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Prof Tim Noakes' U-turn on Carbohydrates

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I dont see a lot of "interpretation" in being overweight or obsese. BMI calculations do a very good job of that. As for the others, only you know the truth. I forgot to mention erectile dysfunction as "one of the signs" as well. No interpretation needed there as well.


I continue to do more research and read every day on this subject. Still did not prevent me from experimenting for 2 months now. Had no negatives so far, in fact, just the opposite in many instances.

haha ok flip! Well I have read contradcitory opinions on the value of BMI, but yes, on that scale I am generally around 25 and drop to about 24 when triaing hard (just hit that now). So I believe that places me at the upper-end of "healthy". That said I would love to drop another 4 or 5kg and cannot get there with my current diet. I wouldn't say I have any other symptoms but I do tend to try eat small meals throughout the day otherwise I definately get energy dips.

Just for interest sake, what do you regard as "normal" BG (blood glucose) levels ?

what the vitality health check people say is "normal"...
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what the vitality health check people say is "normal"...


...which is in the range of 5 - 8 mMol or 90 - 145


this is still way too high. Currently (i just tested) I am 4.6 and in the morning when I wake up it is around 4 or even 3.5- 3.8 if I had a good training ride the previous afternoon.

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...which started with the invention of agriculture. It isn't just HFC syrup that is the problem. There is lots of Fructose in fruit as well. Eat too much, and you have the same problem. Agriculture made the availability of fruit plentifull .


Two things, both from Wikipedia... (1) Agriculture is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi and other life forms for food, fiber, biofuel and other products used to sustain life. Therefore, eating the HFLC diet also needs agriculture, if not more. Livestock are much more agri intensive than plants.


(2) High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is not fructose from fruit. It comprises any of a group of corn syrups that has undergone enzymatic processing to convert some of its glucose into fructose to produce a desired sweetness. In the US, consumer foods and products typically use high-fructose corn syrup as a sweetener.


Let us continue debating, because like I said, I'm finding this interesting and would like to know more. I think what we can all agree on is that HFCS, sugar and anything refined is bad for the body. Why not start with taking that out of your diet first? I think that would already make a large difference.

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Two things, both from Wikipedia... (1) Agriculture is the cultivation of animals, plants, fungi and other life forms for food, fiber, biofuel and other products used to sustain life. Therefore, eating the HFLC diet also needs agriculture, if not more. Livestock are much more agri intensive than plants.


(2) High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is not fructose from fruit. It comprises any of a group of corn syrups that has undergone enzymatic processing to convert some of its glucose into fructose to produce a desired sweetness. In the US, consumer foods and products typically use high-fructose corn syrup as a sweetener.


Let us continue debating, because like I said, I'm finding this interesting and would like to know more. I think what we can all agree on is that HFCS, sugar and anything refined is bad for the body. Why not start with taking that out of your diet first? I think that would already make a large difference.


1) agreed

2) I did not say that. I said Fructose is bad and that there is a lot of that in fruit.


Agree with your last paragraph, but I would add too much fruit and fruit juices to that list as well.

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Another good resource :




BTW, my father just had his cholesterol levels checked and it came back the lowest ever since he was diagnosed with high cholesterol many years ago. He has been on statins all these years but cutting out all sugar the last few weeks made this huge improvement.

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1) agreed

2) I did not say that. I said Fructose is bad and that there is a lot of that in fruit.


Agree with your last paragraph, but I would add too much fruit and fruit juices to that list as well.


Agreed on the fruit juice. What I like about fruit is that the fructose is "trapped" in the fibre which is the reason why it's low GI. Only drinking the concentrated juice obviously doesn't have the fibre anymore.


Another good resource :




BTW, my father just had his cholesterol levels checked and it came back the lowest ever since he was diagnosed with high cholesterol many years ago. He has been on statins all these years but cutting out all sugar the last few weeks made this huge improvement.


Thanks! Keep the news coming. I think it might've been the prof that said instead of cholesterol being the cause of clogged arteries, it's actually inflamation from all the sugar/glucose in the blood. That is one of his main arguments, that it's not fat and cholesterol, but all the sugar!

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How difficult can this be .your body needs both protein and carbohydrates all the time .If you burn more ,consume more of the same .Just done the CPT .My first one ,and when chatting to riders that have done plenty stage races ,it's always the same .Eat normal food .Nobody uses the same formula in their water bottle anyway .Lots of the fast riders still carboload on rice and bread ext.For weight loss ,you have to consume less carbohydrates .To preserve your muscle consume protein ,during and after hard exercise .


Spot on sir. IMHO thumbup1.gif

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Agreed on the fruit juice. What I like about fruit is that the fructose is "trapped" in the fibre which is the reason why it's low GI. Only drinking the concentrated juice obviously doesn't have the fibre anymore.


Sorry to pop your bubble, but the fructose in fruit is not "trapped" by the fibre at all.

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Another one that has not read the complete thread or the research and literature.


Guilty as charged.


Then again, I lost 10kgs in the last month, bodyfat down from 18% to just under 10%.


Every meal of mine includes a carb and protein.


Other than what works for me- I'm not really interested. Everybody has a different metabolism and functions differently. By saying this works for 50% of all people is admitting that it's not an exact science. A lot like a mechanic charging you for refurbishing your engine- and if the car doesn't start he tells you "well it worked on most of the engines I overalled".


This is obviously not an exact science, with all the dieticians giving their own opinion on what they "THINK". At the end of the day, they are a lot like everyone on thehub- thus the saying "everyone's a fcuking expert".


I take advice from all, try it- and stick to what works for me. No use speculating what works for 50% of all imigrants from 17% of Europe 28% of the time, everytime- I'm afraid.

Edited by Lamber
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...which is in the range of 5 - 8 mMol or 90 - 145


this is still way too high. Currently (i just tested) I am 4.6 and in the morning when I wake up it is around 4 or even 3.5- 3.8 if I had a good training ride the previous afternoon.

Just checked - it was 5.8...

Not arguing with you Topwine - I admittedly don't know enough to do so even if i wanted to. Just curious on the science of what defines CR since Noakes makes it clear that he is not advocating for people who do not have this...

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Sorry to pop your bubble, but the fructose in fruit is not "trapped" by the fibre at all.


Trapped might've been the wrong word. Fruit is better than the juice, because the fibre and other things in the fruit makes your body take longer in breaking it down, therefore a slower release of sugar.

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Trapped might've been the wrong word. Fruit is better than the juice, because the fibre and other things in the fruit makes your body take longer in breaking it down, therefore a slower release of sugar.

It takes energy to break down the fibre, absorbing some of the energy consumed....at least I think soblush.png

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Trapped might've been the wrong word. Fruit is better than the juice, because the fibre and other things in the fruit makes your body take longer in breaking it down, therefore a slower release of sugar.


the only thing making fruit "better" (and I dont really even want to use that word) than the juice , is the fact that they add even more sugar to the juice ! the sugar in fruit is released pretty quickly, enough to spike your BG levels fast.

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