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Everything posted by Mamil

  1. Evolutionary biologists have noted that in a population where trust is the norm, cheating has adaptive advantage. However when cheating is the norm this adaptive advantage is ameliorated and trusting (reciprocal and beneficial behaviour) becomes more advantageous. Using game theory and computer power they can simulate these dynamics in a population over thousands of years and draw conclusions about altruistic behaviour, dishonesty and cheating. The results support the view that one should trust others but wait until the money reflects in your account.
  2. Cant wait. Lovely weekend away, 2 mornings of gorgeous cross country riding.... life is good.
  3. Four things i know about sand 1. Be in a gear that allows consistent torquey pedalling 2. Put all the weight on the back wheel and give the front permission to follow its own lead. Only gentle guidance 3. Line choice is key 4. I hate sand.
  4. Really pretty ride in lovely countryside. Nice not to be wrestling with a technical trail that some b@stard has pit together to try kill Mamils. Plus felt like a proper cyclist overtaking tons of 22k route guys. Ok most of them were 8 years old but mamils have to get our racing kicks from somewhere. Good clean fun... looking forward to the event growing into the new venue. Spier security felt a bit like a private army but ...
  5. Really pretty ride in lovely countryside. Nice not to be wrestling with a technical trail that some b@stard has pit together to try kill Mamils. Plus felt like a proper cyclist overtaking tons of 22k route guys. Ok most of them were 8 years old but mamils have to get our racing kicks from somewhere. Good clean fun... looking forward to the event growing into the new venue. Spier security felt a bit like a private army but ...
  6. Doing both days. Tough but absolutely beautiful ride. Should be a lovely weekend
  7. Um..... no If they disappear at the first climb maybe you and I could help each other through the pain that would be our lot.
  8. A little research and a whatsapp from a mate has shown me that perhaps I'm not the most eligible candidate for your team ... but I'll answer the questions. I've never ridden 202 kms - I have a 3.15 Argus and generally average 30-32kmph in the local CT road races. Cannon fodder --- I'm more like a small snack for a cannon than a whole heap of fodder. I know my place. I get dropped all the time and my psyche is generally stoic and accepting of my suffering. Support vehicle?!? ... pah .. luxury If I'm in pain I'm through and off quickly. If noone wants to pull and I've got legs I can't hold myself back ..... a character flaw I exhibit at buffets too. I socialise if I like the people but generally I'm a misanthropic bastard. But overall, given what I know about who you okes are I think I should probably try get those cats of mine herded ... I see some of them popping up on my strava feed again so maybe ...
  9. If you have a spot -- I'll do my best to keep up and if I can do my share on the front too .... Serious?
  10. I wish there were solo entries. I'm with JP Sartre "hell is other people"
  11. Simple in principle but in practice .... see aforementioned post about herding cats. That having been said if someone is putting together a team of stragglers I am very easy to herd.
  12. I think the cats i have been trying to herd into a team are actually pussys so I am a 3.15 argus, around the pot and amarider finisher looking for a spot on a team ... looking to average 29 to 30 kph ...
  13. Rode because I said I would and because I had paid for accommodation and because I am an addict even though I had the flu which ripped the guts out of my training 3 weeks back. I realised after 4 hours that this was my longest ride since the amarider 100 and i still had 4 hours to go. In my mind I bought and then sold a gravel bike three times over depending on the terrain but on balance would have liked to have one at my disposal. I did suffer though, and definitely will be back. Fantastic refreshment stations. Finished 66th out of 116 solo men so probably one standard deviation to the slower side of the bell curve which is fine by me. The big question is.... do i need a gravel bike? I'm leaning towards yes.
  14. I think what emerges from a quick reading of other's experience is that I am a really bad swimmer and the watch gives me extra laps out of embarrassment and pity. I will confess that when it has occasionally short changed me a lap, on the next one I flip over onto my back which makes it count that one as two laps .... pro tip!
  15. In the end I took 12 days off riding and 4 off work (expensive when self employed selling time by the hour). Back on the bikes I have lost a lot of strength. Low level endurance still ok but I accelerate like a cold diesel engine with the handbrake and sustained high effort is impossible. Trainingnpeaks CTL dropped from 105 to 70 odd. Was aiming for 120 2 weeks before around pot .... Being a bit careful ... i can feel the whole system is weaker and I am balancing my paranoia about setting up a long term viral fatigue / overtraining response with my absolutely compulsive need to hurtle down patricks psycho plunge and then bust a lung getting to the top of the fair cape loop. Echinacae? V2000 multivit, spirulina, and one or two other expensive placebos and snake oil remedies. Garlic around the neck banned by supervisory committee. Aluta continua ....
  16. I have the 935 and it too gives me extra laps - sometimes for no apparent reason at all. I think it's because I'm a pretty poor swimmer. It doesn't only do it when resting - sometimes I'll finish a lap and glance at my watch and see that it gave me 2 laps for the price of one. Plays havoc with average times etcetera.
  17. Vit c Echinacae Omega 3 this my daily routine for years now and not had a flu in years and years until now. Getting cold and wet at newlands in the winter throng .... schoolboy error. 5 days in ...
  18. Doctor tells me I have "proper influenza". Suggested I was an idiot for working yesterday and exposing people when I am sniffling contagion all over the show. Told me there's no point giving me any medicines. No shortcuts. Go to bed. Drink water. Wait to feel better. If deep lung pain or difficulty breathing emerges its pneumonia and I should go to casualty. Rips the guts out of my trailseeker and around the pot training. Fever of 39.1. Shivering and sweating at the same time. Exhausted the supply of people i can complain to so writing here .... Self pity and panado. Old mutual sends me an sms about funeral plans .... what do they know?
  19. I regard myself as a rational person, high in empathy for others, willing to see multiple perspectives on a variety of issues, not prone to snap judgements or unreasonable prejudices ... But when I see someone cresting chappies on his ebike an automatic involuntary piece of bigotry escapes my lips .... "Pussy" I mutter into my beard.
  20. I love my GP. He's friendly, kind, intelligent, eminently capable, up to date in his knowledge. We shared a special moment the other day around a digital rectal exam when he told me my prostate is nice and soft.
  21. Meal for 2 at a medium good restaurant - 400 bucks including a bottle of wine. Movie, coke and popcorn for 2 - 250 bucks Entry fee to Kirstenbosch (assuming no annual membership) and a coffee at the tea room for 2 - 180 bucks. A 70k mtb ride in the countryside with refreshment station, ambulance on standby, excellent trails with people marshalling ... 250 - 500 bucks .... cheap at the price if you ask me.
  22. My bubble still growing - riding one or other event within a 2 hour drive of CT just about most weekends until October. Loving every minute. Long may it continue
  23. I for one would not trust my.bike handling skills to handle the one descent after the big climb up to the radio mast. Sketchy!
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