 64189140bpmSpeed: 7.477.636.5kphCadence: 4322585rpmPace 00:4608:0601:39min/kmSpeed: 3.679.236.5kphCrank Torque:0123.228.6N-mPace 00:4516:4001:39min/kmCrank Torque:1.4101.434.3N-mSpitskop (Hotspot):Spitskop (Hotspot):Duration: 14:01Duration: 15:03Work: 299 kJWork: 306 kJTSS: 26.1 (intensity factor 1.057)TSS: 29.2 (intensity factor 1.08)Norm Power:359Norm Power:346VI: 1.01VI: 1.02Pw:HR: n/aPw:HR: 8.22%Pa:HR: n/aPa:HR: 1.27%Distance: 4.79 kmDistance: 5.579 kmMinMaxAvgMinMaxAvgPower: 108534356wattsPower: 0591338wattsCadence: 6412180rpmHeart Rate: 130171163bpmSpeed: 15.841.720.4kphCadence: 5716683rpmPace 01:2603:4802:57min/kmSpeed: 16.550.922.2kphCrank Torque:10.37543N-mPace 01:1103:3802:42min/kmCrank Torque:9.476.439.3N-mLong Tom:Long Tom:Duration: 22:38Duration: 24:40:00Work: 474 kJWork: 457 kJTSS: 41.2 (intensity factor 1.045)TSS: 39.8 (intensity factor 0.984)Norm Power:355Norm Power:315VI: 1.02VI: 1.02Pw:HR: n/aPw:HR: 5.34%Pa:HR: n/aPa:HR: 34.33%Distance: 8.086 kmDistance: 9.475 kmMinMaxAvgMinMaxAvgPower: 0580349wattsPower: 0602309wattsCadence: 5812581rpmHeart Rate: 97166157bpmSpeed: 13.337.921.4kphCadence: 5711479rpmPace 01:3504:3102:48min/kmSpeed: 13.145.723kphCrank Torque:073.941.6N-mPace 01:1904:3502:36min/kmCrank Torque:2.372.838.2N-mBrondal:Brondal:Duration: 09:14Duration: 09:19Work: 200 kJWork: 191 kJTSS: 18.8 (intensity factor 1.106)TSS: 18.9 (intensity factor 1.105)Norm Power:376Norm Power:354VI: 1.04VI: 1.03Pw:HR: n/aPw:HR: 15.05%Pa:HR: n/aPa:HR: -4.24%Distance: 3.943 kmDistance: 4.06 kmMinMaxAvgMinMaxAvgPower: 98636361wattsPower: 80635342wattsCadence: 6014784rpmHeart Rate: 87171163bpmSpeed: 18.747.425.6kphCadence: 5412790rpmPace 01:1603:1302:21min/kmSpeed: 1945.326kphCrank Torque:10.480.941.7N-mPace 01:1903:0902:18min/kmCrank Torque:9.270.536.6N-m
  19. BD Stage 2 - Panarama Tour: AM Stage 2 - Panarama Tour:Duration: 02:02:53Duration: 02:04:40Work: 1833 kJWork: 1663 kJTSS: 187.8 (intensity factor 0.958)TSS: 164.7 (intensity factor 0.89)Norm Power:326Norm Power:285VI: 1.31VI: 1.28Pw:HR: n/aPw:HR: -5.96%Pa:HR: n/aPa:HR: 14.53%Distance: 79.017 kmDistance: 80.801 kmMinMaxAvgMinMaxAvgPower: 01117249wattsPower: 0912222wattsCadence: 4021884rpmHeart Rate: 71170134bpmSpeed: 3319188rpmPace 00:4203:4401:33min/kmSpeed: 6.785.638.8kphCrank Torque:0120.428.8N-mPace 00:4208:5701:33min/kmCrank Torque:2.298.331.2N-mLast 20km:Last 20km:Duration: 37:42:00Duration: 36:33:00Work: 678 kJWork: 585 kJTSS: 71.8 (intensity factor 1.069)TSS: 61.4 (intensity factor 1.004)Norm Power:363Norm Power:321VI: 1.21VI: 1.2Pw:HR: n/aPw:HR: -2.14%Pa:HR: n/aPa:HR: -1.63%Distance: 21.035 kmDistance: 20.808 kmMinMaxAvgMinMaxAvgPower: 0872300wattsPower: 0897267wattsCadence: 4921883rpmHeart Rate: 98170148bpmSpeed: 16.173.333.4kphCadence: 5919188rpmPace 00:4903:4401:48min/kmSpeed: 16.97434.1kphCrank Torque:098.635.7N-mPace 00:4903:3301:46min/kmCrank Torque:2.298.335.2N-m
  20. BD Stage 1 - Panarama Tour: AM Stage 1 - Panarama Tour:Duration: 03:19:26Duration: 03:19:33Work: 2905 kJWork: 2541 kJTSS: 290.9 (intensity factor 0.936)TSS: 248.1 (intensity factor 0.864)Norm Power:318Norm Power:276VI: 1.31VI: 1.3Pw:HR: n/aPw:HR: 6.17%Pa:HR: n/aPa:HR: 0.36%Distance: 115.678 kmDistance: 116.956 kmMinMaxAvgMinMaxAvgPower: 0994243wattsPower: 0878212wattsCadence: 00:0000:0000:00rpmHeart Rate: 73176142bpmSpeed: 6.59134.7kphCadence: 3918684rpmPace 00:4009:1401:44min/kmSpeed: Torque:0112.929.1N-mPace 00:3908:2001:43min/kmCrank Torque:1.496.732.3N-mHotspot:Hotspot:Duration: 07:05Duration: 06:52Work: 175 kJWork: 149 kJTSS: 18.4 (intensity factor 1.25)TSS: 15.1 (intensity factor 1.149)Norm Power:425Norm Power:368VI: 1.03VI: 1.02Pw:HR: n/aPw:HR: -1.06%Pa:HR: n/aPa:HR: 20.98%Distance: 3.004 kmDistance: 2.871 kmMinMaxAvgMinMaxAvgPower: 0719412wattsPower: 139660361wattsCadence: 5615679rpmHeart Rate: 108172161bpmSpeed: 18.185.725.4kphCadence: 6414183rpmPace 00:4203:1902:22min/kmSpeed: 19.866.625kphCrank Torque:00:0088.451.1N-mPace 00:5403:0202:24min/kmCrank Torque:10.676.842N-mSpitskop:Spitskop:Duration: 28:03:00Duration: 27:48:00Work: 562 kJWork: 498 kJTSS: 49.2 (intensity factor 1.026)TSS: 43.7 (intensity factor 0.971)Norm Power:349Norm Power:311VI: 1.04VI: 1.04Pw:HR: n/aPw:HR: 9.34%Pa:HR: n/aPa:HR: -3.32%Distance: 12.284 kmDistance: 12.348 kmMinMaxAvgMinMaxAvgPower: 0736334wattsPower: 0551298wattsCadence: 4516283rpmHeart Rate: 143174165bpmSpeed: 15.743.226.2kphCadence: 4315983rpmPace 01:2303:4902:17min/kmSpeed: 1741.726.5kphCrank Torque:00:0088.139.3N-mPace 01:2603:3202:16min/kmCrank Torque:3.973.935N-m
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