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Everything posted by RossW

  1. Gees, now I'm sucking air at both ends! Nipping big time. I will accept to write VAT etc off as a bad experience - just want my postage refunded and the value of the fork. Expensive lesson being learned.
  2. Deed is done. Paid for SURFACE MAIL R222.68 which will take between 21 and 35 days. I was tempted for the AIR MAIL at R556 but had concerns that CRC would think I'm taking a chance and would not reimburse me. I do remember reading somewhere that I must return it at the equivalent of Royal Mail ... Documents included as copies: CRC Invoice (R4166) Parcel Force Invoice (Free shipping) SAPO Customs receipt (R816) Surface mail receipt (R222) No to see what they will reimburse me for out of a total of R5204.00 spent on this little exercise. The wait is on!
  3. Thanks for all the opinions and ideas. I have decided to send it back to CRC for a refund. It turns out they do not have stock of the Reba 29er taper and if my frame has a taper I'd prefer to use a taper ... you know what I'm saying. I have included copies of my invoice, SAPO VAT duties paid and also will be including a receipt of postage paid to return it to CRC. Now to wait and see how much they pay back ... I really hope I don't lose the VAT and duties as that would be an expensive "lesson"
  4. Just spoke to the CRC guys. Gary was very helpful. Turns out they don't have the Reba SL 29er in stock so I can do a refund or choose another fork and they will sort it out. But what do I do about the SAPO VAT that I have paid?
  5. Do you think that would work? They would already have inspected it and produced an invoice for the replacement fork. You know PO people are not very, well, intelligent in general.
  6. I am starting to think that way as well .....
  7. Hahaha, punishing me for getting on the 29er wagon! Yea, emailed them and now waiting .... Gavin, maybe keep that 29er Fox close at hand dude. I hope they will reimburse full courier fee if/when I send it back to them... Oh the joys of a "bargain"
  8. So today I head over to my local post office to collect my most recent CRC order. I check the inside of the box to confirm it is all there and I even go as far as checking the stickers on each box to make sure it's the right stuff. You see where this is going .... I get home and prise open my bounty. Open my fork; Reba 29er SL taper and what do I find?! A Revelation Race standard steerer 26". So now I have paid duties etc and from reading previous threads it seems to get the duties back is near impossible. I really don't want to spend MORE money on sending this fork back and then sitting with a potential credit because hey don't have stock now. And then MORE duties when hopefully the correct fork comes. Do I flog it here, on TheHub or send it back and just swallow hard?
  9. Gosh! Will just have to go black hubs then. I only want Hope Pro II's.
  10. I love it! I have the black as well so it's great sort of knowing what my bike will look like finished. The only difference is I have a black RS Reba. Are you in the PMB area Edgar? There are now 3 Chumba's here Going for a X7 2X10 kit as well and Green Hope Pro II's and Green ESI grips. How did it fair at Karkloof? What did you get your weight down to?
  11. Oh man, cannot wait to have mine built up and on the trails!
  12. How does that Nobby Nick roll as a general purpose marathon 45 - 70km tyre? I have a Maxxis Aspen now but wanting to move full UST tyre soon. It's a Racing Ralph at the back for sure!
  13. Oh heavens yes, you are right about that. Now you have 40mm instead of 25mm of usable travel on a 100mm fork
  14. I've used both the monorail and crossmark. Monorail was really nice as a rear tyre. I did try it as a front and didn't issues. The C-shaped lugs seemed to dig in and provide pretty decent cornering - mostly moist ST or powdery ST here in PMB. Do not bring a cross mark near me! I will karate chop that thing to pieces! I may just be one of those 2% of riders who have used it and who don't like it. Case closed. I have been looking at the Race King as a rear but I don't like the Mountain King as a front. I want something a little more "free rolling" Many here in KZN have suggested the Mezecal (sp) from GEAX as a front and then your pick of small block 8, Saguaro, AKA or RK as a rear. I'm very tempted to get the GEAX combo or maybe a Racing Ralph front and back.
  15. I would never even consider the Dart 3! I'd rather had a rigid fork, seriously! A mate has the F80 terralogic from about 2007 and it performs better than my now replaced Recon solo air 2008. XT brakes are decent. Got them currently. Stopping power could be better but I do run very holey rotors with sintered pads.
  16. I have an old Giant Rincon which has a 1" steerer tube. Will be converting to SS commuter bike but now my question; where can I get a 1" stem? I have a standard bar, not the OS 31.8mm one. The current stem is rusted and manky looking.
  17. The UCI World Cup weekend is certainly out of the question! In May the weekend of Saturday 14th May is also out. Also not available in July on the weekend of Saturday 2nd of July. Otherwise I'm pretty free
  18. Count me in! Making the trip from PMB will be no hassle at all. Now to set a date .... and venue I would guess.
  19. It's a great course! The most challenging course that I have ridden in my 3 years of MTB. There is nowhere to hide. Recovery time? No such thing. Cannot wait to see the pros ride it!
  20. 173cm and 60kg. I love watching a big guy sweat blood up a hill. And they don't beat me down the other side either!
  21. +1 on that. 4 bar! WOW! I have mine at 22 and 24 psi (easier to read and fine tune than bars) I can honestly say I have never pumped my mtb tyres that hard!
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