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sani2c - newbie questions


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Last year i rode with a Camelback Mule.


all that packing space made me carry a whole lotta extra **** i did not need.


there is a whole tanker full of clean drinking water at every seconding table, so you can fill up whatever your container is there.


I am planning to ride with 1.5l hydration pack for water and tools

and 1 x bottle.


as for the temperature:


arrive with windjammer and arm warmers at start.

peel off as it starts warming up.

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Probably a dorf question.

But do you know if there will be internet connectivity at overnight stops? I need to work when finished.



on the first overnight stop, there was an itec trailer with internet (laptops)


was not really interested in the net on the second night - just the steaks, beers and sleep.

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Guest ctMTBer

Does anyone have the GPS files for the days? Want to upload it to my Garmin

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Does anyone have the GPS files for the days? Want to upload it to my Garmin

The route changed from last year so they will be useless

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Guest ctMTBer

The route changed from last year so they will be useless


I know but lots of it will be the same.....

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I know but lots of it will be the same.....

Yea most of it anyway, but what is the use of uploading exact GPS routes of you are not going the exact route...its not like you will be able to follow them. Confused :wacko:

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Subsequent to a recent substitution, i have a large clothing set to swop for a medium, if there are other participants looking for a large set, let me know and we can meet up at registration.



mail me on stofdonkie at me dot com


Pm and email sent.

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I took a Camelback Mule last year and used it on day 1 and day 2 only. It is possible to make day 1 without it but I will rather have too much liquid than too little on the day before such a big ride.

On day 3 you won't need too much hydration as it is nice and fast, but just remember to fill up at all the stops.

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What do you take in terms of food on the bike? Is the food at the waterpoints enough?


I usually ride with 2 energy bars and 2 peanut butter sandwiches on long rides but I'm obviously not going to make sandwiches on the Monday to eat the Thursday. Can I rely on the waterpoints for eating on the bike or do you still pack your own stuff.

Edited by Squier
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The waterpoints have everything!

They normally have fruit, flapjacks, donuts, chocolates, water, juice, and energy sweets. Others have more and some have less but you can rely on this to get your food intake in. Take a bar or two and maybe a gu or whatever you use for instant energy just incase you feel buggered.

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What do you take in terms of food on the bike? Is the food at the waterpoints enough?


I usually ride with 2 energy bars and 2 peanut butter sandwiches on long rides but I'm obviously not going to make sandwiches on the Monday to eat the Thursday. Can I rely on the waterpoints for eating on the bike or do you still pack your own stuff.


hahaha.. a little bit a fungus can help you go a long way :clap:

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Me and my partner slept on the bookings for a car shuttle, now it is too late. Anybody who is a spectator willing to drive down our car for us? We are doing the trail.


And a license would be a requirement.





ahh crap, i just realised my partner did the same thing, did you get sorted? Need help, anyone with ideas ??

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i have been sick the last 2 weeks i have done max 6 hours the last 10 days, goingt to do a 4 hr tmrw but im not well prepared, i foresee PAIN for me . Anyone got any legs they dont need for the week of the 14th -18th?...going to check the classifieds for some strong legs

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You guys will all be fine trust me. That's one great thing about the sani race, it's tough at times but everything you can ride and there seems to be just the right amount of tough parts and easy parts to recover. One of he best balanced races I have done, and now they have made it easier on day 2 and 3.


Only stage race I know that there is so much food at the stops and race villages you can pick up weight :thumbup:

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I've done about 12 to 15 hours a week. Usually it looks like this:

Monday - Off

Tuesday - 6am Bootcamp at the Gym (1 hour)

Tuesday - 5pm Commute (about 2 hours)

Wednesday - 5am Commute (about 2h30m)

Thursday - 5pm Ride after work (about 1h30m)

Friday - 12pm Bootcamp at the Gym (1 hour)

Saturday - 9am Trails and technical riding (about 3 hours)

Sunday - 9am easy ride (about 2 hours)

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