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Everything posted by RossW

  1. The American Classic had very little tape - maybe 3 layers at most. Don't want to level the blame at Geax or AM. They just don't seem to work together, like Stans and Geax as well, same problem.
  2. Got a refund on the GEAX tyres.
  3. What's going on at the fork? Looks broken ....
  4. This is not my tyre/rim but it an exact representation of what it happening to me. it's all good and well Geax having awesome tyres but when you are not able to fit them .... I've heard quotes about these tyres that it's like trying to fit a 26" tyre to a 29" rim! It's that tight. That is my fear - road-side repairs will not be possible at all! I'm in fear of damaging the white powder coating on my rim firstly and secondly of nicking the rim tape ... I think I'm going to take the said tyre/rim combo to the LBS and have them fit it and if they can't, I'll be asking for my money back!
  5. Did you struggle to fit yours? I mean really struggle? I broke 3 tyre levers yesterday trying to get the 29" Saguaro's on my AM Classics ..... Not even close and that was trying to get one side on, before even adding Stans etc.
  6. This happened to a friend on a ride yesterday .... Denies it of course.
  7. Received mine yesterday. I was under the impression that subscribers are to get it before it is in the shops. Hope it improves (Darn SAPO!!)
  8. I'm building a Chumba HX2 (29er) at the moment and with AC wheels, Reba RLT 1 1/8th and full X7 2X10 groupset and truvativ stylo team bits i'm looking at 11.7kg. I assure you, I have spent close to R19,000.00 at near to cost prices!
  9. Taking a UST Monorail off converted DTSwiss X455's had me breaking 3 plastic tyre levers and sweating as though I were in a sauna! I'm actually too scared to put Maxxis UST tyres on my ZTR 355's in case I damage the rim tape and or the rim.
  10. I'm sort of settled on white fork, white american classics with the red hubs. Will have red grips and stem spacers
  11. RossW

    Momsen 29er

    Interesting as I would have thought the other way would be better - I didn't have much confidence in my SB8 when it was in front and this looks a similar tyre. Love the SB8 at the back though!
  12. RossW

    Momsen 29er

    Geax Saguro as rear and what Schwalbe do you have in front? Looking at tyres for my ride and can't decide .... I'd like UST or at least versions with thicker sidewalls.
  13. +1 Maybe I'm a snob but wouldn't get any other brand than Thule
  14. This can only be Adrenaline Cycles! Fantastic bunch of guys there. Grant really goes the extra mile If this LBS wasn't Adrenaline, well then, I've said it now haven't I.
  15. How heavy are we talking? Want to get a Ron for the front and a Ralph for the rear
  16. Bit of a tangent Yumeya, but my Medium HX2 is 2.303kg. The HX1 should be lighter ... I hope.
  17. +1 I like and am tempted. I now demand something that will match my Hope Pro II's!
  18. RossW


    I'm not a huge fan of my XT brakes. Thinking of maybe getting formula's.... SRAM is more expensive; you're right.
  19. RossW


    So there you go ..... It's purely what you like. With care SRAM and Shimano both work flawlessly. I'm still a SRAM Fan
  20. RossW


    I run SRAM on everything for my drive train; X9 FD, X0 RD, Stylo cranks and X9 shifters. It's been almost 3000km and I have not ghost shifted once and everything shifts perfectly. Saying that X7 is borderline junk is not true! I rate X7 closer to XT than to SLX. X9 shifters and RD are superior to XT but not better than XTR. I'm about to receive my X7 2X10 groupset and actually chose it over XT!
  21. LOL, so give me an idea on a colour scheme then.
  22. In this case I will be an optimist until I get my dosh back ....
  23. You took the words right out of my mouth! With CWC and Buycycle around I think I made the wrong move and am paying for it now.
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