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Everything posted by Jason

  1. My fastest was 91kph at the Graskop Hill Climb champs... On Tiaan Kannemeyers wheel... When things went up... Tiaan disappeared in to the distance.
  2. Thanks Adrian, Sometimes a solution to a problem is normally sorted within minutes here on the hub, so I thought someone might have a quick answer. Michelle is currently running the latest build of CP, I'm only using the trial version at the moment. The firmware on my CPU is 2.21. Is there a newer version? I'll compare my files this weekend with the PowerAgent SW and CP and let you guys know! Thanks for all the info and help!
  3. Reminds me of that Micheal Jackson song... You are not alone Everyday I sit and ask myself How did power slip away Something whispers in my ear and says That you are not alone For I am here with you Though you're far away I am here to stay
  4. HOORAY! Bruce is getting older so that means his threshold power will at least drop another 50W to 450W... Have a good one old man!
  5. I guess the pic Pantani posted is Bianchi's version of the Specialized Angel
  6. DUDE! Do you know how early it is!!
  7. Thanks BikeMax, I was supposed to ride this morning but it was hailing The last thing I want is to be a cyclist with dimples all over my body Anyway, I did download the data to the Power Agent and it also shows the errors if I remember correctly. I have a long ride on Sunday. So what I'll do is, download the data in to CP and the Power Agent software and let you know. Windbreaker, sent you a PM, let me know...mkay?
  8. Thanks Windbreaker... Got a ride tomorrow morning and will see how it goes. Just to confirm, I reset all to default and then just changed the recording rates to 1 sec... For Power, Speed and Cadence... Off to bed now but please do keep your mobiles on incase of an emergency... Jason2008-01-03 12:55:48
  9. Older version... I did uncheck it but have re-checked it. So do you think it's a software problem? Or the CPU? Will the build fix this? Is there a fix list you can view?
  10. Yup... Starting to think if I must go back to training with my Abacus... I mean Polar or maybe I'm just pushing this crazy amount of POWER and my PT is like WTF is going on here?
  11. Is it OK if I de-select Auto Zero (Track Mode)? Don't think I'll ever be doing track. Will it have any effect on my riding data or not really?
  12. OK reset all to default and changed the recordings to what I want... This Auto adjust torque... is it over here?
  13. I zero the torque once a week, this is what the PT agents recommend. Time is correct on the CPU and am I'm correct when saying that when you coast your wattage should go to zero otherwise you need to zero the torque? I'm not 100% sure when you say try auto-zero during coasting? Is this a setting on the PT CPU?
  14. Nope... Although today on the IDT it worked 100%. All my IDT training session seem OK, it's just when I'm out on the road where it adds 10 minutes here and there. Below is a graph, you'll see the grey bars circled in red are where the extra bits of time gets added... Some of them are 10 minutes long and it all adds up to the time in brackets. Below you can see the RAW data as viewed in Cyclingpeaks... You can see 54 minutes in to my ride I'm cruising down a hill (0 WATTS) and then all of a sudden no readings, it jumps from 54 minutes to 1h 04 minutes WHY!?!
  15. I don't think Barry Hilton is in to standing in Q's... He just walks straight out with paintings and stuff. I also hate Q's especially when you got someone from behind rubbing up against you... Well if it's a hottie I guess it's OK...
  16. Why must I PM you? You wanna talk dirty? Jason2008-01-03 03:12:17
  17. Hey Dr., my sleep is set to 5 minutes and my autostart is set to just speed... I'll check tomorrow morning if there's any hic-cups again... I'm on the IDT tonight... Funny enough it never gives errors with time on the IDT... Must be our k@k roads or something
  18. Out to the Cradle... The Maropeng area mostly...
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