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Carte Blanche TV



409 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you been a victim in a bicycle hijacking incident?

    • Yes, in Gauteng.
    • Yes, in Western Cape.
    • Yes, in Eastern or Northern Cape.
    • Yes, in the Free State.
    • Yes, in Kwazulu-Natal.
    • Yes, in Mpumalanga.
    • Yes, in Limpopo Province.
    • Yes, other (outside of SA).
    • Yes, in North West.
    • No.

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The Midrand Reporter is going to meet with Troy tomorrow and hopefully run a story.


Tumbleweed, #bikejackingsa as a hash tag sounds good. All hubbers should please tweet the link to this thread on twitter and ask for it to be re-tweeted to make fellow cyclists aware.

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Your opinions are still unclear.Try and be a little more enthusiastic about a good initiative.

Its better than a poke in the eye with a sharpe stick


I agree there...


If only a 1000 people view it, atleast its a 1000 more that are aware and can tell others about it....I take Carte Blanche way more serious than a news paper now days as they always have their facts right....


So at the moment no one knows about the bike jackings, atleast then more people will.


Brilliant idea, I know this will help a lot!

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I dont get where this thread is now going, and its irritating the living crap out of me, some people would like to create awareness and then you get a million nay sayers telling them they are wasting their time, and not a single nay sayer has come up with any better suggestions.


So either help create awareness, come up with a better idea or STFU.

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Tumbleweed, #bikejackingsa as a hash tag sounds good.


Just put it out there. Hopefully folk will pick up on it.

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I've just been reading THIS LINK with regards to the crime up on Table Mountain. These crimes are happening frequently now, and with recend lip service being paid about the issue, it pains me to see that of course, as usual, it's just hot air.


It's not as if violent crimes have not been committed here. Being held up at gun/knife point is a crime, and a serious one. For tourism this is disgusting, but let's face it, how hard would it be to have some military patrolling these hills. How about sending some cops up to Rasta cave to clear that out? As mentioned in the article, how hard is it to employ a couple of guards who walk these popular routes with radios.


As usual, there is just no organisation here. We're being chased away from our beautiful natural resources by fear mongering leeches who prey on tax paying citizens. How about these politicians do their bloody jobs for a change.

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You people all surprise me I have to say. Are you all losing the plot???? Why are we all debating the issue going around in circles? It's simple - we have a major problem on our hands, particularly in the greater Joburg/Gauteng area. I have been held up by armed gunmen on my mountain bike, tied up for nearly an hour while they took their time to steal everything and ferry our bikes off on foot, so I know what it’s all about. This happened late last year and then as it turns out we were on the same trail last Saturday as Nathrix at around the same time so it could have been number 2 hi-jacking for us. We all know that Carte Blanche can do nothing to solve it - so this is not a debate; however any publicity is good publicity to highlight the problem, raise awareness and bring it to people’s attention. We all know the cops can/will do sweet little about it so again there is no debate here!! Yes…..get out there and join community forums, join up with other guys and cycle in bigger and bigger groups, go out with clubs. Let's take back the trails ourselves! AND while we are doing it, it will not hurt to get as many people as possible to be aware of it. AND if criminals are reading this thread and are on the Hub then they too know that we are onto them and that we will not sit back and take this **** - so let's carry on putting it out there. All of you who doubt that there is a problem or that there are syndicates involved are blind and/or seriously uninformed. Of course I am sure many of the incidents are opportunistic; however there have been cases here in Joburg where the perpetrators have actually selected which bikes they will take and discarded the others. But be that as it may it does no good to argue about it, it will only help if we stand against it and make it known that there is a problem.


In fact one of the idiots that held us up was caught a week or 2 later and is still in custody right now. There are one or 2 cops that are trying hard to bring him to justice and we are hoping he will get 15 years for armed robbery and attempted rape. He was not caught by the police but rather by citizens who came to the rescue while they were holding up 5 cyclists.


The system is stuffed, however we can stand up for ourselves and bring these guys down!!!


Join forces and take back the trails!!!!

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He was not caught by the police but rather by citizens who came to the rescue while they were holding up 5 cyclists.


The system is stuffed, however we can stand up for ourselves and bring these guys down!!!


Join forces and take back the trails!!!!

Hey man, I mean no disrespect here, and I'm sorry for your ordeal. Let me just say that I personally think it's bullsh!t that we have to bring these leeches down ourselves. I'm not going to go dressed as Rambo when I ride, packing guns, knives, sprays and tracking devices. I'm not going to risk my life because we have an understaffed, corrupt, lazy police force.


Look at Table Mountain as an example. Here is a place where tourists come from all over the World, with very defined paths and in my opinion, an easy area to manage (we're not asking troops to patrol every nook of the hills, just the areas frequented). All we get is hot air, lies and empty promises. The crime continue as normal. Why should I, as a taxpayer, have to join action groups and risk my life to try and bring these criminals to book, when I PAY TO HAVE A POLICE FORCE TO PROTECT ME. Maybe they should start doing their jobs, stop stealing our tax money, start training more cops and start actually doing something about the problem. It's not rocket science or CSI stuff this. These are uneducated morons living in the bushes in the hills robbing people for their phones. It's hardly like trying to catch Dexter here. They just need to get on with it. TMNP wake up.

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The other crap issue around this is when I reported my bike hi-jacking the police officer looked at me funny and reported the incident as "armed robbery". So the police reporting structure won't highlight any facts either.

Another issue - I was hijacked at about 5h30, finally got into our complex (thanks to my keys being in back of my camelbak on its way in opposite direction from my house) at 6h15 and at police station at 7h30. Was only helped by an officer at 8h20 after standing in a queue of 1 people (who was drunk and not really standing or in line or really waiting for assistance). He finally finished his report at 9h00 despite my attempts to get a car out to go search for my bike as I was sure they left it in the nearby bush or abandoned house. Nope! Nada! Ziltch! Nothing! Zero! Zip!


Oh and it was a Zula. They kept on asking for a phone and followed through by taking my shoes plus camelbak. I'm yet to see the cool oke with his Oakley Jawbones again! Perhaps he is carving some ornament with my Leatherman, or doing night rides with my magic shine bike light - nope I don't think so. Guess he is doing long distance running with my Camelbak mule preparing to run in 2012 London Olympic and trying out the energy dynamics I left him. Lets look out for the guy doing the marathon running on his heels cause shimano shoes aint made for running dog!

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The other crap issue around this is when I reported my bike hi-jacking the police officer looked at me funny and reported the incident as "armed robbery". So the police reporting structure won't highlight any facts either.

Another issue - I was hijacked at about 5h30, finally got into our complex (thanks to my keys being in back of my camelbak on its way in opposite direction from my house) at 6h15 and at police station at 7h30. Was only helped by an officer at 8h20 after standing in a queue of 1 people (who was drunk and not really standing or in line or really waiting for assistance). He finally finished his report at 9h00 despite my attempts to get a car out to go search for my bike as I was sure they left it in the nearby bush or abandoned house. Nope! Nada! Ziltch! Nothing! Zero! Zip!


Oh and it was a Zula. They kept on asking for a phone and followed through by taking my shoes plus camelbak. I'm yet to see the cool oke with his Oakley Jawbones again! Perhaps he is carving some ornament with my Leatherman, or doing night rides with my magic shine bike light - nope I don't think so. Guess he is doing long distance running with my Camelbak mule preparing to run in 2012 London Olympic and trying out the energy dynamics I left him. Lets look out for the guy doing the marathon running on his heels cause shimano shoes aint made for running dog!

That sounds about right. I have zero faith in the police anymore. Zero. In fact just this morning a cop car jumped a robot in front of me, no sirens, both 'cops' were laughing between themselves. Abuse of power = RSA.

This jacking story has been going on for years here. Same areas, NOTHING happens. A German tourist gets raped in the hills, BIIIIG news report from some politician about how sorry and how they'll get to the bottom of it. Ja right. Nobody buys this BS anymore, and people are voting with their feet now. What's the point of saying you live in this beautiful country, when you're forced to stay indoors?


Borriz, I reckon it's a syndicate, and your bike was shipped off shore within a few days. They'd likely have kept the Camelbak so hopefully he choked on the mouthpiece.

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From all the stories, i will admit mine was opportunistic. It was dark, I was crawling up the hill as I just exited my complex gate, very quiet road that time of morning...they had a gun.....I had a smile....boom bam......bliksem hierdie bike ry lekker! Thanks Boss!

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@grb285 - I also have Zero faith and I dont suggest that we all turn into instant rambo's as that is unrealistic - I agree with you, but what I am saying is that the cops are doing nothing and will do nothing about it because everything the police have to do in this country is retroactive and not proactive due to being understaffed, under equipped, under paid and overworked or uninterested and it seems there is nothing we can do to change that. We can only act on things that we have control over and that we can change. So I'm saying lets group up when we ride and do whatever we can to make it harder for them to attack us. Also lets communicate continually and share information that will assist in some kind of breakthrough. This could come in the form of someone tipping someone off about a syndicate, etc etc. Knowledge is Power!!


@Borriz - We had exactly the same crap experience when reporting our bike jacking so I know the feeling well. In fact the cop did not believe us at first and I had to ask him if he thought I would normally dress up like I was (in my tight lycra) on a Saturday morning to come down to the police station. He couldnt believe that someone would hold us up at gun point for our bicycles.


Over and Out

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@grb285 - I also have Zero faith and I dont suggest that we all turn into instant rambo's as that is unrealistic - I agree with you, but what I am saying is that the cops are doing nothing and will do nothing about it because everything the police have to do in this country is retroactive and not proactive due to being understaffed, under equipped, under paid and overworked or uninterested and it seems there is nothing we can do to change that. We can only act on things that we have control over and that we can change. So I'm saying lets group up when we ride and do whatever we can to make it harder for them to attack us. Also lets communicate continually and share information that will assist in some kind of breakthrough. This could come in the form of someone tipping someone off about a syndicate, etc etc. Knowledge is Power!!


@Borriz - We had exactly the same crap experience when reporting our bike jacking so I know the feeling well. In fact the cop did not believe us at first and I had to ask him if he thought I would normally dress up like I was (in my tight lycra) on a Saturday morning to come down to the police station. He couldnt believe that someone would hold us up at gun point for our bicycles.


Over and Out


I think this is a general consensus, a lot of people I have spoken to also have no idea whatsoever that this happens, these are people that are even cyclists. Blissfully unaware. I think bike shops should also get in on the act in making people more aware, could be them suffering at the end of the day as well.


Even the magazines should run stories, I would even go so far as to say contact YOU magazine, I know I know, but hey if it gets the message out there what is happening, it could help.

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So its been a few days and I have been away but I can report the following.


I have mailed Tactical Reaction Services who patrol the area South of Summit rd. They are aware of the problem and are spreading the word amongst there data base and through other means. They have ties to various members in the cycling fraternity and I have sen the mails to this effect. This is good.


I also mailed Monitor Net who patrol North of Summit rd. They too, are aware and are working with Crime Intelligence from Weirdabrug police station. This is good. They will keep me updated.


I recieved a call from Paul Griffiths (thanks Troy) who works with the Midrand sector 4 crime forum and have given him the info I have. He is aware of the problem and is working on it. This is good


I have tied everyone I have been in contact with together in order for them to communicate take over and do what they do best.


I have seen the folk at Carte Blanche and they have the details as well as most of the info above with the relevant contact.


Retribution is coming

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So its been a few days and I have been away but I can report the following.


I have mailed Tactical Reaction Services who patrol the area South of Summit rd. They are aware of the problem and are spreading the word amongst there data base and through other means. They have ties to various members in the cycling fraternity and I have sen the mails to this effect. This is good.


I also mailed Monitor Net who patrol North of Summit rd. They too, are aware and are working with Crime Intelligence from Weirdabrug police station. This is good. They will keep me updated.


I recieved a call from Paul Griffiths (thanks Troy) who works with the Midrand sector 4 crime forum and have given him the info I have. He is aware of the problem and is working on it. This is good


I have tied everyone I have been in contact with together in order for them to communicate take over and do what they do best.


I have seen the folk at Carte Blanche and they have the details as well as most of the info above with the relevant contact.


Retribution is coming


Good work mate, great effort for everything you've done :thumbup: :clap: :thumbup:

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So its been a few days and I have been away but I can report the following.


I have mailed Tactical Reaction Services who patrol the area South of Summit rd. They are aware of the problem and are spreading the word amongst there data base and through other means. They have ties to various members in the cycling fraternity and I have sen the mails to this effect. This is good.


I also mailed Monitor Net who patrol North of Summit rd. They too, are aware and are working with Crime Intelligence from Weirdabrug police station. This is good. They will keep me updated.


I recieved a call from Paul Griffiths (thanks Troy) who works with the Midrand sector 4 crime forum and have given him the info I have. He is aware of the problem and is working on it. This is good


I have tied everyone I have been in contact with together in order for them to communicate take over and do what they do best.


I have seen the folk at Carte Blanche and they have the details as well as most of the info above with the relevant contact.


Retribution is coming


Thanks for the effort. We met with the Midrand Reporter this afternoon and they will hopefully be running a story next week.

Edited by Bikeless X2
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Thanks for the effort. we met with the Midrand Reporter this afternoon and they will hopefully be running a story next week.

Agreed, thanks Dave :thumbup:

I like the moniker, although you have to admit that our first bike jacking was rather bizarre .

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