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Everything posted by King_Crispy

  1. No such thing as get back ching. Just spend the money and go carbon. Once you go black, you'll never go back. All my bikes are naked carbon...
  2. You'll find none of your mates ever have carbon paste.I seem to be the donor
  3. Bud, not being rude, but at 105kgs, rolling resistance isn't your enemy.It'll only make you stronger Unless you burp, then it'll make you woes. No-one likes pushing
  4. You'll get your @$$ handed to you, veggie.Mind your mouth. You can't come and impose your opinion on a community and then act child-like when things don't go your way and have a tantrum
  5. It should arrive today if it's someone like The Courier Guy
  6. Like I said, our judicial system is in a proper toestand. It's broken.
  7. Lucky bugger. All the best. The locals will help sort you out quick quick
  8. This is so refreshing to see someone else with my point of view.Thank you dude, you restored my faith in humanity. No kidding. I was beginning to doubt our cycling community, but you alone have done miracles. Thank you
  9. How the hell does an ultra distance race compare with our Amashova or 94.7?The local race-snakes need to prepare better. Finish & klaar. Don't be a ****, be nice
  10. The notion of 'x" bottles is because the average bike holds that. The jist of the conversation was around conditioning and NOT needing to stop. If we were to stop and have lunch, a platter of fresh fruit and refill out water bottles, we might as well spend the extra time and pee into a bottle to analyze our urine to see if we are lacking in electrolytes too. No. Train harder, ride faster. That exposes you to less of the elements
  11. Utter bull$H1T.Bitter pill to have to swallow as a community of cyclists. This defense story is contrived hogwash, and it got the bastard off. The SA judicial system is flawed
  12. Harsh? Pragmatic and honest.Greed, possibly. But it's also the misconception that cycling is good for you. Anything in moderation is ok. Cycling in adverse conditions can be lethal. The human body reacts differently and can be decidedly frail. As someone pointed out in one of the earlier posts, you have to know what you're capable of, and listen to your body
  13. Prepare better.I'm a weekend warrior and my riding mates ranged in time from 2:55 to 3:10. I've only ever stopped at 1 WS for a coke in 1989 at Argus when there was a heat wave. I also didn't train for that, so maybe that's why I felt the need to stop. I get so pissed off when i see all the useless riders at 94.7. Cycling is tough, and one needs to train for the event at hand. It's like me trying to run Comrades. I know my limits. Cycling can kill you
  14. He can't be for real, he uses a Camelback ????????
  15. Rode Friday afternoon and pulled thorns out of my front tyre during the ride.Saturday morning ride tyre was still hard. Rode this afternoon and still didn't need to pump or fix the tyre. Stans and Ralphs are a good combination imho
  16. All you fags comparing Spez tyres????????????????????????Just ride with Racing Ralphs pumped at 1.8 and you won't have drama. Bunch of queens
  17. Leave them in the sun for half an hour. Rotate them. That should seal the tyre properly from the inside, where the tyre has started to perish a bit. That often happens on tyres that have a weaker sidewall and were designed not to run tubeless
  18. Jirre boet. Imagine all your snyde comments and pseudo-aggressive behaviour if you were a roadie?Fridays on le hub would be explosive
  19. I bought a Garmin Virb. I liked the idea of the gps and speed tracking. I've used it on the wakeboard, bicycle, motorbike and paragliding. But ultimately it's like most of the other toys, relegated to one of the cupboards in the spare-room. I keep it current with software updates etc, but it is mostly unused
  20. I agree.I've had to wait with a bloke for almost 2 hours for a bake to arrive to take him to hospital. He went otb and broke his collarbone. His wife phoned the NF emergency number but he was hysterical about waiting so long and being in so much pain
  21. RIP cyclist. Strength to the family. NF have promised for years to improve their evacuation strategy. This might be their motivating factor
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