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Fantastic event once again.


There is one thing I don't understand though. I had a friend with chain problems on the bike and the roaming support vehicle said if they help her she will be disqualified.


- what are the tech support vehicles then actually allowed to do?

- I don't think a girl needs to be able to repair a chain to prove she's a triathlete. Surely this is missing the point.

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The issue of Tech support is a tough one. they are able to supply you with spares (tube, etc), but may not help you change the flat etc. there was a lady on the plane yesterday b1tching because she lost 40 mins on the bike because she could not change a flat... I am sorry, If you are a cyclist / triathlete that cannot change a tube, that is your problem, not the organisers, not eth support crew.


a chain is a different story, but also a tough one.


the Ironman idea is for it to be an individual support. if Tech can assist with chains, then where do you draw the line?

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Is it just me, or is there a huge amount of glass on the tarmac?


My gosh, but is that city dirty.


A great event. Had to hold back the manly tears when crossing the line. A great feeling.

Congrats and well done to all that crossed the line.

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I agree it's difficult to draw the line.


Definitely everybody should be able to fix a flat but few people are riding around with or know how to use a chain breaker.

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My wife did a PB of 6hrs 10mins.. a great achievement considering she had a violent temperature the whole of Saturday night.


Her splits were (approx as is my timing)


Swim 40mins

Cycle 3hr 15mins

Run 1hr 55 mins


I must say that whilst the organisation was very good the city is rather dirty and paying R250 for your partner to join you at the awards dinner is a total rip off.


I heard a lot of complaints around drafting but the main problem is probably due to too many entrants-how do you keep the right distance when there are so many cyclists.Of course there will always be those that will try their luck and cheat.


Well done to all those that crossed the line-you ARE a (half) IRONMAN :)

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I heard a lot of complaints around drafting but the main problem is probably due to too many entrants-how do you keep the right distance when there are so many cyclists.Of course there will always be those that will try their luck and cheat.



First off, well done to all who finished i hope your race went according to plan (or better).


WRT to drafting and to many entrants, maybe it should have been a non wet suit race to thin out the crowd on the cycle route :whistling:


This imo is what got drafting legalized on shorter distance events, it became to difficult for the race refs / organisors to control drafting :cursing:

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Must agree with the drafting comments. At times it felt as If I was riding a bike race the groups were so big.


I think we should be allowed to use both lanes, that way less people will draft. Yes its an issue with emergency vehicles and ref's who use the right hand lane, but they can hoot or something for the cyclist to get out the way.


There is no other way aroundit as the numbers are too large.

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I heard a lot of complaints around drafting but the main problem is probably due to too many entrants-how do you keep the right distance when there are so many cyclists.Of course there will always be those that will try their luck and cheat.


Some people are just ignorant. On the way back from the turn around on the bike a whole bunch came past me of approx 50 bikes. The problem is not so much that the field is full but more the fact that they are actually trying to sit on the wheel in front of them

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Must agree with the drafting comments. At times it felt as If I was riding a bike race the groups were so big. I think we should be allowed to use both lanes, that way less people will draft. Yes its an issue with emergency vehicles and ref's who use the right hand lane, but they can hoot or something for the cyclist to get out the way. There is no other way aroundit as the numbers are too large.


I agree. They say that the right lane is for ref's and emergency vehicles but i didnt see any ref's on the route anyway, if anything there were more photographers on the route

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Well organized, just 2 things I think need work. The male change tent was way too small, most guys had to change outside and it was all a bit chaotic. Secondly, having to pay R250 for a ticket for my wife to attend the awards ceremony is crazy. Our supporters put in a lot of sacrifice both during training and the race. It wouldn't be right for them not to attend but to pay R250 for an average dinner and cash bar is nuts. My view is that each athlete should be allowed to bring a better half along at no cost, without their help the athletes wouldn't even be there.


Really??? That means the ticket price would go up with R250 and the benefit will only be to those who attend the ceremony and want to bring a better half...


I intend to pay for the RACE! The other stuff should be optional as they are (mostly) now.


None the less, yet again an awesome race.


Bettered my expectation. Wanted to do a sub 6:15 and ended up with a 6:04!


Swim 41

Bike 2h59

Run 2h11

T1 7:50

T2 4:30

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You could solve the drafting problem to some extent by having more waves. That business of swimming with 1000 other people was not fun. Perhaps 200-400 people per wave. That spreads everyone out a little. I saw maybe 1 referee and I personally hate drafting even if I get some benefit from it.. and found that I drafted more in this race than in 94.7! No matter how much you move around and try open up a space in front of you, groups tend to form around you (my finding at least). Maybe more referees or even decoy referees were needed. They can just get people to ride up and down on bikes. The drafting police at IMSA are much better, so it was strange to see so few referees in this race.


I think the large number of athletes also impacted the swim times. You have to be right at the front and swim like a dolphin to get a decent time otherwise it's all about surviving the kicks and punches. I guess I need to learn to not stop and regroup but just keep swimming when I get attacked. Also, what's with this business of swimming front crawl with the arms and breaststroke with the legs. First time I have seen such a thing. I wish breaststroke could be banned in triathlon.. not that I want to whine but it's one of the things that drives me nuts in these races. Save your flipping legs for the bike and run ffs!

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Started right at the front and still my swimtime was about 2min of my targeted time, so there was other factors to play.

Saw a hell of a lot of drafting and when u tell the guys they are drafting they tell u off in no uncertain terms, that is just against the spirit of IM.

Refs were not as active as previous years with just 10 DQ's I heard, should have been more.


How do u fix this:


Refs have the right to pull over a whole bunch and Start Penalising not just one on one..

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