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Lance Armstrong Banned and Stripped of TDF Titles


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Out of interest you make the statement above and then follow on from Pantani's book. Do you admire the Pirate ?

No I don't admire the pirate but i wish I could have.

I loved to see him ride and was very disappointed when the facts about his drug taking came out. Its a wonderful book about a fallen hero with so much potential, destroyed by drugs.

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Having read a few books on doping in professional cycling, I have no doubt that he cheated.


I have read some of those books, they tend to paint every cyclist with the same brush.

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In other other words if one allegedly conspires to acceed the speed limit by 300km/h, he should be fined whether having done the speed or not and that without camera footage.


Ridiculous to say the least!

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Out of interest you make the statement above and then follow on from Pantani's book.

Do you admire the Pirate ?


:clap: :clap: :clap:

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ever wonder why LA never died in his sleep... Ahhh ........ it!! why do i bother...
He's to clever to die, all of the masking agents take care of that plus careful medical monitoring and attention in Lance's case. Maybe a few midnight push ups to keep the circulation going! Anyway Lance was the master of microdosing!
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No I don't admire the pirate but i wish I could have.

I loved to see him ride and was very disappointed when the facts about his drug taking came out. Its a wonderful book about a fallen hero with so much potential, destroyed by drugs.


Yeah, but a lot of them recreational. Pantani had a terribly underdeveloped personality, he was intensely shy and introverted to the point of personal destruction, sad that no one was able to help him, although it wasn't for a lack of trying.

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In other other words if one allegedly conspires to acceed the speed limit by 300km/h, he should be fined whether having done the speed or not and that without camera footage.


Ridiculous to say the least!

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Whats the point? I think its been a witch hunt. Only evidence they have is the testimony of cheaters, people that were still racing even though they admitted to cheating. We will never know the truth.

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I am not getting this "Lance is being singled out" argument. Usada investigated and gathered evidence on a doping programme on an American team. If other national doping agencies uncovered the same, I'd hope they would do the same.

Really, so your take is the USADA stumbled on this evidence and investigated from there treating all involved equally?

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Yeah, but a lot of them recreational. Pantani had a terribly underdeveloped personality, he was intensely shy and introverted to the point of personal destruction, sad that no one was able to help him, although it wasn't for a lack of trying.


His blood levels in his heyday suggested EPO use. He hit the Colombian marching powder with gusto - to the point of no return - after he got tossed from the Giro.

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In other other words if one allegedly conspires to acceed the speed limit by 300km/h, he should be fined whether having done the speed or not and that without camera footage.


Ridiculous to say the least!


Interesting analogy. To use another traffic law comparison. You don't have to fail a blood test to be bust for drunken driving; you can be found guilty on the evidence of witnesses.

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I don't care what anyone says. He is still my cycling hero!!! He beat everyone else, consistantly, and if he did dope, then they probably doped as well.


It is a pity that the god's of sport are always floating under a dark cloud of contraversy.

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Maybe the UCI and WADA will tell USADA to get lost. If WADA especially acknwoledges USADA claims then it means they colluded with LA to manipulate samples.

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Really, so your take is the USADA stumbled on this evidence and investigated from there treating all involved equally?


Nope. They were made aware of evidence and investigated accordingly. The blood values were one (the subject of the discovery tiff), the mails from Floyd another and Tyler's evidence yet another. I don't know what else they have. Lance's camp claim to. Check their initial lawyers letters. Once again, this is not just about Lance taking dope, but his role in running a doping programme.

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Maybe the UCI and WADA will tell USADA to get lost. If WADA especially acknwoledges USADA claims then it means they colluded with LA to manipulate samples.


Wada has already shown support for Usada.

Edited by Tumbleweed
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