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Everything posted by Jason

  1. OK BikeMax, I've emailed you the files... Check it out. You'll see my ride yesterday, for some reason at 1h 33m it added 10 minutes when viewing the RAW data in Cyclingpeaks. Please let me know It's happening more and more... It won't be a faulty comp unit or will it? If it's not the data reading properly it's adding more data
  2. Hey BikeMax, I just use the Polar for altitude So basically if I ride for a hour... My PT records for an hour and my polar records for an hour... So say now at 25 minutes in to my ride I all of a sudden start pushing 400W I would like to go back to my polar file and see oh yeah that was the start of whatever hill, but that's a bit hard to determine at the moment because the time is so out. Michelle will send you some files but please note, if you see me pushing 100W that's not an error, it's for real We also busy installing the Power Agent SW quick and will let you know...
  3. But why? After a session I compare my PT and Polar files... So I see... Hmm 400W for 30s 3h in to my ride according to the PT... Go check the Polar file and profile... 3h I was going downhill, -12%. How the hell can I average 400W for 30s on a -12% gradient? Well maybe but then my cadence would be 1675 RPM and I would also be running a 1-10 gear ratio. It's just frustrating Jason2008-01-02 01:53:29
  4. I hacked the file... so Cruxie thinks I'm riding loooong but actually I'm playing XBox... Just don't tell him besides if I wanted to brag I would of put in my power stats
  5. A question for the guru's... Something I can't figure out why? Why would it say that the duration, my ride time is 6h 39m 34 secs and then in brackets 9h 39m 34 secs? I first of all thought it was including the stop times but there is no ways I breaked for 3 hours! The ride had 2 punctures which is most probably a maximum of 10 minutes stopping and then we also stopped twice to top up our water bottles, I would say 10 maybe 15 minutes max... where or what time is this? I reset my computer before every ride so it's not another session its calculating. Anyone know why? 6h 39m is correct cause my polar recorded the same time. Thanks Jason2008-01-01 01:52:19
  6. I have read It's Not About the Bike and Every Second Counts, would recommend it to anyone who doesn't believe in Lance and doesn't believe that hard work can win you 7 tours!
  7. No Crux, I think you're being far too polite... Rest days are for MOFFIES! Had a tough week... So I don't mind being a moffie for one day That reminds me, this morning when I was getting ready I found a panty in my drawer , maybe Michelle want's me to be one
  8. According to Joe Friel... Recoverying/resting is more important than training ... Don't worry tomorrow I have a 2 hr Tempo session which means I have to keep my wattage above 260W for 2 hours and all of this while you guys are sleeping after a lekker braai!
  9. Rest day... What's a rest day? After training you have the "rest" of the day off
  10. We have one. Waste of money... Good'ol paraffin and an old tooth brush works best!
  11. Just need pink housing on those cables and maybe a pink spray job on those spokes... oh yeah and bottle cages! You'll win... no doubt!
  12. We already have a pink Miss
  13. Thats one thing Lance could never do... wheelie but he could ride a bike
  14. Um wait... Just checked someone actually beat him by a second http://www.winningtime.co.za/lookups/GetFullResults.asp?EventName=The%20Argus%20Pick%20'n%20Pay%20Cycle%20Tour%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20%20[105km]&RouteId=94
  15. What!? No one done a sub 2 Argus... Well now there's a New Year resolution... Think the fastest Argus ever was a 2h 22min by Alexandre Vinokourov back in '95 (http://www.winningtime.co.za/lookups/GetResults.asp?Post=true&RiderID=49293) not 100% sure... but who has gone quicker than that?
  16. Imagine Basso doing the Argus and 94.7... Would be awesome... Race tempo will be seriously high cause everyone would want to beat one of the or maybe not so greats... Would be cool I reckon... First sub 2 hour 94.7
  17. Yup Adrian is something else... If SA need to know what service is, they should have a look at what Adiran does. Always willing to help and make sure you satisfied, even if it's the smallest thing, Adrian is there to solve it and quickly. So yeah thumbs up Screw Zuma!
  18. CSI: Miami Cape Town... Total... Are there any Total garages close by?
  19. Cois, took the one pic, mailed Bill, Bill paid $35 Billion for the pic... Now it's on all our desktops and Cois is set for life... B@STARD!
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