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Heart Rate Monitor

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Hi There,


I have recently started mountain biking, bought myself a Merida and am LOVING the entire experince.


Now that I am getting into the swing of things, I would like to ensure that my riding and training is optimised. Besides, I'm a bit of a gadget junkie, so I would like to buy a Heart Rate Monitor to keep track of my "advenures" ...


There is quite some choice out there however, so I would like to know if anyone has some input on the following brands:


1. Polar

2. Suunto

3. Garmin


and which models within the brands are advisable? ... I would like to track my trianing progress and also see via GPS where I have ridden ... price is obviously always a consideration ...


Please lt me know of your thoughts!


All the best


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Hey Nino,


Welcome to the hub! If you want a multi function HRM and GPS, go for the Garmin. The Edge 500 and 800's are out now so you might be able to get a good deal on a second hand 305 or 705. Does GPS, HRM, cadence and most of the other functions you would like to look at as a techie except for the temperature. I use an Edge 305 and it fulfils all my needs!

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I have the Garmin Edge 500 with the HR which is great. You can upload your daily rides to Garmin training centre(free)which is basic or go for Sports Track which is fantastic.($30 for the full version)You can even keep track of all your equipment,when it was serviced, what km you have done, when last you changed any parts etc.

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I have had all 3 brands (Polar, Garmin and Suunto) and the Polar and Garmin worked great but my SUUNTO is absolutely AMAZING!!!!


I have the SUUNTO t6D and use it with the optional extra PODS (footpod, bikepod) for triathlons, MTB, trail-running etc... and it is rock solid and very accurate!!! The training software (MOVESCOUNT)is awesome and displays everything you need and want to know in Graphs. The SUUNTO just looks "cooler" than most other watches....


The SUUNTO t6D is a bit expensive compared to some other HRMs but personally I think it is the best out of the whole lot!!!!


MY 2cents.......

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Have you decided on 'computer' style or 'watch' style?

I have used Polar for a long time but is looking at Garmin to replace the ageing Polar.

IMHO if you are favouring the watch style look at the Garmin Forerunner 410.

The 410 is the new model, you might be able to pick-up the Forerunner 305 (previous model) for good price.

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Have you decided on 'computer' style or 'watch' style?

I have used Polar for a long time but is looking at Garmin to replace the ageing Polar.

IMHO if you are favouring the watch style look at the Garmin Forerunner 410.

The 410 is the new model, you might be able to pick-up the Forerunner 305 (previous model) for good price.


Thanks to all for you replies. Your advice is greatly appreciated!

I think I'd be looking at the watch style HRM as I can then make use of it for various other exercise routines too.

I have had a look at the Fore runner and it seems to be a really good option. With the exception that I would still need to purchase various optional extras to. "Customize" it for the bike. Which obviously drives the price up again ....



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Thanks to all for you replies. Your advice is greatly appreciated!

I think I'd be looking at the watch style HRM as I can then make use of it for various other exercise routines too.

I have had a look at the Fore runner and it seems to be a really good option. With the exception that I would still need to purchase various optional extras to. "Customize" it for the bike. Which obviously drives the price up again ....



If Price is an Issue, and you have a Nokia GPS enable phone (Coming soon to Android and iPhone) have a look at www.sports-tracker.com


If you have a compatible phone, its going to be your best "BANG FOR BUCK" option. There are however "cons" to go with the "Pros", eg. GPS accuracy (a common problem), and the cost of the polar Bluetooth HR monitor belt (69 euro) to get the full HR features. The "pros" outweigh the cons though, like, gpx export (which you can use with other apps, eg Sports Tracks), top speed, average speed, calories, route profile, HR zones, current speed vs Average speed, and route plotting on your cellphone.


Its pretty much the simplest, cheapest test you can do. Garmins are not exactly cheap.Try the sports-tracker, and if you don't like it you can always flog your HR monitor Belt (as it's the only thing you need to purchase)......... You'll have guys lining up to purchase it, IF THE PRICE IS RIGHT :-)




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I have been trying forever to get it. Unfortunately I have been directed to the sports-tracker online shop all of the time. I heard someone got one from a major Nokia store up in Jozi. But in Cpt, they just refer you to the online store. Pity though. There is a sports-tracker page on facebook, maybe I shoulda tried there. They are always very helpful.

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I have a Garmin Forerunner 405, with cadence, speed sensor and bike mount. The forerunner is a watch which allows you to cross train. (running, gyming, bonking)


Has an internal GPS to track rides on goggle earth and uploads easily to sporttracks and gamin connect for analysis.


I would however recommend the new 410, as the 405 was a tad buggy!


Forerunner 610 is the latest one:



Forerunner 410, takes over from the 405



Good review site for most gamin training products:


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I have a Garmin Forerunner 405, with cadence, speed sensor and bike mount. The forerunner is a watch which allows you to cross train. (running, gyming, bonking)


Has an internal GPS to track rides on goggle earth and uploads easily to sporttracks and gamin connect for analysis.


I would however recommend the new 410, as the 405 was a tad buggy!


Forerunner 610 is the latest one:



Forerunner 410, takes over from the 405



Good review site for most gamin training products:



@ Chubba,


Thanks a ill I will check out these sites!

What is the best spot to buy them? Who has decent prices?




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Polar RS800cxpte


Haven't had any issues with it whatsoever. I use it for cycling and running. Great watch also and doesn't need charging


Check this out. Seems polar have nailed it this time!


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