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Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

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Everything posted by Captain Fastbastard Mayhem

  1. Already done... Well worth the extra grand Plus, it keeps the girlfriend's cat from putting hair all over the blue felt. And using it as a scratchpost... Just have to move the chairs every time we play. Small sacrifice...
  2. if they aren't guilty' date=' what will you blame the increase on?[/quote'] Shpongles. Always blame it on the shpongles. And if that fails, it's definitely the aliens. Can never trust them folk with their anal probes.
  3. Agreed! You were the extra boost we all needed in those WONDERFUL conditions... Loved it, as usual... It's officially in the Shkeen box.
  4. sh*te bro! Hard lines! Hold my thumbs for you i shall...
  5. I started with smartie box (empty) and finished with nothing. Wonder where it went! Yeah, i had the "H" emblazoned on my calf, as well as the name-plate... Couldn't find a random smartie box though, so i substituted a Beacon Mallow Egg in it's place... Didn't see anyone else though - started in CC...
  6. nope, i don't think anyone could class that as a breeze - was a STONKER of a wind! Just glad i managed to stay upright and finish the thing.
  7. Likewise - congrats! Also, looks like there've been some real crackers on www.thegumtree.co.za recently - worth a look there, although you have to trawl through ALL the other sports equipment as well. Looks like you're going to be a medium frame guy. But for 10k, you can get a helluva nice bike. Go 2nd hand. Best choice, and you don't have to combat the recent price-hikes that the new bike market has recently undergone. GOOOD LUCK!
  8. Congrats Alida! I've personally never seen that many people turning back within 3 km of the start, and some even before they started! The wind truly was magnificent, but in a scary, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-brown-splotched pants sorta way. Glad I finished. And those burgers i devoured at the finish made my yearly subs to the Lab just that much more worth it!
  9. Forgot about the "Stolen Bikes" section... We actually need the space inside, what with a pool table where our dining room table should be, it's kinda cramped when you have an extra 3 square meters taken up. All things considered though, i need to get a stronger lock/chain/rawl bolt... And normally all 3 bikes are locked together, so that in itself makes it difficult to manouvre (spelling?) when someone tries to take it down. Thing is, it would've happened at some point in time, no matter what i did to protect them.
  10. much like what was said here not too long ago - clean our own closets out.. Good to see it's not only here though (naive, i know - but sometimes we think it's a uniquely south african attitude when it's clearly not)
  11. we should also take into consideration that guilt and the circumstances under which illegal agreement (if any) have yet to be determined. Until then, it is considered good manners, as well as courteous, to reserve judgement.
  12. Yeah... thing is, it was locked up next to my car, under the car-port (not visible from the road) and my car window was open and the door unlocked. Nothing gone from there... My diary's still sitting on the front passenger seat. Go figure! Thinking it must be someone in the complex, or our gardener. 5 houses in the complex, electric gate and fence all round (with 8 ft walls) and the gardener has a key for the ped gate. Gonna grill him when he comes back - don't have his number, unfortunately.
  13. AAAAARGH!!! So, I battle with the wind this morning, and when my girlfriend meets me at the CLab tent, she asks "Love, did you move my MTB this morning?" Some b*****d has decided to remove her mountain bike from our house while we were riding!!! My g/f bailed at Boyes Drive, so noticed it missing when she came home to change. So guess who's going to be looking in the Junkmail, trawling the Classifieds and visiting Avron pretty often for the next few weeks? Off to the cop-shop i go.
  14. Shouldn't be a problem for you, Eclipse - if the wind's at 50kph its like a 900kph reduction. You'll be cruizin!
  15. Willehond, it's the up until recent legality of the Mary Jane (dagga) in the Netherlands... promoted a culture of relaxation and ease IMHO. Pity they did away with the little cafe's recently.
  16. Oh, so that's why the guys from up north r going backwards....
  17. palookas I admire them for the exposure they've brought to us as a country, in terms of their successes overseas, but for heaven's sake - wear a bl00dy helmet!
  18. Hmmm.... Blackburn do a nice range of bike-specific computers with cadence, HR, and all the bells and whistles. Haven't used them, but they look SCHWEET! Cheaper than the Polar as well. THey also come in wireless, which is a major advantage for me (i don't do well with cables) Sigma are also worth a look - the lab has both brands, but i'm sure any shop will have a selection.
  19. HAHAHHA!!! Priceless... and in Obz, of all places!
  20. Medium... Fuji on the road, and Silverback (for now - it's a loan) offroad.cptmayhem2009-03-03 06:09:34
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