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Photo/Photographer thread.

Wyatt Earp

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If she is in the habit of looking after her stuff then Fuji has some real nice cheapies. They are quite plasticky in construction, but have some great features. Look for some extra optical zoom, like 10x. I saw some going for around R1k at Game not too long ago.

Fuji actually make a pretty cool water proof, shock proof, dust proof point and shoot. the XPS or something like that. check at your local Foto First
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So, who uses HDR, DRO, or do most of you think it moves away from a natural look?

Edited by Octavian
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  • 2 weeks later...

So, who uses HDR, DRO, or do most of you think it moves away from a natural look?


I have dabbled with some of this.

It does move away from the natural look, but what is natural.

To some a really bland image with no colour contrast straight from a phone is "real as life"

Photography is a matter of taste, what one person will enjoy, another may not.


I like any images that make me look and go wow, as well as seeing a story behind the image.


Some I have messed around with.




g29 by OddPix1, on Flickr





S4 by OddPix1, on Flickr




Sunrise HDR by OddPix1, on Flickr




Union6 by OddPix1, on Flickr




WF4 by OddPix1, on Flickr

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Ok, far from the best but I have no photograpy experience and I took this with my 2.0 Mega Pixel Blackberry 9300post-11245-0-04734700-1349733465_thumb.jpg


I like this!

(But also because it's a stone's throw from our farm...die mooiste sterre op aarde :) )

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