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Everything posted by popcorn_skollie

  1. Classic! Preaching to the choir here boet. I watched all his old sketches so many times I've actually memorized most of them. This one is a particular favourite of mine. Its bittersweet watching some of them today. But hilarious none the less. Twas the best of times, twas the worst of times. One things for sure. None of his newer stuff come close to how good these were. People today just aren't as naive as they use to be.
  2. I cant wait till they make one with a police liggie on top.
  3. As someone who's been a major fan of the franchise since Bad Company. I think I'll give this one a miss. PUBG changed shooters in such a drastic way for me that I can't see myself going back to games like these. It's just much of the same now. Developers need an entirely new angle. Not just the same game with a different theme. Kudos to EA for doing away with premium. I assume much of the pay to win loot crates are on the way out too. But they have to make up the profits somehow. This game is R1,200 on pre order if I'm not mistaken. And probably more upon official release.
  4. As your clan grows so does the base. Location for base building is crucial. The higher the better (safer) especially since some people online raid you while you're offline. Its a dick move but thats how it is so you best prepare. At this point we had a few clan members each tasked with different things. Everyone comes back with either wood, brimstone, steelfire, blackice, dragonbone, twine, coal, and hundreds, litterally hundreds of other crap to make whatever you wish. I can use various flowers and seeds to make dye and war paint for example. Its impossible to explain just how in depth this game goes. As a result. Some storage and sorting was in order. This was also only temporary. Now we have a massive vault on top of an mountain. Our base and vault in background. I crafted the highest level armour which didn't weigh too much in case I needed to carry things home. Also wielding dragon weapons here. They wont last forever. They perish from use. But some tools and weapons will last longer than others depending on material used. I will need to venture out to the dragons lair at some point for more dragon bone. Some scouts said the next trip won't be easy since another clan moved their base of operations closer to dragons lair in order to control the valuable resource that it is. Other clans do the same for black ice, etc. In an attempt to deprive other clans of various different resources in order to gain an advantage. Often the reason behind skirmishes and clan fighting. The highest level armour in the game (i think) I'm not a high enough level to craft it. And Wearing it takes up like 80% of my encumbrance. So I can barely swing a weapon while wearing it. Once of our clan members made these for all of us. Here I am sporting mine for some selfies. Eventually I will level up enough to wear this in battle. All images are screenshots of my personal journey in the game thus far...
  5. After nearly 400 hours I needed some respite from PUBG. After being convinced by the rest of the gamers whatsapp group. I took the plunge on my first survival game. Never played the genre before but it was so worth it. Never thought I would love something so complex this much. Was always more of a point and shoot guy. But this is next level. If you played Ark Survival (which I haven't) apparently its a lot like that game. Except this one is way more intricate and in depth in terms of what you can do. Conan Exiles https://youtu.be/Ft7yjrpvy0w So you start off hanging from the cross in a desert left to die. Everyone does. Then someone frees you and your journey begins. But you have nothing. You are literally butt naked. But nudity can be turned off if you please. Before you are set free you choose your gender, race and religion. And tweak your physical appearance to your liking. The race you choose determines various things but each race is different with no real advantage over the other. Some have certain skills others don't. But all skills canned be learned over time as your progress. You religion determines the God you worship and when you're a high enough level Gods can be summoned to destroy your enemies. But we're talking way later in the game. You start off by gathering plant fibre to make twine and clothe yourself. Picking up stones and branches for some make shift tools and weapons. Find water and food. Insects will have to do for now. The general idea is basically...survive. Whatever it takes. You reach the stone age quite quickly and learn various essential survival skills like building shelter, making fire and gather resources to make the tools and weapons to help you along. As you progress you become more proficient at building, crafting, fighting and generally surviving. Building shelter close to water is obvious. You need water and clothes to keep track of your temperature especially while you're working, fighting or hunting. At this point I had just learned carpentry to make some wood and stone tools and weapons. The right tools are required for various applications. A pick axe for stone and iron. A knife for skinning prey for hides, bark is used to tan hides into leather. A hatchet for wood, A sword and shield for battles. A spear for animals you don't want to get too close to, etc, etc. Once you're good enough to venture out into the MASSIVE map. You'll find other players who have already clanned up. Join a clan. It will be crucial to your survival. At this point you're a long way from being in the stone age. The landscape is peppered with all sorts of dangers. Dangerous carnivorous animals and mythical creatures alike. You need to be prepared for what ever comes your way. This is where I ran into a horde of stone hyenas. But there's much worse. Like dragons, giant spiders, wolves, tigers, scorpians, demons, etc. You need to venture out anyways to get resources for building, crafting, hunting, etc. Your quest to survive never ends. At this point I had already clanned up. Two of my friends are running in the background. We just returned from a dragon mission. Dragon bone weapons are the best kind. I think. But there's also black ice, hardened steel and special ancient weapons if you're lucky enough to find one. Bare in mind that since its an online game. You'll more than likely run into other players. And possibly their base of operations in various locations. Allies or enemies. It all depends on how everyones feeling. But fighting other clanned and looting their base once defeated is probably the most rewarding part of the game. Oh and taking slaves to do your dirty work. I think someone was evoking a God here.
  6. Flows are like the Pike of wheels. Touted as the best when really they're just the most popular. There's are plenty of good alternatives. Considering the price difference and my personal inclination to divert from what everyone else is doing. I'd probably go Neutron. Great reviews too (save for the soft freebody)
  7. http://jordanaferraro.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/posted-huckabees.jpg For some reason this movie randomly occurred to me last night. Jason Schwartzman must be one of my least favourite performers of all time. He strikes me as this overly intentional, bohemian, pseudo intellectual type. An anti-anti hipster of sorts if that makes sense. Somehow though his frustrating persona was almost necessary in this role. The rest of the cast is stellar though. A lekker comedy that makes light the weight of philosophical questions.
  8. Local ones are very different. They kinda look like two funnels jammed together haphazardly. And I don't see them being used that much around here these days. You could call Kaapagri if you want something authentic. But I would just go and buy the musical instrument instead of an actual cow bell. Its pretty similar. I might have seen them at soundselect. But you'd probably get better prices at orange. They always have specials. I got some bronze strings there for like 50 bucks.
  9. Its such a shame that Sega doesn't exist as a competitive platform anymore. Their last console was the Dreamcast in the early 2000s I think. The xbox vs playstation war really killed them off. As well as the arcade industry. Meanwhile Nintendo has been innovating and carving out their own market space without a need to compete with those two. Such a shame. Mario will forever be Nintendo's avatar. Sony never did get this right. They tried with Crash Bandicoot. But failed miserably. They have a plethora of exclusive characters which slowly filtered out of exclusivity as they cashed in on other platforms. Like Tekken. But lets face it. Sony just doesn't have the rich retro gaming history like Sega or Nintendo. Sonic was always Sega's avatar. Like Mario was to Nintendo. To see Sonic ported to other platforms is such a shame. In hindsight, since Sega has since ventured into the software side of things. Why did they not reach out to other Japanese game companies? Capcom, SNK, Bandai or Namco. I guess its in the interest of those companies to keep their options open with regards to cross platform gaming. Still. The purist in me cringes at the thought of Sonic being played on a Nintendo.
  10. So far yes. Still in pre-release stage. There will probably console ports once there's a stable (and official) v1.0. I'm just assuming of course. But its likely that developers would cash in on multiple platforms. Steam reviews are a mixed bag but this one sums it up pretty well. Brilliant game. But for now. Lots of bugs... Have you ever had a milkshake so thick that you literally CAN'T drink it? But every now and then you'll get a little tiny sip that makes you wanna keep trying. Eventually you just set the shake down and wait. That's what this game is. I for one appreciate the direction in which developers are going with games these days. Pre-releases generally go for around R300 or less. Which is pretty fair if you ask me. Forking out R1000 per title (which you expect to be a polished product) only to be disappointed in the end is very frustrating. But this way, developers depend on gamers for feedback to make fixes and changes. PUBG has seen a long (very long) list of updates and changes. Its not perfect. But because it has such an active community who engage with developers, bug fixes roll out pretty quickly and changes and events are always on the horizon to keep things fresh. Games may be buggy to begin with. But they're much cheaper. And if you report bugs developers actually listen. Well most times. They also often implement suggestions for changes and additions to their games based on feedback. Creative ideas from the community are also often implemented. Win win if you ask me. But ya. There will always be bugs. I guess you have to break a few eggs if you wanna eat cake.
  11. I checked out some streamers playing one of the first versions. It looks exciting but they reported MANY bugs. There were like 5 teams all hunting a giant spider. The spider was ripping hunters apart one by one. In some dark basement type cellar. If you engage with a team already hunting. You risk getting picked off by the monster while fighting each other. So the last two teams decided **** it. Lets take down this spider together first. Then once the monster is down the teams fight for the loot. I like battle royale angle too. Same as PUBG rules. You only get one life on a hunt. If you're alone. Depleted health bar means you die instantly and can't come back for the same hunt. But if your health is depleted while playing in a team. You're knocked out. As long as your team mate is alive he can revive you. If your team mate gets knocked while you're alread down. You both die instantly. Because there's nobody left to revive.
  12. https://youtu.be/5a1V6T3WNWQ Has anyone played this? Looks right up my alley. R320 on Steam pre-release.
  13. Yeah I'm on Carbonite but not very active at all. Some of the other local gaming forums too. The build was from new from scratch though. Opted for a quiet micro atx build. Nothing fancy. A mid tier setup for some decent frames in 1080p. The best of which is at about ~120 fps in Doom on ultra and PUBG I'm mainly in the 70s on mixed high settings. That game is badly optimized, buggy, lag riddled mess but I love it. RX480 8gb gpu, 16gb 2133mhz dual channel. Intel i5 6600. 2x 250gb Samsung ssd and a 3tb WD HD. Case, AIO, PSU, fans and headset all Corsair. Dragon cherry red and MSI mouse. Impressive KD. I think I peaked at 1.1 in BF3. That was the best one imo. But when squad mates slowly lost interest it just plunged. I tried playing with others but the chemistry just wasn't there. Been playing BF since BC2, then 3, then 4. Skipped Hardline and then played BF1 a bit till PUBG came and ruined my life. Was never good enough to play competitively. But I'll probably keep playing shooters till the bitter end.
  14. Yep, that's why I opt for afternoon rides instead.
  15. All I play now is PUBG. Some more of my favourite instagram pics Shot with an old crappy samsung s5. This fone lasted me 4 years and still going... Upgraded to the s7 2 years back. Lost the fone. Went back to s5. Oh look its upgrade time again. Think I'll stick with Samsung. The new camera looks dope!
  16. So I'm still stuck in my nostalgia phase. Finished the first season of Magnum PI. I'm not sure why people assumed that Magnum was loaded. Private Investigators did not earn that much. Not even in the 80s. Higgins was house sitting for some billionaire. And Magnum was just freeloading at the house Higgins was looking after. The Ferrari was never his. Guess most folks never watched the pilot. Or just plain forgot. I'm looking for a show that aired in the 70s. Possibly 80s in South Africa. It was called Rich man Poor man. No luck finding episodes online. Just snippets on youtube. Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  17. Haha. Get it done! I was late with that one too but its worth the binge. Top ten in my book. Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
  18. https://youtu.be/3Gu27k49z4c Playing around with Radeon Relive. This is an export from a PUBG replay. Between exporting the clips from the game itself to video it looks like the sound timing is out. There's also a delay between hit registration and actual gunfire. Probably a latency issue. They had an event over the weekend where you could mash up in 8 man squads. Since the game was designed around a max of 4 man squads we struggled to get into a game where the 8 of us would all be in the same squad on the same server. Eventually we succeeded in all getting onto the same server. But on opposing sides. In hindsight this was far more fun. Despite being teamed up with randoms we could not communicate with. You never get to kill your friends on PUBG. Which makes this engagement special. The two guys we take out are regular team mates we squad up with. I got lucky here. The dead guys are way better players than I am. I picked them off while they were in the middle of a fight with a separate team.
  19. Mahindra have been making cars for like 100 years or something. Or is it Daihatsu. Either way they are solid. You'll see crap loads of them in Mumbai. They making electric cars now too. Its just a pity they wont win any awards for styling. Its as if the designers refuse to use a protractor. Or compass. Just rulers.
  20. The theory behind it kinda makes sense. But in practice I honestly can't tell. I'm still using one now though. Only coz its what I have. I don't care what shape the replacement will be. I also don't care which brand. They're all the same. Some are just prettier than others. Here is my list in order of importance when trying to decide on a new ring. Colour.
  21. Am I the only one who can't tell the difference?
  22. Somebody help me. I'm knee deep in nostalgia movies. These are the titles I've watched recently and they're all 10/10. You here me? 10/10 http://img.moviepostershop.com/freddy-got-fingered-movie-poster-2001-1020384524.jpg http://img.moviepostershop.com/beverly-hills-cop-movie-poster-1984-1020190553.jpg http://www.crankycritic.com/archive/posters/romeo+juliet.jpg http://img.moviepostershop.com/the-birdcage-movie-poster-1996-1020193390.jpg
  23. I had to look up what the hell these are used for. Check it out! https://youtu.be/U3fmx8m7X6g
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