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Everything posted by RossW

  1. The welding can lead to catastrophic failure. Death and injury may result.
  2. +1! As morbid as the interest is.
  3. I wouldn't have been surprised if she'd given them the finger before walking off, now that I've watched it a couple of times. I would have collapsed in a mess of jelly legs! Yea, seen it here in Dar es Salaam as well how the pedestrians don't seem to understand the possible repercussions.
  4. I can't find the right topic to post this and I don't feel like creating a new post. So here goes. I'm moving from PMB to JHB at the end of May. Will most likely be living in the Linden area. It seems this is a safe area of the Spruit to ride, if heading to the bot gardens. Including Delta park. Hope to see you guys riding. This will have to form all of my week training, and then do something else on the weekends. If the area group rides, give me a shout. I'll continue checking the group rids section.
  5. I have another little gem for you then. Biceps femoris is what makes up your hamstring. It comprises and long and a short head which activates depending on angle of flexion. It's involved with knee flexion (bending). The gastrocnemius is the main (good looking) calf muscle cyclists normally have. The major official quadriceps muscle in the figure is the vastus lateralis (outside of the quad). The vastus medialis (VMO) does get worked in cycling as well. They have also colour coded the rectus femoris (quad=4) the same as the gastrocnemius. You can see how it then changes from the vastus lateralis to the rectus femoris before the knee flexors take over.
  6. I know her by Jennifer Love Huge... um puppies
  7. Surprising isn't it. Or maybe not...
  8. The first one saved the day and then the second resurrected the week! Nice work!
  9. Does everyone ride in proper padded shorts? Be it bibs, Lycra shorts or baggies.
  10. I have been doing Pilates for around 3 years. It has helped tremendously! The ability to stabilise the core and power through the legs makes a massive improvement. It helps a lot in single track, being able to control your centre of gravity.
  11. I'm a huge fan of Suunto. Looking at this one to replace my abused t4c. No doubt it will be pricey. Any idea where in SA stocks them? Price?
  12. What can be done to thoroughly clean a 10 speed chain? Those powerlilnks don't let go in the 10sp version...
  13. Yes except mine does not have the holes for the ISCG 05 mounting. Found this: http://www.mountainr...2x-fit-and-faq/ "Does the BB-mount work on SRAM/Truvativ GXP cranks? Yes. Even if there are no spacers installed on your BB. On a 68mm shell the BB mount 2x guide should be installed between the drive-side spacer and the BB cup. On a 73mm shell the guide should be installed between the BB shell and BB cup." The mystery deepens ....
  14. It keeps the chain from bouncing off too often. Both onto the crank side and also to the small chain ring. I've just done some further research and see that the Blur LT has a 73mm BB shell meaning that you don't use spacers ... and the guide installs as a spacer! What a waste.
  15. Hi all, So I went for the X-Guide on my 2x10 system which is installed on my Santa Cruz Blur LT (older model - 2009). My LBS phoned this afternoon to say it is impossible to fit. That it does not line up with the chain at all. He wasted 2 hours trying to get it fitted and running. To me it would be easy. Fit between BB (it's a BB mount version) and frame as a spacer and presto, done. Any experiences with this guide?
  16. And let me add the new "custom paint job" tool on their website. You can really make your Santa Cruz your own!
  17. I believe you will be able to run a 120mm fork on them. Not sure how they will handle though. Totally agree. Every bike is porn!
  18. I tend to agree with you Ish. I thought but this trend when they released the Tallboy alu. Great for me as it makes them more affordable but I'm not sure of the impact on the brand in terms of marketing and appeal. Further, I'm still can't see the place for the Nickel and Butcher. The release of the Blur TRc has made the Nickel obsolete. I'm tempted to replace my EMD with the Highball alu... Keep it in the family.
  19. I think this is the "Jabula"? Going to be a mean bike.
  20. Here is my plan; 1x10 11-36 cassette 34t chain ring e*thirteen seat tube mounted chain guide. The big question! How do I know what crank to use? Do I use a 3 ring and only put a ring on the middle position or do I use a 2 ring crank and use the inner mount? I'm worried that depending on spacers at the BB, that the angle will be too high and I'll get a nasty chain twist trying to use the full cassette. Thanks for any ideas. This is going to be put on a Santa Cruz Blur LT.
  21. Is it just me or has Chit Chat disappeared? I can find if I choose All Forums, but it doesn't seem to be in the drop-down menu.
  22. Any details about MTB tracks and people who ride more seriously will be greatly appreciated.
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