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Everything posted by Lusiad

  1. check their website http://cyclelabclub.co.za/page/club-rides-fourways Also always riders leaving from Broadacres, could try to join a group there. Chat to the guys at Mellow Vello
  2. Thanks Furbz, very helpful. Francois was great - went out of his way to help Ronald and waited until both Netcare911 and we arrived. Thank you very much.
  3. Thanks for the pointers. Ronald has a broken ulna and will be operated on this coming week.
  4. Hi Our mate, Ronald, got knocked down in a hit and run just before Avianto heading towards the highway, happened at about 09h15. According to people who saw it, car was a white Tata driven by a woman. The front fender was already damaged/hanging loose. She apparently turned and around and drove back past the scene but like the coward she is, did not stop to check. He has suffered a bad elbow injury and the expected bruises from the hard landing. He is currently undergoing checks to determine the extent of the injury. Long shot but if anybody saw the incident or the car would really like to try and track her down. Cars becoming increasingly more brazen and dangerous in the Cradle.
  5. 1. Name: Lusiad 2. Resting HR: 48 3. Max HR: 196 4. Age: 46 5. Star Sign: The twins 6. Sex: Male 7. Hub Posts: 12 now
  6. RIP the two cyclists who lost their lives and all strength and comfort to their families. Very sad and tragic news to be receiving. Been a very bad weekend for road cycling involving vehicles, death of a race participant yesterday in the Berge en Dale and now this. Makes me seriously reconsider going back to MTBing as my primary cycling, then have to deal with the criminal scum but chances of survival higher than the drunk driving/impatient drivers equivalent in a lethal vehicle!
  7. Very, very sad. RIP fellow cyclist. Puts the distance gripes I had about the extra 5km into real perspective. Saw a couple of close shaves today in one of the BL groups, especially with guys crossing the white line.
  8. Very nicely done guys! Thanks especially to the Trail Fairies - some awesome work been done on the Spruit!
  9. A potential solution for bike theft and hijacking?
  10. http://www.labrador.retriever-gifts.com/labrador_art/black-lab-motivational-poster-4.jpg
  11. Did I mention how absurd, and now downright moronic, this "debate" is? Just how much time do people have on their hands to put this amount of energy into troll like behaviour People are actually complaining about there being well maintained, marked OPTIONS for MTBng when not that long ago in the North of Jhb we only had the Spruit, NFarms and some "secret"/illegal routes out West. As a number of other people have noted - there are PLENTY of other challenging and technical routes all easily accessible that will test your awesomeness on a MTB. I'm sure the forum would appreciate your critiques on these as well And going Nazi - not cool... Move on... BTW keep up the good work Dflip - common sense or topic boredom will prevail, eventually
  12. Absurd debate this - the whole idea of MTB is to ride the road less travelled and discover "new" trails. If the Cradle or any of the other established routes now bores you or has become too easy for your awesomeness then move on - plenty of options around the area and if you are serious about "proper" technical challenges then you will know where to find them. Personally I think that it's great to have an "easy" MTB route that is also easily accessible such as Cradle as it serves a particular purpose and allows a wide variety and LARGE group of people to experience, enjoy - and yes - improve their skills. Just see how many people are out on the weekend. Let go of your preciousness - it can only be a good thing the more people we get on bicycles, regardless of what type and where they ride. What's that about horses for courses - maybe it should be courses for horses? Just smile and wave
  13. Does the 80km qualify as a seeding event for the Argus or just the 106km? Not sure the legs are ready for the 106km!
  14. Valverde does charge R20 but only on weekends, weekdays it's free. In return you get a Valverde R20 "note" that you can use for drinks, etc. A clever system and a good way for cyclists to show appreciation to Valverde who have been big supporters of cyclists for years, as well as being cyclists themselves. Agree with Fat Boab - support the local businesses especially where you make use of their facilities. It's just common decency.
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