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Everything posted by dollar

  1. Use two g-clamps on a Mac
  2. I wonder if there are any Outsurance guys on the hub? What a clever company - they just scored a whole pack of new customers. That's what you get for being honest and efficient!
  3. After stripping my wife's at the start of the Ride for Sight, I watched Frans (of Tour De Frans) put the wheels back with a borrowed nut - nobody trusted me Not hell of a tight - certainly no red mark but firm. Wheel did not come off
  4. Well done guys. It's good to see okes getting off their arses and doing something positive! As for lane splitting - some guys do it well and others not. I generally make sure that I am only doing about 10kph faster than the cars - a 10k crash will probably not kill me? I would guess that its the "right turn into path" that is one of the most lethal for us on bikes. Also a sudden lane change at high speed (anything over 60) that is going to be a problem. U turns are also quite interesting... Most of the bike commuters I see have number plates.
  5. Do what I did - put TWO stickers on your wifes car
  6. Guys - go and fight somewhere else please....
  7. I do both - motorcycles and bicycles. I also have the occasional spat with cyclists when I am on my bike and vice versa. Thing is its a specific biker/cyclist or a specific bunch! It's not ALL of them for f's sake. There are some assholes wearing thinkbike bibs - same as there are a couple of assholes on bicycles. I can say the same for taxi's and trucks - some are dildos but most not. Thinkbike are quite passionate about what they do - pretty well I might add. But remember - its a broad spectrum from all walks of life - just like the Hub. Some things you will agree with others not. Now here is an oke offering you/me/us a partnership in an already working organisation that has our common interests (health) covered. What do we want to do - change it?? If you want changes then change it - JOIN them and become a power within. If you are waiting for something better to come past then I suggest that you dont hold your breath for too long - it's not coming. These okes live Thinkbike and really walk the walk rather than prattle on - like I am doing now
  8. I think that we may be losing sight of the reality of our situation. On this black day for cycling 4 people were killed in a taxi accident. Another 4 children were mowed down by guys dragging their cars. Today a number of construction workers killed by a truck. SA is at war with itself. Have you heard any politicians saying anything sensible about the situation? Of course not - the simply dont care. Our road death statistics are so high, people are mute to them in general. It's only when it hits close to home that we take note - for a while. This is the way it is in SA now. We are now really part of Africa. European driving standards dont apply here. The solution is a new government that actually values the lives of it's population. Not going to happen any time soon.....
  9. After a couple of hits and near misses, I am pretty much beyond the fury. I dim my lights when I am close behind only. Never ride at night - although your visibility on dim is probably better at night?
  10. Condolences to family and friends. A black day for cycling. The driver of the car was blinded by the sun but still overtook? So if it was a farm tractor or 50 ton Scania coming the other way?
  11. Hey Slowpoke - I also feel a lot more vulnerable on my bicycle - compared to my 600? I thought it was just me. The thing that really bothers me is that I get passed by all the traffic all the time. Without mirrors you never really know what is behind you. The other thing is that people really dont see you on a bicycle. At least on the bike you have really potent lights - I ride on brights always. They cannot say that they did not see me - I leave two little burns on their corneas
  12. Terrible news about the three cylists in the Cape. This is really making me think seriously about riding on the road? I am starting to wonder if its on a par with riding a motorcycle.......
  13. No change - but I am on the second hand market for an old model Ultegra or 105 RD
  14. A positive update Her mom, staff and some clients have suggested that she may be too old to be riding - man - has this got her goat. Now I am told that the bike must be fixed by next week
  15. PICS! It crossed my mind BUT divorces are messy and expensive
  16. Thanks guys - and girls particularly. I will take it very easy with the bike story.... Oh - another lesson I learned - to lie down in a private hospital with an Ice pack on your face costs you R1300 and the medical aid does not pay for it because you are not admitted. They need the cash please. So taking R100 in your shirt is not going to do it - you need to have your CC with you at all times?
  17. Had a bit of drama this week. my wife clipped the oke in front and came off. Sadly she was going a tad fast and landed very badly - on her cheek bone mainly. Wow - it looks like she crashed an F16 rather than a bike at 30k's. She is in a pretty bad way - albeit "walky talky" she is still in a lot of pain and has minor injuries all over. I have been told to sell her road bike! Looking at her I cant argue at the moment. I am sort of waiting for the pain to diminish before I suggest that she gets back on the bike - after I fix it (anyone selling a reasonable RD?) but I am in two minds about pushing the issue.... Did learn a few things though - helmet does zip for your face - unless it has a peak on. Gloves are essential - her right glove is trashed - gel/leather and all. Hand is bruised and wounded. Can you imagine the injury without it? Cycling shorts do nothing for road rash. I ride motorcycles - so I am wondering if a strip or two of kevlar may not help a bit....
  18. This is funny. How we have progressed! The okes have such Hi tech frames that they need a cotton wool clamshell case to move them around? Get a steel frame, drink Black Label and go to hotrods on Friday night! Seriously - I am pretty sure that if it was a real problem we would have heard about it by now? Carbon tubing is bloody strong - as long as the force is reasonably well distributed.
  19. Nice pics M. Why is it that I always miss the finishes? In fact - why is it that the carpark is empty when I get there...........
  20. Sorry about that. You must be careful in the Cape! That would never happen here in GP. They would just shoot you and take the bike.
  21. A tad "NCR" at the moment, but we are going to do mountain bikes too... A China and I are wanting to promote a new offroad/GS (motorcycle) type venue near Warmbaths. It is a game farm about 19km's from Warmbaths with space for about 50 riders (in dorms) and about 150 (camping). There are also rooms in the main house available with BIC's for the tenderfoots. The farm is 180km from JHB and the roads there are good. All the facilities that you need are on the farm - hot water/hot beds/cold beer/great roads/great trails etc. We are looking for about 10 guys to come and test the venue. PM me if you are interested. We are looking at "weekend" adventures - Friday and Saturday rides out into the Waterburg - some really great routes that you can help build!
  22. I would say that it may be a tad long - but I dont know MTB's. Get an answer from one of the hubbers that do
  23. No disrespect intended to the MTB, but it looks different to what I am used to - road bikes
  24. Ouch. Chain is at it's shortest on big/big combo. Low at the back and high in the front.
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