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Lance Armstrong Banned and Stripped of TDF Titles


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For someone who starts off by claiming that there is no conflict of interest and that his organisation is doing all it can to fight doping, his (convoluted) arguments are strangely reminiscent of the individuals being investigated.


I almost expected to find the #unconstitutional hash-tag imbedded inhis letters........

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For someone who starts off by claiming that there is no conflict of interest and that his organisation is doing all it can to fight doping, his arguments are strangely reminiscent of the individuals being investigated.


I almost expected to find the #unconstitutional hash-tag imbedded inhis letters........




Yeah, it's like we're channeling LA's legal team through Fat Pat.

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Golly, reading that brought a tear to my eye.

To quote Robin Williams: "It depends on what your definition of is is"...

Is is is or is it is?


Is Fat Pat hard to understand because he speaks Irish? Or is (THAT is) it because it's hard to speak clearly with both Hein's and the Texan's arm up his arse moving his mouth?

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Peta, did you see Fat Pat bumbling his way through a presser at the weekend? I understand Irish accents, but I thought he was speaking Swahili.

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Peta, did you see Fat Pat bumbling his way through a presser at the weekend? I understand Irish accents, but I thought he was speaking Swahili.

I love it when Sean Kelly tells us what comes after second...no not Fat Pat. But close.

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I love it when Sean Kelly tells us what comes after second...no not Fat Pat. But close.


"Turd up the Ass-pan" during the Tour! :clap:

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Judgment day draws nearer:



Judge sides with USADA in Armstrong suit


Case dismissed in Texas district court

Texas district court judge Sam Sparks has dismissed a lawsuit filed by Lance Armstrong's attorneys against the US Anti-Doping Agency on Monday.

USADA CEO Travis Tygart was pleased with the outcome.

“We are pleased that the federal court in Austin, Texas has dismissed Lance Armstrong’s lawsuit and upheld the established rules which provide Congressionally mandated due process for all athletes.

"The rules in place have protected the rights of athletes for over a decade in every case USADA has adjudicated and we look forward to a timely, public arbitration hearing in this case, should Mr. Armstrong choose, where the evidence can be presented, witness testimony will be given under oath and subject to cross examination, and an independent panel of arbitrators will determine the outcome of the case.”

Armstrong's suit was aimed at blocking USADA from pursuing anti-doping rule violation charges against Armstrong. In June, USADA notified Armstrong and five others of the violation, which included allegations of doping with EPO, blood transfusion and other performance enhancing drugs and methods, as well as trafficking, administration of banned drugs, and conspiracy to cover up doping during his time at the US Postal Service team.

Armstrong's attorneys filed the suit in Texas arguing that USADA's procedures were a violation of his constitutional right to due process, and also contended that USADA did not have jurisdiction over the case. They and the UCI claimed that the case belonged in the hands of the sport's governing body because the UCI collected the blood passport samples that USADA used to back up its claims to its review board earlier this year.

USADA filed a motion to dismiss the case, stating that these claims were untrue, citing the World Anti-Doping Agency's code, which states that the body which discovers the anti-doping rule violation has jurisdiction to pursue a penalty.

The judge chose to dismiss the case because "Armstrong's due process claims lack merit" and "the Court lacks jurisdiction over Armstrong's remaining claims, or alternatively declines to grant equitable relief on those claims".

Armstrong now has until August 23 to either accept a lifetime ban and the loss of all results during the period of USADA's claims, which encompass most of his professional career including his Tour de France victories, or take the case to arbitration where all witness testimony and other evidence will be aired publicly.



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Oops !


On behalf of Goya-Goya : Go Lance GO!!! :clap: :clap:


However, for those who followed the law as opposed to the public relations campaign, this does not come as a surprise.


As usual, Miss Zimmerman has produced a good primer on the isses :




I suppose an appeal is the next step.....

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Oops !


On behalf of Goya-Goya : Go Lance GO!!! :clap: :clap:


However, for those who followed the law as opposed to the public relations campaign, this does not come as a surprise.


As usual, Miss Zimmerman has produced a good primer on the isses :




I suppose an appeal is the next step.....


Thanx for remembering me :)


Lets not forget that this is not a guilty verdict... Go Lance GO!! :clap: :clap:


and one of the contentious issues is that USADA has not provided all the proof they have for Armstrong to face his accusers... be it hearsay or fact, it has not been provided definitively... not to mention the slight fact this seems to include an actual test... real proof - over and above all the witness testimony that Armstrong has yet to see/hear - that they have yet to give the results to Armstrong...


fighting a case without fully knowing what who and what is your potential noose... so you have to wait for an impartial hearing that Tagart decides is impartial - because he and his henchmen choose the impartial pawns - before they surprise you with what they have against you... huh! even if a man killed 1000 people he will have all the charges and all the facts against him before the case.. you guys are all rooting for his demise[sic]... but I guess you are entitled to choose sides.


But hey... its the law... and the law will play this one out... and I am waiting to see stuff go nuclear...


Also do you really believe that a man with all that money and all those resources have interns running the show... its gonna be messy and its gonna be epic..


Good luck to both sides... may the best man win! hehe

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Oops !


On behalf of Goya-Goya : Go Lance GO!!! :clap: :clap:


However, for those who followed the law as opposed to the public relations campaign, this does not come as a surprise.


As usual, Miss Zimmerman has produced a good primer on the isses :




I suppose an appeal is the next step.....


Can he appeal now.? I dont think so, the judge has basically ruled in USADA'S favor, so from my understanding the process will now move ahead and he has only two choices left, accept the ban, or go to arbitration?.


I assume he will go the arbitration route, but then the witness testimony will be made public, which will be great for the media, but I cant see him coming out of that anything but severely beaten and bruised. Maybe he will just walk away.??


Its really a sad way to go out after such a career, and like him or not one cant help but feel a little saddened that its come to this, but no matter how hard one tries, you just cannot hide the truth forever, something I think Lance is learning to his detriment.

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Can he appeal now.? I dont think so, the judge has basically ruled in USADA'S favor, so from my understanding the process will now move ahead and he has only two choices left, accept the ban, or go to arbitration?.


I assume he will go the arbitration route, but then the witness testimony will be made public, which will be great for the media, but I cant see him coming out of that anything but severely beaten and bruised. Maybe he will just walk away.??


Its really a sad way to go out after such a career, and like him or not one cant help but feel a little saddened that its come to this, but no matter how hard one tries, you just cannot hide the truth forever, something I think Lance is learning to his detriment.


Bloody tablet made me reply before i typed anything


Yea... Unless he has a white rabbit in a hat.. I am guessing he will get a chance to face his accusers' charges... Once that happens... Its gonna be.. Media storms and violent outbursts at polite social gatherings... its gonna be great...


Hey did anyone see the vuelta a espana... The cycling gods are smiling... Go contador!!!!

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Can he appeal now.? I dont think so, the judge has basically ruled in USADA'S favor, so from my understanding the process will now move ahead and he has only two choices left, accept the ban, or go to arbitration?.


I assume he will go the arbitration route, but then the witness testimony will be made public, which will be great for the media, but I cant see him coming out of that anything but severely beaten and bruised. Maybe he will just walk away.??


Its really a sad way to go out after such a career, and like him or not one cant help but feel a little saddened that its come to this, but no matter how hard one tries, you just cannot hide the truth forever, something I think Lance is learning to his detriment.


There's still the CAS, which course the Pat camp wanted to pursue. Long and messy. I like the judge in this case. He's given both sides a hiding, but the reserved his bigger hiding for the side that deserves it.

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