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No, haven't erased that. Was a sitter, and should have been goaled. I was referring to the inherent class that he has as a rugby player. In my nonguppie view, very few players have the ability to do clever things as naturally as he can. I think Pollard is cut from the same cloth.


From a Sharks perspective though, I see Jake White has moved on. Can't say I'm sad.


Now that was a surprise - I wonder what the story behind that was, not even a full year with the Sharks.

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Now that was a surprise - I wonder what the story behind that was, not even a full year with the Sharks.


and we didnt even have time to coin "the great white shark"

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guess your guppie goldfish memory had already erased the sitter he missed bang in front. 


Lambie always used to do that...miss his first I mean....he is not the greatest kicker and its one part of his game he needs to improve...his vision on the other hand is world class. I think in time to come its going to be a tough battle between pollard and lambie. Steyn's ship has thankfully finally sailed

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Lambie always used to do that...miss his first I mean....he is not the greatest kicker and its one part of his game he needs to improve...his vision on the other hand is world class. I think in time to come its going to be a tough battle between pollard and lambie. Steyn's ship has thankfully finally sailed

Something in me says that Goosen may yet be the first choice RWC flyhalf if he has a good season in France and is injury free. 

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Something in me says that Goosen may yet be the first choice RWC flyhalf if he has a good season in France and is injury free.


i ignored the goose just for this reason..the dude has bad injury luck

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Something in me says that Goosen may yet be the first choice RWC flyhalf if he has a good season in France and is injury free. 


I have always liked Goosen - but my word, I have never known an oke to have such bad luck when it comes to injuries - hopefully one day he can turn that around.

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My opinion. Pollard should be played every game till the world cup. Lambie is good off the bench, but not under pressure.


Goosen, yeh shame! Agreed keep off the radar off the spotlight from SA media, and hopefully he comes back with a bang. Like FSteyn did a couple years ago

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My opinion. Pollard should be played every game till the world cup. Lambie is good off the bench, but not under pressure.


Goosen, yeh shame! Agreed keep off the radar off the spotlight from SA media, and hopefully he comes back with a bang. Like FSteyn did a couple years ago

If Goosen does come back like Frans Steyn did, my only hope is that he doesn't have the mantra of highest paid rugby player in the world and that SARU honour any contractual commitments to him ...  :blush:

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can you hear that? it's south african rugby fans debating which of our young BRILLIANT world class flyhalves we should have in the team and not who is the least boring kakkest number 10 that we must just make do with.


Since it's a world cup process, we can't have lambie as #1 kicker. Would need someone like percy at fullback to take that role. can willie kick for posts, i'm sure he can since he does everything else brilliantly?


edit:one more thing, depth is good.

NZ won the 2011 WC with the following flyhalves

carter, slade, cruden and porker donald coming off his fishing trip to hit the winning points. nic evans probably would have been in there too but only richie and dc were allowed to play for overseas clubs and still be an all black.

[They also needed bryce]

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Something in me says that Goosen may yet be the first choice RWC flyhalf if he has a good season in France and is injury free. 

Another gifted, instinctive player. However, I'm not sure that 10 isn't a much more difficult position just to slot into after a year away, playing a different type of game. I reckon your 10 needs to be playing locally, at minimum Superrugby, and involved from NOW with the setup. injury aside, I'm pretty sure Pollard and Lambie will be the 2 world cup 10s.

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i tried to find kicking percentages for lambie vs pollard vs steyn vs gooysen...but there is nothing i can find. clearly rugby needs a cricinfo type site!


anyway..information i gleamed for Lambie for the 2011-2014 Super rugby is  77% kicking success...which is not great...but not terrible either

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can you hear that? it's south african rugby fans debating which of our young BRILLIANT world class flyhalves we should have in the team and not who is the least boring kakkest number 10 that we must just make do with.


Since it's a world cup process, we can't have lambie as #1 kicker. Would need someone like percy at fullback to take that role. can willie kick for posts, i'm sure he can since he does everything else brilliantly?


edit:one more thing, depth is good.

NZ won the 2011 WC with the following flyhalves

carter, slade, cruden and porker donald coming off his fishing trip to hit the winning points. nic evans probably would have been in there too but only richie and dc were allowed to play for overseas clubs and still be an all black.

[They also needed bryce]




you very well know i'm not a springbok fan, but love watching attractive rugby.

pollard can produce this, so can lamby but he's been given so much oppurtunities as hasn't taken it....


check what the all blacks management did to their first choice number 10, who was "out drinking".

Barret apparently never played like he normally does, i liked what Mehrtens said about the All Blacks flyhalves and the getting picked for the team.


couldn't agree more with depth, who know, maybe percy comes out of retirement to kick the winning goal for the Boks in the RWC.


the other position which should really be part of "experimentation" has to be the number 9, i still would like to see F Hougard on the wing. Running alongside Wille he can be deadly. Kocket and even the other sharkie not McCloed, can't get to he's name now, needs to be given a show!


edit: quoted in your quote = FAIL

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you very well know i'm not a springbok fan, but love watching attractive rugby.

pollard can produce this, so can lamby but he's been given so much oppurtunities as hasn't taken it....


check what the all blacks management did to their first choice number 10, who was "out drinking".

Barret apparently never played like he normally does, i liked what Mehrtens said about the All Blacks flyhalves and the getting picked for the team.


couldn't agree more with depth, who know, maybe percy comes out of retirement to kick the winning goal for the Boks in the RWC.


the other position which should really be part of "experimentation" has to be the number 9, i still would like to see F Hougard on the wing. Running alongside Wille he can be deadly. Kocket and even the other sharkie not McCloed, can't get to he's name now, needs to be given a show!


edit: quoted in your quote = FAIL



from iol



"I don't think this will count against him (Cruden) long term," former All Blacks' flyhalf Andrew Mehrtens wrote in his column for Fairfax Media.


"What he's done the last three or four years far overshadows one bad judgment. But there are consequences and they are

immediate consequences.


"The upshot is he has given another guy a chance. They do say sometimes it's harder to get out of the All Blacks than it is to get in, and giving Barrett two starts means if he does deliver it's going to be pretty hard not to pick him afterwards.

"That's the danger Cruden now faces."

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you very well know i'm not a springbok fan, but love watching attractive rugby.



edit: quoted in your quote = FAIL


I'm a bit confused, you must be what they call a 'cape crusader'? Your post was a little bit incoherent too, the bit on Mehrtens made no sense - been out with Aaron on the piss?

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