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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. You know the whole point of "extra mural" activities is that you DON'T tell your wife about them?! *facepalm*
  2. crawled out the bed at 9 this morning... Friday is one of those days that not much gets done!
  3. Awesome. Have got rain coat (municipal style, blue) that the rain shall not penetrate in this lifetime. See you guys at 2! I might have to leave a bit early, seeing as the wife & I have a 60th we need to get to on the other side of the boerie curtain. Omega - will the Dakine blankie be enough to keep your Tata warm if it rains?
  4. Tank, you're one of the few guys who is actually driving this properly. Good on ya, man. We need more okes like that in our business. Or less, because that means we provide superior service! My office had one of these sessions a week before I joined them. Next one shall be "Hublicized" like you have done... I'm in the S Subs, for those who are curious.
  5. Most of my day indeed... Writing proposals and doing the compliance duties from home (owing to the fact that my car has been at Audi for the past 2 weeks, and she needs the car today) You have no idea how slow some of the insurance & investment companies' websites can be when using them to their full capabilities... I have been alt/tabbing my arse off today!
  6. Basically because you're burning calories to stay warm. HR goes up due to the need to circulate the blood faster, and that helps keep core temp up. But yeah, you do work harder in the cold, even though your breathing would be more efficient due to the change in the density of the air when it's cold.
  7. Yeah. We've cut back, but then it's a career where you have to spend money to make money. You don't get a salary - activity = business. If you sit on your arse all day, you don't make a cent. I love it, but she doesn't... yet.
  8. The trick is to point the heater AWAY from the plug. I think you'll find it MUCH more efficient that way...
  9. Tell me about it... But then, at the moment, she's the one paying for everything. Just changed jobs, commission only. Swopped from advising & training investment & insurance brokers to become a broker. And then the power-steering pump on my car goes at the same time as it needs a service. After-market warranty only covers the pump. OUCH.
  10. Especially if you're married. Then the broadcast is scrambled 90% of the time...
  11. That's my M.O. right there. My wife trains in the morning, I train during the day (lunchtime) or in the afternoons after work. I love my sleep. Also cools my head off after a long day at the office.
  12. Enforcement. Pure & simple. It's very easy to enforce it at Tokai, and it's one of the places where MTB traffic is huge. If I remember correctly, there is some sort of document on the Sanparks website that stipulates that an extra permit will be needed, but I can't remember where it is... searching... searching... My link There we go - Explains it all in plain ingerlish.
  13. Ja, bro - those KZN winters are non existent. My ballies suit up when it drops below 20. "it's coooold!" they tjoon. Nought, bru. Move to slaaaaapstad of JHB. THEN you'll be cold in the mornings.
  14. Hah! That 2nd one is almost EXACTLY like one my brother in law took approx 3 to 4 years back. It's hanging on my wall at home at the moment, printed on an A1 canvas. Only thing different is that he lay down on the tracks to take it, and used a very small aperture so that only the tracks were in focus. He also took it a bit closer to the centre of the track area, and the shot is level. Also in B/W :thumbup:
  15. I had the same headache when originally applying for a wildcard, but managed to get them to use the cash that I paid for the family entry wildcard to the necessary wildcard for MTB access at Tokai. The right one to get is the 12 entry permit for approx R 80, then over and above that you will have to purchase an MTB permit for an extra amount per year (I think it's R 260 per year) and that will get you unlimited access on the MTB. The problem is that MTB access is one of those "extra" things that you need to get a permit for, much like horse riding and walking your dog. If you are running, no extra permit is needed as the impact on the environment is negligible. However, I agree that this is not very clear on the website. This is why I originally bought the "wrong" card. That "wrong" card, though, gave me unlimited access for myself and my family to ANY Sanparks reserve. It did not, however, enable me to have MTB access anywhere. It did help that I realised I had the "wrong card" 2 days after I bought it. So the transfer was (relatively) easy...
  16. and to think that when we were lighties we'd just launch and launch and launch and not think about the consequences. A bail was a bail, and we carried on. I find that I tense up on the takeoff, then loosen up midair. It's kinda like I'm trying to force the bike skywards, but in the end all it does is make it go flatter and then it puts the jump in danger of being unsuccessful. I do lift my legs though, and the feeling you get when the jump is successful is awesome. But in terms of trying to do bigger and bigger jumps, I find that the best way (for me, if I'm alone) is to assess where I land on ones that I'm comfortable with, and then gauge if I would land a bigger one, depending on the distance I carried on the smaller one and the size of the kicker on the new one. If I don't do that, then I just go as fast as I can and hope to hell I make it. If I do, then awesome. If not, it's a graze or 2 and a bruised ego. But I try it again... Once you let those gremlins take hold, it's frikkin hard to shrug them off again.
  17. and why, oh why, is a hardtail not a proper MTB? Huh?
  18. I don't think that there was any classification according to the type of rider, Omega - rather that the person going down the Downhill Only trail (regardless of their choice of steed) has right of way over the guy coming up the Downhill Only trail (let's not get into the debate over the right to be there in the first place - that horse has been thoroughly flogged) If there was any claim over a section of trail according to the TYPE of BIKE ridden as opposed to the DIRECTION that the person is riding (up or down) then that is erronous and cannot be excused. After all, even I on my XC bike try to go on the downhill trails. I don't expect someone on a mUni to move over for me just because I've dropped my seatpost and therefore have changed into a Dirt Jumper... If he's going faster than me, I'll move over for him and remark that he's a crazy mofo who should know better than to embarass me by going past me on one wheel... If I'm going faster than a guy on a DH sled on the same piece of trail, I'll either trail behind him for a bit, or pass if & when it is safe to do so, or otherwise ask him to move over for me.
  19. it happens to my wife as well... sometimes the body is so used to being exercised, that it's almost in a constant state of fitness and when you relax, all the dormant "nasties" come out to play. You're no longer training, so you're not working off all the little niggles that all of us get every now and again, and it just snaps. Happens to my wife whenever we go on holiday. She's fine for the first day or 2, then she's woman down for about 3 days with the flu or a cold. Sucks!
  20. could probably run faster whilst carrying - easier to balance (from personal experience) but then haven't tried it. School sports days never had the Bike carry push race.
  21. Cool. I have 1 * Rip saw, and a box saw for the smaller ones. Will also bring a spade and pitchfork (so I can act like King Neptune and tell the insolent fools to get out of my kingdom!) Sorry - that was the drugs talking. 6 coffees so far today. All black, no sugar. All strong as feck. Buzzing.
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