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  1. If you pedal fast enough the clicking sound will become a low key note which will become pleasant to the ears
  2. great product-will become top seller fast with durability like steel!
  3. http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/103/d/9/rusty_old_car_by_t0nkpils-d4w14it.png
  4. Now what businessman will introduce a product to compete with the likes of Thule and not be able to supply a quality back up service? Many comments here are coming from bad experiences? or people who are always paranoid about being done in? Do you not question the ethics when looking at new products? Buzz are just fine in SA as are Thule Rhino Saris and many others. Its just about choices and ensuring the distributor is committed to that specific brand and not in it for the short term http://www.rackandcarry.co.za/Bike-Racks
  5. When will our LBS have stock??
  6. I will have one soon! When I getz the moneezzzz
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