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Challenge Cape Town postponed


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Man that sucks for all the athletes like Garf who spent $$ and many hours training and anticipating.....


From what i read on this thread i hear alarm bells ringing wrt to FULL entry fee refunds which I imagine most people will expect to receive??


Hope the organizer has enough funds left over to refund the full entry fee....


Unfortunately organizing an event and especialy a triathlon in a major city is not straight forward...as now experienced with this event.

I’m pretty sure that no one including the organizer wanted it to end up like this.


Hi SwissVan,


You hit the nail on the head. We really didn't want this and want to make the best event for you guys. It why we do it!! This is not a straightforward City and sometimes the best things take a little longer than planned or expected. Be rest assured this will be a very special race.

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On getting lapped at IMSA. It was really cool when the 1st Lady lead vehicle rolled past me, followed shortly by multiple World Champion Chrissie. Gave her a big shout. Great memory for me.


Had the same when Tissink came past me to finish his cycle leg while hunting down Vanhoenacker.


The crowd support was intense

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A: You must be joking (did you you see CSA's road closure that resulted in canceled stages during ToSA), and

B: Why on earth would CSA (even if they were competent) assist with road closure for a Triathlon? Isn't there an SA triathlon body?


A: yes of course i was joking, forgot the :lol::lol::lol:

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And why not make the transition on Table Mountain. You go up with the cable car, get dressed and come back down between disciplines.



and get the car guards to "watch your bike" and do some marshalling! :clap:

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This is an excellent response - thanks davem. I believe the primary reason most people stayed away is reflected in your concerns - specifically about the difficulty of the bike course as well as the spectator options.


I'd like to add that to attract more entrants and spectators, some form of laps be incorporated in at least the marathon course (where you really need the spectators) and in addition, spectator shuttles from point A to point B to point C (there's a lot of time to work out how to do this, but it would be great for a non-lap cycle race!). The other carrot would be packaged bike transport and/or accommodation options as part of the entry. Going even further, possibly family or support options as part of the entry (example: tourist packages for the day after, maybe a cape point visit or table mountain excursion). This would also help to attract foreigners as they would bring the family along too (the whole point of the race from the City's perspective).


Hi Davem, Gripen,


All totally valid points. All of which were why the routes evolved to actually accommodate those concerns, naturally from athletes and EO side in terms of management.


1. Swim definitely has evolved to a better solution after numerous test runs. Next year we pushing to do the swim in the harbour. Has great spectator value.

2. In terms of route and spectator value, we liked the long 180km loop initially as spectators could watch at different points and different times around the city as opposed one long day as it is new to CT, and think it will take a few years for the locals to get iron-distance appetite to support the athletes for such a long day. But on balance, it has alot of merits but not the best solution. Winds pointed noted aswell.

3. Marshalling would have actually moved around in the original configuration so to that end was workable. But make no mistake marshalling CT and PE are different types of marshalling required. We are required to use marshalls that have experience and know the routes. Laws are changing to place more focus on use of marshalling to reduce traffic officials due to stretch on traffic resources, costs and then ultimate ability to do an event effectively. CCT will be using the same people who marshall the Cycle Tour and Oceans, but remember these are events that have been around a long time with established big partners. CCT needs time to get there, but we have the same partners who work Cycle and Oceans and all see the potential going forward. All in all, a deep brains trust pool, but all agree that iron-distance racing is a different kettle of fish and needs to treated accordingly.

4. Technical support: in the original route, it got progressively more spread out but manageable over the distance. But yes on balance in the new configurations that element is much improved.

5. Wind. With route not being now False Bay side that removes that element from the equation. Yes, a good reason is why we do it in November before South-Easter decides it needs to remind us that mother nature still rules the roost in CT. Another reason why the races not in Jan/Feb or March due to wind and CT heat which would be another factor. So our windows for doing the race was chosen on those factors.

6. Yes, agreed, but remember a single lap 180km course gives one a chance to follow the athlete which is really fantastic. This happens in Kona as an example and does make the day shorter being able to follow your athlete in an incredible landscape. The new course has both elements, ability to follow but also loops in peninsula. Again, a looped scenario as in IM SA which we probably on balance all favour and has massive benefits in spectator value, costs, marshalling, etc is really difficult as then does mean a total width road closure as opposed to coned lane closure which is not as disruptive and can be managed. If CT was not the visited City it is, job might be a bit easier in that respect.


It is your evaluation is the exact reason why we did not proceed. If the compromises for the athlete age-grouper in particular become to great the event is diluted and doesn't meet what we all want and expect. You bright side view is the reason why we going to take the pain now as we believe that this has capacity to the be the most scenic and one we all proud of. It is pretty much the only thing which keeps us going, because one needs to stand by their convictions if they are justified enough. Just sometimes special locations spring up surprises and need a little more time. If we wanted average we could easily put this on the various locations asking us to.


It was stance for the age groupers that ultimately lead to the decision. As you say, it age groupers which make the race not pro's. I stand by my decision on that.


In terms of entry and approval. Think we share same sentiment. It will be there, be rest assured. An announcement will be jointly made by the City and ourselves in the coming weeks and we take things from there.


Thanks for a very considered and well thought out set of suggestions and input. All will be taken on board to make the best race we can on the planet.


Gripen your points are spot on. We wanted to do alot of these things, but for year 1 was not possible. We will introduce a half on the same day for 2012 and this will help on that side with attracting more spectators. We would dearly love to cycle into Cape Point and was something we explored but not possible in the end. Give us a few years and who knows. But as you say, CT attracts alot more work than simply a looped course as it has so much and why the race will be a success here. But we learning how to unlock all of those things in a co-ordinated manner before and at race week time. Please send any other ideas to grant@challengecapetown.com. Can't promise we get them all in but will be working to do as much practical. Great thing is that I think the race will evolve and every year offer something new for everybody.


Thanks again for your comments.



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A: You must be joking (did you you see CSA's road closure that resulted in canceled stages during ToSA), and

B: Why on earth would CSA (even if they were competent) assist with road closure for a Triathlon? Isn't there an SA triathlon body?


Hi TNT1.


Points raised are valid. Think there is the perception that cycling and triathlon are the same thing. They not, neither are the athletes and neither the manner in which they race or road closures/lane closures are handled. This is the lessons going for forward for the respective parties involved as the guy at the back means as much to us as the guy in the front.

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1. Swim definitely has evolved to a better solution after numerous test runs. Next year we pushing to do the swim in the harbour. Has great spectator value.



We swim with ATC in the channels in the waterfront as open water training. We get quite a bit of "support" (call it curiosity) from the residents. It is a loop that we swim which will not work and we're only 30 swimmers, but I'm sure the channels go elsewhere and spectators can line the sides before moving to the Atlantic seaboard to support the runners.


I will do do CCT some time! Just need to get the legs!

Edited by gadget
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We swim with ATC in the channels in the waterfront as open water training. We get quite a bit of "support" (call it curiosity) from the residents. It is a loop that we swim which will not work and we're only 30 swimmers, but I'm sure the channels go elsewhere and spectators can line the sides before moving to the Atlantic seaboard to support the runners.


I will do do CCT some time! Just need to get the legs!


Hi Gadget,


We can't use the canals simply too small and impractical for race trim. But the harbour is a good option but again we need buy in from numerous partners on this. We will work to make it happen. Harbour gives us a different benefits and avoids us having to deal with residents adjacent to Ocean Power Boat Club for noise exception certificates for the swim and rest of the days activities.

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We swim with ATC in the channels in the waterfront as open water training. We get quite a bit of "support" (call it curiosity) from the residents. It is a loop that we swim which will not work and we're only 30 swimmers, but I'm sure the channels go elsewhere and spectators can line the sides before moving to the Atlantic seaboard to support the runners.


I will do do CCT some time! Just need to get the legs!


Great news! We will do a half at the same time next on the same day, so maybe in for that??

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Was Durban ever considered as a race venue?


I'm sure you would get a lot more Jozi interest (and therefore race entries) and that town is perhaps a little more sports conducive.

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Hi Zula,

Yes the City arranges a number of events as we all know. The complexities of the CT's landscape are the the reasons why we want to be here but on the flip side creates untold challenges given the distance involved. 180km is a different beast to 110km of the Argus. Yes, it would be dead easy to put it in Big Bay or another destination who we have had plenty asking for it. But like yourself agree that racing in the peninsula is something we would all love in race trim. Ultimately the age grouper needs the same unhindered racing line as the pro and an in there lies the rub. Iron-distance triathlon cannot be treated the same as Argus, Oceans and the like. This is a long term investment as we believe this race will sit in the top bracket of races worldwide and one which the south africans will love. This is a setback, no doubt but if for the longer term benefit to give the athlete what is required no compromises then that is the pain we have to take for now. Yes, we are feeling the pain. We love to go racing aswell! We have not pointed a finger at the City at all and no need to. It has been a complex journey and many lessons learnt, but ultimately will serve to make 2012 the race we definitely all want.


Hey Grant


Good on you for coming here to set the record straight. Im sure the last few days have been torturous for you and your team.


My point was that you as the organisers should have had a road closure agreement with City signed and sealed BEFORE you opened up the entries to the public. Otherwise wouldn't that be tantamount to a misrepresentation? Like I said, Cape Town has plenty events and obviously has rules in place for organisers who want to put on an event.


Whilst I appreciate your answer, it doesn't really highlight the real reason that the road closures weren't granted.


I'm sure you guys are learning a hard and horrible lesson but I wish you nothing but the best of success for your 2012 event. Cape Town is the best city in the world and deserves to be showcased as that. The time was obviously not right for now but by next year I'm sure you would have sorted all the gremlins out.


Best of luck with the next few weeks.



Edited by Zula
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Was Durban ever considered as a race venue?


I'm sure you would get a lot more Jozi interest (and therefore race entries) and that town is perhaps a little more sports conducive.


Hi Bradwentzel,


Yes Durban was actually approached first, but lack of response moved us to CT which were open arms for it. All the recent pain aside we stand by that it is the right City for the full. Can't say alot at this point but discussions with Durban have ongoing for sometime. Timings, etc all need to resolved and naturally a few lessons applied in CT taken there.

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The Argus has full road closure. There is however apparently still one hell of a fight each year to keep it that way. The Argus however justifies its closures by bringing in 20,000+ cyclists from out of town which beefs up the tourism for the City of Cape Town.


Honestly what justifies shutting down central Cape Town for a whole day for a few hundred or even a thousand athletes?


Given it is a wonderfull idea if it can materialize but I suggest you get a route approved for a start outside Cape Town and then "upgrade" it during the year as the entries grow and your bargaining power increase.


Go to tannie Helen with 200 entries and ask her to close down CT for one day and we saw what happened.


Unfortunately I still cannot see these routes you have even come close to materilizing for next year. There was very few entries this year and after what happened what makes you think there will be any more next year?

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Hey Grant


Good on you for coming here to set the record straight. Im sure the last few days have been torturous for you and your team.


My point was that you as the organisers should have had a road closure agreement with City signed and sealed BEFORE you opened up the entries to the public. Otherwise wouldn't that be tantamount to a misrepresentation? Like I said, Cape Town has plenty events and obviously has rules in place for organisers who want to put on an event.


Whilst I appreciate your answer, it doesn't really highlight the real reason that the road closures weren't granted.


I'm sure you guys are learning a hard and horrible lesson but I wish you nothing but the best of success for your 2012 event. Cape Town is the best city in the world and deserves to be showcased as that. The time was obviously not right for now but by next year I'm sure you would have sorted all the gremlins out.


Best of luck with the next few weeks.




Hi Zula,


Many thanks, yes been tough but we getting chin up and got to dust ourselves off. We stacking around because we love this damn sport and want the best course. No question.


Perhaps your response is more telling than you realize. It is very clear what we have in black and white. It is execution of that becomes the issue and as you say misinterpretation. As said, it is clear on we moving forward from this.


Thanks for the fair space to comment appropriately.



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Great news! We will do a half at the same time next on the same day, so maybe in for that??


That I'll do for sure!!


Do you have some ballpark dates in mind (1st QTR, 2nd QTR, 3rd QTR, 4th QTR 2012)?

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That I'll do for sure!!


Do you have some ballpark dates in mind (1st QTR, 2nd QTR, 3rd QTR, 4th QTR 2012)?


Not at this point. Lots of factors to consider.. Let me know your thoughts on dates. But we definitely doing a half with the full in 2012.

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