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Everything posted by popcorn_skollie

  1. I just realized I haven't been watching much of anything lately. Too engrossed in gaming atm. I came across a classic though. The entire series. Three episodes in and its just brilliant. Been years since I watched it. Back then I think I only got into it mid season 3 or something. I do remember how it ends though. But I like being able to watch all the episodes I missed and join the dots as I go along.
  2. Haha. Not much has changed then. Remember when The Syndicate were racing on Enves for like 2 years or something before Enve actually made them available to the public? Then nobody could afford them anyways. I'm still rolling on a 26 Glory. Not worried about tyres really. Got 2 spare sets of HR and DHF. You guys who moved onto 650b early have forgotten the struggle. Welcome back.
  3. I'd stick with the Enves. Not sure which Havocs you're talking about. But I distinctly remember them being a bit narrow for my liking. Even back then. They're also 28 spoke if I'm not mistaken. The havoc's were touted as the DH wheel set while the Havens were trail if I remember correctly. The Havoc's were light though. By DH standards I guess. So they ended up gracing more trail than dh bikes. I guess the same can be said for flows too. Tyre's are a funny thing aren't they. I have a buddy who loves HD. Front and back on his Remedy. You could order a set of these off crc. They are a bitch to seat. They can't roll for ****. But they stick like glue.
  4. I know! So sexy I can't even deal right now. With more stickers than my level of maturity can resist. Nee mevrou. Skollie het nog nie gery nie. Maar hy sal. Die bliksem.
  5. I can do 1 metre or so. But don't worry. Will position camera well enough so it looks like 3.
  6. Check this new game on Steam
  7. Briefly rode with Minnaar's clip in impacts. Even a size down my feet didn't like them. I had raw sides on my big toe from them shifting about inside. Luckily there are lots of clip in options available so settled on some Mavics. I just ride skater shoes with my flats. Still not much options out there to match the established pedigree that comes with a pair of 5tens for flat pedals.
  8. I always found 5 tens to be too roomy. As in I need to go down a size for them to fit me correctly. Doyou need innersoles for them to fit?
  9. Well you're faster on a hardtail. I know you don't wanna hear it. But I've noticed that about you. If you enter any enduros. I advise you take the hardtail.
  10. I'm guessing you might be clenching your toes inside your shoe unknowingly. Possibly tensing up in certain sections without realizing it?
  11. 'Value' is a bit of a grey area and obviously relative to your budget. From someone who used an overpriced Camelbak for 2 years only to puncture it with a hoe on build day (I wasn't looking ok) I wasn't prepared to fork out 4 digits on a bag filled with water. So I got this http://www.macete.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/integer.jpg Which cost me around R400 at the time if I remember correctly. Bought from Lizzard online. The same guys who do budget surf wear. Bought it in October 2016 and its still flawless. I has an insulated bladder compartment and lots of pouchs, nooks, sleeves, etc. Even some plastic hooks inside so you wont have to dig for your keys. About 7 or 8 litres of storage with More zips than a Michael Jackson jacket. See that red zip at the bottom? A kangaroo net pouch folds out to hold your fullface. Pretty handy. It didn't come with a bladder though so I got a 2 litre like this. I paid R300 at the time if I remember correctly. 14 months and R700 later. Very happy. That's great value. It seems like my one is discontinued now though. They still have some goodies which qualify as good value. Check Lizzard's website. I love the EVOC range. But I think its ridiculously overpriced. If I had money to burn I probably wouldn't bother scouring the forgotten corners of the internet to try and find the best bang for my buck. I'd just go EVOC cos they fit the bill and look uber cool. Duane's suggestion has protection features though. Which changes things drastically. Suddenly that price tag needs some fresh perspective. Also something to consider when trying to establish value.
  12. Who would have thought tie dye could look so good. Gorgeous! Congrats
  13. Its an stp. Probably get around to building it up early next year. Fork and wheels are at droo's. Thats the bike I need a 135mm rear hub for. In no rush though. There's no sense in having two jump bikes. Which ever one the wife decides to keep. I'll just sell the other.
  14. Agreed. Not bashing the bike at all. Nice to see a new contender in the ring. Especially since there's over enough evidence that some serious thought went into the bike itself. But the tyres leave much to be desired imo. This however...seem far more appealing. Nobby Nic 3.0. Had the bike came specced with those. Far more people including myself would have been thinking. Jeez I'd like to give that bike a go.
  15. This is Chaoyang's Rock Wolf. I'd give those tyres a go in a heartbeat because they look the part. The knob profile gives me the impression that Chaoyang did some actual research into what constitutes a decent trail tyre. http://www.chaoyangtire.com/upload/2015/11/23/1448280033452vqy7.png Titan? Not so much. The tyre looks like its meant for gravel grinding. The knobs on my kids Avalanche will have more grip in the corners than those. And I'm not exaggerating. Slap on a set of +size Nobby Nics and be done with it.
  16. She is definitely a looker when stealthed out. And the numbers look good enough on paper too. Nick or Iwan. If you guys ever get your hands on one of these for review. Lets be fair and slap on some decent rubber beforehand.
  17. Entering into the trail market after the success of their first Plus+ bike, three options are available. The Skyrim is a full suspension 140mm 650B plus trail bike. Highlights include Boost 148mm spacing, internal cable routing and dropper posts across the range. Excellent. But somebody needs to tell Titan's marketing team that nobody wants their tyres. Even Giant and Silverback opt for sensible choices on bikes like those because they know their target market. Instead of forcing their rubbish inhouse rubber on potential consumers. I can pretty much guarantee that the majority of potential buyers would be discouraged from buying it based on the tyres alone. Might as well have a flashing red light with a warning sign that this bike should not be taken seriously. Come now Titan. You're selling your own product short here. The bike certainly ticks a few of the right boxes. Boost and a dropper but your skimp on tyres? Makes no sense. Even if you're trying to meet a price point.
  18. Facebook gelukkie. Paid R900. That's right baby. 3 figures for a 2012 Giant Modem. This one came with the giro headset and brake contraption too. But I'm far from pulling off any bar spins. It also has the axle stunt pegs but I took them off for the time being. I saw the ad a few hours after it was posted and brushed it off as probably stolen. MTB buy and sell group I think it was. No ad for it on bikehub or gumtree. Then I stalked the sellers profile and saw enough evidence to convince me otherwise. Turns out the guy just bought his laaitie a mountain bike to join him on the trails. He outgrew the bmx. Since I was in no danger of outgrowing it myself (its a 19.25 which is bang on my size) I pounced. So Saturday night I send the guy a message on Facebook. Sunday morning I get a response saying its available. I had a ride planned for Sunday afternoon with a friend so I asked if he minded us venturing out to Stellies since the bike was thereabouts. I had no number. Just the guys facebook. With no prior arrangements to meet up or anything. But we skiet to Stellies anyways and messed about in Eden till about 7pm. I forgot all about the bike but when I checked my fone after the ride I read his response with an address and that he would be home by 7. I gps the address and it turns out he was only 8 minutes away. Still no fone number I dash to the bra's plek. Facebook him from outside his house and out he comes with the bike. Some small talk about local the trails later and she was on my bakkie. Probably my luckiest purchase to date. Get this though. On my way home I drop my buddy in Hazendal and drive through Bokmakierie to get to Klipfontein road. At the robot some asshole tik kop tries to swipe the bike off the back of the bakkie. I tied it up pretty vas though. When he realised it was tied up he ran away. I may also have reversed into him a bit just to give him a fright. Man I'm glad I tied that bike down the way I did. A couple months back I rode an old Supergoose. It felt both familiar and nostalgic (I last owned a bmx in 1994) but also completely foreign at the same time. I'm so use to the geo of a mountain bike that it feels almost strange to be back on a bmx after so many years. I will always recommend a DJ bike for anyone that wants something cheap to mess about on. Sharpen skills and so on. But as far as fun for cheap goes. A bmx is in its own league. Been youtubing way too many bmx channels in the last few months since riding that Supergoose. Riding it took a while to get use to. But after about 20 minutes of messing about I could bunny hop on and off my stoep which is about 2 steps high. If you are use to a mountain bike. You're in for some re-acquaintance before you get comfortable. For some perspective on just how different it is. All my bikes are the right size for me. But compared to the others. Just look at how tiny it is!
  19. Sjoe! Very naaaais! As it stands now you should be fine for gaming. Overkill even. I wouldn't bother with an i9 just for gaming. The 7740x has plenty of headroom. Even if you're gaming at 4k. If the build is primarily for gaming. I would consider future upgrades more along the lines of a dual gpu setup instead of upping the cpu. Like two 1080's or something. For gaming. Your money will be better spent on a killer SLI config on that platform. You wont see much performance boost in games moving from an i7 to an i9. Most games don't take advantage of all those cores. But you will see a massive improvement with two gpu's. The i9 also runs absurdly hot. So the h100 you have now wont cut it under load. It will keep up but barely. You really want a fat 360mm rad to cool that puppy down. Or a custom loop.
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