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Everything posted by Ryno.

  1. Ryno.


    Can anyone give an update on the current situation?
  2. Ryno.


    At the current situation I think they'll be happy if we get them all out for 550.I think England will push 600 and then declare. Things not looking good for us.
  3. Ryno.


    Looks like our batting is just the tip of the iceberg.
  4. Ryno.


    Current situation is: 69/1 after 20 overs.
  5. Ryno.


    I don't think that's a problem, our current /previous batting situation seems to be a bigger problem.
  6. Oky I am glad they chose Cav from a exposure standpoint, but I feel Reinie needs to have a chance to go for the sprints instead of being a leadout man. The rest of the team looks fine, going to miss Main-cheeze though.
  7. Did an FTP test yesterday on a wattbike, and I was shocked to see my results. My FTP:Kg was 3.05w/Kg. I was off the bike from The start of October untill mid-December. So I've only been training for 2 weeks since. And I am at my all time heaviest at 77,5kg. My normal racing weight is about 72kg. Is it possible to go from 3,05 to 4w/kg before the 23rd of Feb?
  8. They all use Strava and that is the problem everybody wants the KOM and now nobody has it. Maybe I should create a universal account for all of us and then we do it , then everybody has the KOM
  9. Yeah but you better make it count , otherwise it is not a good prezzie
  10. I wanted to do this a while ago on Klapperkop with my cycling buddies. But they don't want to be my domestiques.
  11. Sell your Front Derailleur and shifters with chainrings and buy a Kalbo NW chainring R450 +spacers R69
  12. Great review, but that price tag more than all 3 my bikes together.
  13. If I had a 42 at the back I would go 36. I am currently 34t upfront and 36 back
  14. Busy converting one to singlespeed , so hopefully in the near future yes
  15. Definitely , he is incredibly strong so I have high hopes from him
  16. Maybe you misinterpreted this thread, yes some of us go for KOMs but that doesn't mean we are disrespectful towards others. I saw an article a while back about the top guys in each country regarding KOMs and just figured we get a little perspective between myself against the other top guys regarding KOMs. Because for some of us that little stretch of road makes us push ourselfs harder and that is what gives the results at the end. You call it a interval , I call it a segment! So haters go hating.
  17. Probably because we are faster riders well only in certain instances
  18. In cycling there are 2 groups, those who use Strava and those who don"t , I assume you are part of the latter?
  19. Sorry I didn't know where else to put it. Thought this was appropriate place because Strava is an training app and segments are like intervals. But I understand your problem.
  20. How about a 94.7km segment with a few eina climbs at the end?
  21. When I grow up I want to be the next MR H , btw he should come do Klapperkop for us
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