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[Event] Die Burger Mountain Bike Challenge

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aaaa come on now! ha ha haaa im serious :lol: pretty please?


:lol: ek is ook serious! Kry my onder by Lord Charles se robot, dan hou ek jou company met die deur trap na Stellenbosh toe. Voor jy weet is jy daar.


As jy die 30km gaan doen sal ek seker net n bietjie vir jou moet wag nadat ek die 60km klaar gemaak het, dan trap ons weer saam terug! :D

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laaankal al ge-enter vir die 42km..ek wil net nie weer huil soos met die gansbaai 42km nie!laugh.gif

vorige jare die 30km gedoen ma dit nie meer 'n challenge nie...





:lol: ek is ook serious! Kry my onder by Lord Charles se robot, dan hou ek jou company met die deur trap na Stellenbosh toe. Voor jy weet is jy daar.


As jy die 30km gaan doen sal ek seker net n bietjie vir jou moet wag nadat ek die 60km klaar gemaak het, dan trap ons weer saam terug! :D



oooo jy is SO snaaks! laugh.giflaugh.gif ek sien cwc gan so jamboree dag hou(maybe).. ek sal my 2 handse bene daar gan verkoop en intrade op nuwes dan sal ek jou kan join!

Edited by helloise
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  • 2 weeks later...

:lol: ek is ook serious! Kry my onder by Lord Charles se robot, dan hou ek jou company met die deur trap na Stellenbosh toe. Voor jy weet is jy daar.


As jy die 30km gaan doen sal ek seker net n bietjie vir jou moet wag nadat ek die 60km klaar gemaak het, dan trap ons weer saam terug! :D



Unless the weather is crappy like today, I'm also thinking of cycling through. Only an hour slow cruise. We even got one guy who commutes to the office from Stellies.

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entries close on monday so get entering!!


Wish I had followed this thread sooner ... missed the entry deadline. :(


Hopefully the Cape will have better weather than it did this past weekend.



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Ek dink ek gaan die 30 aan vat. Saterdag se Gansbaai 23 was my eerste een en dit het heel okay gegaan so ek dink ek sal die 30 ook kan maak.

Yes! Go for it. I started with the 24km Argus 2 years ago and completed the Transbaviaans 18 months later.

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Yes! Go for it. I started with the 24km Argus 2 years ago and completed the Transbaviaans 18 months later.

Unfortunately the 30km is full and I was sleeping - so its the 15 for me...

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Wish I had followed this thread sooner ... missed the entry deadline. :(


Hopefully the Cape will have better weather than it did this past weekend.



I entered the 42km, but will not be able to ride due to work commitments (hate it when work interferes with my cycling :D )

Should you be interested in taking my entry over, PM me and we can discuss it.

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Does anyone have a Burger 60km entry to sell for this weekend?

please let me know!

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hi guys sorry to inform you, but if you go to the rules and regulations on the event website the very first line states




Conditions of Entry:

There are no refunds and no substitutions.


Its a bummer I know

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do anyone know if normal PPA seeding apply for this race or will it be like the argus mtb where an event seeding will be done? if the latter is the case when will we receive our start groups?

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An event seeding will be done. should be receiving today or tomorrow I would think.

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Do they have a valid reason for not allowing entry transfers? And how can they enforce this? I think it is an invalid rule and many people will do the ride on someone elses number without any issues.

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Do they have a valid reason for not allowing entry transfers? And how can they enforce this? I think it is an invalid rule and many people will do the ride on someone elses number without any issues.


Well im not involved at all, but usually the reason for not allowing transfers is pretty simple. The race organizers spend a lot of money trying to make a sport that will never be as save as say chess as safe as possible. for this reason your important medical information is linked to your timing chip. In case you do take that downhill to fast and crack your scull the in race medics will make a quick call and two things may happen,


You used the other persons name but not his timing chip - your timing chips number will not be found on the database and your race number will be linked to another persons medical information.


You did not use a timing chip - pretty much same as above.


Since you insisted on not following the rules you would probably be the first person to complain about how bad the race was organized afterwards.


The point is that the race was organized for you to enjoy and you had a lot of time to enter.

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That is an invalid reason...not trying to be difficult here, I`m not gonna break any rules. It just would be nice to have the option to transfer your entry since it is not cheap and many things can happen in the 2 weeks. There will be a few people breaking this rule because of this.

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That is an invalid reason...not trying to be difficult here, I`m not gonna break any rules. It just would be nice to have the option to transfer your entry since it is not cheap and many things can happen in the 2 weeks. There will be a few people breaking this rule because of this.


For their sakes - I hope they have a save ride then :unsure:

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That is an invalid reason...not trying to be difficult here, I`m not gonna break any rules. It just would be nice to have the option to transfer your entry since it is not cheap and many things can happen in the 2 weeks. There will be a few people breaking this rule because of this.


I do agree with you there will be a lot of people breaking the rule. Not much one can do about it though.


I have been involved in organizing events and I know for a fact that that is one of the reasons and headaches, The others are getting seedings organized and the manpower needed for the paperwork. (that is why the argus actually charges you to transfer.)


If your racing good luck

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