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How the heck do you manage to wake up in the morning...

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to go and train? I just can't flipping do it...



Other than cold and dark as motivation droppers, lack of Zzz is also a factor.

Make sure to get to bed sooner too.

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Other than cold and dark as motivation droppers, lack of Zzz is also a factor.

Make sure to get to bed sooner too.

I am married. Getting to bed is not the problem. Going to sleep is. :lol:

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I am married. Getting to bed is not the problem. Going to sleep is. :lol:



Better make it quick then ;)

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try the anatomic factory shop on Beyers Naude, saw some over the weekend when i got my gloves (btw i was testing them on mt motorbike to work the past two days and they are the sheet!!!)


ja, toe warmers next on the shoppinglist.


Did you also get the Black Diamond Windweight gloves? I tested mine Sunday and all was good at 4 degrees, pity I didn't have them to try out on Saturday's 2 degree ride.

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I bought Anatomic Maxi Therm Thermal Socks and tried them on Saturday with no booties. They seemed to keep my toes warm but I can't be sure, perhaps the pain in my numb fingers was too much to notice my toes :o

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1. Get Alarmed - I set 1 alarm close by and another in another room, so you have to get up and switch it off.

2. Get Organised - Lay out your clothes the night before. Have everything ready and prep'd.

3. Get Kitted - In winter ensure you have all the right kit... I'm in Durban and where a balaclava until I'm warmed up! Compression longs shirt and pant form Mr Price work like a charm and are cheap!

4. Get Gadgets - Lights are super important for your safety.. Get a GPS and race against old times, download new routes - gets your mind off the cold! Anything new will get you motivated!

5. Get Buddies - You need accountability. Your mates wont be impressed if you don't rock up!

6. Get Routined - Once you have done if for a few weeks you will automatically wake up - Trust me!

7. And finally and most importantly - If its windy and wet get back into bed.. not worth getting sick!



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Going to get colder...

JHB min for next two days are -2^C, -2^C and -1^C :o Brrrr!

Edited by Lou Zealand
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Guest Frail4Life

What ARE you GP's moaning and whining about?


Train = Get up @ anytime and ride.

Cold/ Clothing = You are not warming up and stretching before you ride.


I am leaving from Alberton with or without you!

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Better make it quick then ;)

Is there than another way? :blink:

My wife is going to kill me!


Nh, I just suck at waking up in the mornin'

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The key is riding buddies. No one wants to drop a buddie standing under a lamppost at 5am freezing his bud off waiting for you.

Good one! :thumbup:

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Just move to KZN , this morning was a VERY COLD morning and we just got to single digits - 9 degrees when I got up, we still ride at 4.15 AM no sweat ! Arm warmers and long gloves only - not long leggings needed - The more hardcore guys still dont wear gloves

Edited by KeithW
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Did you also get the Black Diamond Windweight gloves? I tested mine Sunday and all was good at 4 degrees, pity I didn't have them to try out on Saturday's 2 degree ride.


yup. got those. i used them sunday morning and they are GREAT!! got warm quickly, and i had to take them off!!

Edited by RocknRolla
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Yep, that rings true :rolleyes:

Pretty bizarre but I have also just done the "buy some winter gloves" thing but in order to literally kick-start early am rides I need toe warmers and there seems to be a shortage of them in the northern suburbs...


Try Sportsmans Warehouse - got some there this weekend for 100 bucks (on special. normally 145)

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