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This is nothing new. Go read most adverts in the job section of any job website or newspaper and the fine print at the bottom clearly states that on it that only candidates that comply with the company's EE policy will be considered. This nonsense has been going on for years. It's not just Woollies. If we all felt so strongly about the EE policies and the reverse racism, we would all have to grow our own food which would be a problem because where would you get your seeds, fertiliser etc from as any company that wants top survive in SA needs to comply with the EE requirements...... even the international ones.


Go buy your Malva pudding and fresh veggies and be happy. Alternatively go get them from Spar PnP, Checkers etc if that makes you feel better and support their unpublished EE policy.

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Yes, we all know the disadvantaged people have it worse and have certainly had a raw deal, thats a given. Still does not make BEE right or does it?


In principle, yes. They way it is implemented in some cases, no.

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I think everyone realizes there must be BEE of some sort. But think of it like this: If your (white) kids cannot even apply for jobs in this country what will happen? - those that can will probably leave for opportunities overseas. Is that the aim of BEE/AA? Is it good for SA?

The way I understand it: If a black person and a white person apply for a job and both are equally suitable/qualified then the job must be given to the black person. But this is not how it is implemented as employee demographics must now reflect the national demographic.

Which can give rise to such BS as this - remember Jimmy Manyi's "over supply of coloureds in the Western Cape" statement?

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And Woolies is an Epic Sponsor! Maybe the whiteys should refuse to take their lunch bags at next year's race. That will show them ;)


Enticement, here's a question: Considering the Woolsworths boycott, how should one adjust one's post-stage recovery meals if one can't tuck into the food they offer?


Optimum recovery absorption of nutrients occurs withing 30-40 min after the activity has stopped as the body is still in the mode to convert glycogen for building adenosine triphosphate. However, due to stopping the activity, these building blocks are not immediately needed anymore, and they are being used to restore glycogen stores. Nutrients should however pass through 2 hurdles, the stomach and liver, and in order to ensure rapid absorption they need to be specially formulated. Should you be part of the Woolies boycott, opt for foodstuff that will ensure rapid absorption for recovery first, also ensuring the correct carb-protein mix. Dairy (for those that do not mind taking it) has been proven as a very good "whole-food" source. Remember, in the scenario you refer to, the goal is recovery, not supplementing. Your nutritionist (or if you don't have one, our's) can compile a "basket" that will make the Woolies foodstuff obsolete.


Check it out. I posed a question to an expert, and got a response. All is saved.

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These monsters came from Woolies. Yum.






Good for you.I certainly know 10 people that is supporting the 'do not buy at Woolies thing', and I can assure you they also know 10 people and so it goes on.Think the people have been heard and Woolies has responded and mission accomplished. If it was true or not it does send a strong message to other companies

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As a member of an EE committee, I am not sure where white folk are supposed to get employment. Experience or qualifications are not the main criteria, African or Indian are now flavour of the day. However, some of the salaries being "demanded" present the option not to pick the non white person and leaves the door open to employ the other person for the job. I agreed to be on the committee as I have just short of 20 years to retirement and I want to make sure my pension fund doesn't get siphoned off by Zuma's nephew or the like. The biggest racists in the company are the Indian men, they promote their kind over the Africans and query any white promotion within the company, even if it is the best choice.


From experience, our black staff don't stay, 3 - 5 years and they leave, most went to Eskom, guess thats why we had the power outages a few years back, they don't quite have all the knowledge they thought they did.


BEE as we understood it all those years ago was only required if you wanted to work with the government, which we do. You don't need "black" directors to get a BEE rating, just have non white staff which most companies will have, unless they are very small. We however, do have black directors and I have only ever met one at various seminars and he is worth his title.

On the other hand, we have some white directors and I wonder whose family they are.


Don't get phased by all this, there will always be change and its how we deal with it that makes us what we are.

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Maybe Woolies should aspire to have their employee profile match that of their client profile, because it's their clients that pay their salaries and drive their share price? I don't know what their client profile looks like, yet what ever it is it obviously must have geographic differences too.


Funny how some people would boycott SAA over their cadet enrollment plans because they fly once in a blue moon, but are happy to look the other way with Woolies because it affects a daily purchasing preference.


Off to go buy my favorite chicken, bacon caeser sandwich for lunch ...

Edited by flymango
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Anyone receive this e-mail??



the fact they wasted 3 mins of their time to come up with this drivel, clearly shows it pinched a nerve..


I'd prefer to receive a letter saying they changing the BORING salad and sandwich range ! f&&k enough already !

that Tikka chicken salad should be powering my 4x4 not ME !

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Millionaire Slices!




Will avoid this thread now. My laptop will end up buggered with water damage at the current rate.

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This is my current favourite Woolies treat…




That looks good.

Not in our Woolies up here tho.I lurve Artichokes.Whenever I can find nice fresh I cook them

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