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5 Big names to serve 6 month ban for admitting guilt in Lance Case


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I am so sick of the Lance Doping story. I wish he would just stop denying it. We all know he's dirty and even his own are turning against him..But it seems there are some other casualtys left in its wake..

They (his own people USADA) are firing up one massive bomb agains Lance.. He is going down.. hard and Im glad.

Reading this actually sadened me. but maybe tha 90's and early 2000 years of pro cycling just needs to be delt with and put away.



http://www.iol.co.za/logger/p.gif?a=1.1335258&d=/2.225/2.228/2.261The Dutch newspaper De Telegraaf reported that Armstrong's former teammates have been given six-month bans that begin in late September. Citing “well-informed sources,” the paper identified them as Jonathan Vaughters, George Hincapie, Levi Leipheimer, David Zabriskie and Christian Vande Velde.




and from another raport....



Dave Zabriskie, one of Armstrong's former teammates, heads to the lift, unwilling to comment. Vande Velde, another US Postal team graduate does the same, while David Millar, shocked by the news, says he can't comment without knowing the full story.

Later in the morning, once again outside the team bus, Vaughters appears; reading a statement that almost regurgitates the team's policy in light of Floyd Landis's allegations from 2010: We're a clean team, we'll cooperate with the authorities; we'll focus on the future, clean cycling and the race in hand.

Vaughters and his backer Doug Ellis run a team based on ethics and sound business acumen but stretches both principles around an ethos of clean cycling. No needles, no outside doctors, no exceptions. Yet the team is a Mecca for riders in Vaughters' mould and from his generation. He, too, rode for Postal, with Armstrong, before turning towards another path.




Its a sad sad thing I tell you..

I cant Imagine what It must feel like Being a pro in the middle of the tour when news like this comes out..

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I will be absolutely gutted if he is bust for doping... I just can't see how they're going to find anything now if he's been tested that many times and passed them all...

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Welcome to the hub.

The folks here are going to tell you things about Mr Lance that you might not like.. And might be true.

I wont be surprised If the alegations above are confirmed in a day or two.

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This doesn't make sense. LA is banned from Any and all events because of an investigation being opened against him involving doping years ago. These five, have supposeldly admitted or what-ever and they are free to ride? Until they serve their "6-MONTH!!!" ban in September. WTF?? This don't make sense.

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This doesn't make sense. LA is banned from Any and all events because of an investigation being opened against him involving doping years ago. These five, have supposeldly admitted or what-ever and they are free to ride? Until they serve their "6-MONTH!!!" ban in September. WTF?? This don't make sense.

ja but LA is not banned from cycling, he is prevented from competing in WTC sanctioned triathlon events (ie all the iron mans). This is per a WTC rule that says athletes under investigation may not compete in their events, and this pre-dates the LA investigations. Edited by dracs
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just shows that the USantidoping isnt there to clean up the sport, but rather to get at Lance. if they were to clean up the sport, they would not have agreed to only ban these guys for 6 months at the end of september, but rather immediately.

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just shows that the USantidoping isnt there to clean up the sport, but rather to get at Lance. if they were to clean up the sport, they would not have agreed to only ban these guys for 6 months at the end of september, but rather immediately.


Not really, if it turns out to be true, its more like a plea bargain, you give me information I want, and in return I wont prosecute you, or will agree to a lesser sentence. It happens all over the world and in almost every investigation where they need sensitive information, especially in the US where its very common.


Theres absolutely nothing sinister about it at all.


Actually in my opinion the USADA have been very proactive on the matter, as opposed to reactive and are trying to get to the bottom of the issue, and for them to have even started the separate investigation they must have been furnished with information, (perhaps not made public) which they felt was solid enough to open a case against him.


Contrary to LA's suggestions, I dont believe the USADA will embark on a witch hunt without solid information to back them up, firstly it will make them look ridiculous in court should it end up there, secondly they could be counter sued for millions if it turns out their evidence was suspect, and thirdly, I am pretty sure they have lots of other matters to take up their time.

Edited by GrumpyOldGuy
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This is all bollocks man!! Lance was a one of a kind champion. If they want to find something, they will, even if they have to plant it.

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I really don't see the point of all this. Say LA is found guilty - what about all the other guys who rode with super-human VAM's at the same time? Always focusing on LA DOES make this a witch-hunt, and it's a joke that AC could carry on riding while under investigation for clenbuterol while LA is prevented from participating with immediate effect based on allegations.


Focus on cleaning up the sport NOW - what's the point of closing the stable door once the horse has already bolted!

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Not really, if it turns out to be true, its more like a plea bargain, you give me information I want, and in return I wont prosecute you, or will agree to a lesser sentence. It happens all over the world and in almost every investigation where they need sensitive information, especially in the US where its very common.


Theres absolutely nothing sinister about it at all.


Actually in my opinion the USADA have been very proactive on the matter, as opposed to reactive and are trying to get to the bottom of the issue, and for them to have even started the separate investigation they must have been furnished with information, (perhaps not made public) which they felt was solid enough to open a case against him.


Contrary to LA's suggestions, I dont believe the USADA will embark on a witch hunt without solid information to back them up, firstly it will make them look ridiculous in court should it end up there, secondly they could be counter sued for millions if it turns out their evidence was suspect, and thirdly, I am pretty sure they have lots of other matters to take up their time.


But if 11 riders doped using 10 of them as plea bargain witnesses to nail 1 guy is wrong. This the angle Lance will play.


I don't think it's even about whether he doped or not any more, it's about managing his image when the truth comes out. The way USADA is doing this right now he can be convicted of doping and still be the victim / survivor hero in the public eye because everybody else was also doping but only he was targeted.

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But if 11 riders doped using 10 of them as plea bargain witnesses to nail 1 guy is wrong. This the angle Lance will play.


I don't think it's even about whether he doped or not any more, it's about managing his image when the truth comes out. The way USADA is doing this right now he can be convicted of doping and still be the victim / survivor hero in the public eye because everybody else was also doping but only he was targeted.


Hi Showtime, this is not a response directed at you, but rather your comment, which is shared by quite a few.


He is not being targeted alone. Johan Bruyneel and 5 others are also involved from the team managers to trainers and doctors.

Secondly ALL of his piers have been caught, punished and some have returned.

Jan Ullrich, his main competitor was only recently found guilty and had all of his results removed for the period in question.

Basso, Landis, Hamilton, Ullrich, Verinque, Pantani, Herras, Simoni et al have all been caught and punished. The list goes on.


Truth is Lance is the last man standing. That is why they are after him. This is not a witch hunt, he is the kingpin, THE BOSS.

This is the final chapter of a generation of cyclists that doped.

Edited by 101SCC
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Hi Showtime, this is not a response directed at you, but rather your comment, which is shared by quite a few.


He is not being targeted alone. Johan Bruyneel and 5 others are also involved from the team managers to trainers and doctors.

Secondly ALL of his piers have been caught, punished and some have returned.

Jan Ullrich, his main competitor was only recently found guilty and had all of his results removed for the period in question.

Basso, Landis, Hamilton, Ullrich, Verinque, Pantani, Herras, Simoni et al have all been caught and punished. The list goes on.


Truth is Lance is the last man standing. That is why they are after him. This is not a witch hunt, he is the kingpin, THE BOSS.

This is the final chapter of a generation of cyclists that doped.


Thanks, my perception was clearly wrong then. Yes it's not right that all those riders had to own up while he sits on his high chair.


If there is no circumstantial evidence for him to fear he should embrace the investigation. Trying to discredit is only showing that he cannot afford for it to go ahead but after all these years he probably thinks he'll just hang in there as long as possible.

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Thanks, my perception was clearly wrong then. Yes it's not right that all those riders had to own up while he sits on his high chair.


If there is no circumstantial evidence for him to fear he should embrace the investigation. Trying to discredit is only showing that he cannot afford for it to go ahead but after all these years he probably thinks he'll just hang in there as long as possible.


As I mentioned on another thread yesterday.

I read in Cycle Sport August Edition a classic quote that sums up LA.


"He always plays the man, never the ball..."


He is doing it again now, discrediting everyone, the doping charges against him and the systematic doping charges against LA, JB and the US Postal team need to remain the focus.

This is not about Lance Armstrong, it is about systematic doping at TEAMS run by LA and JB. There is only 1 charge of doping related to LA and that is for Biological Passport offenses after his comeback, the rest relate to the testimonies of the now 'FAMOUS 5' all ex teammates that have given testimony to the Systematic Doping that took place under Armstrong / Bruyneel / Ferrari at US Postal / Discovery / Astana

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